Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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gltc gtodiute' gcny JBtwk,
Oh I It cannot bo, as they till mo,
That you'r ncarlng tho tatal goal;
It cannot bo a they tell mo.
That tho domon will ruin your aoul.
They toll nic, his chains are around you,
Filling your llfu with pain.
That you riso nbovo tho tempter
Only to fall again.
It cannot bo I that your manly form
Must bo crushed by tho fatal spell,
Will honor bo ost, aud bright hopoo fade
From tho hearts that you lovo so well?
Oh I how ofton sinco first wc met,
I have wondered with sad surprlso,
Why ono ol such strength und tenderness,
So earnest, and manly and wiso
Should bo crushed by the tempters spell,
Should bo lured from tho path of right,
But I trnst that it will not subdue,
You must put on your armor and fight.
Two paths aro now open before you
Ono leads upward to honor and fame;
The other goes downward and backward
To darkness and horror and shame.
With God by your sido you will conquer,
And toyou arc his promises glveh,
The tried that cudurcth temptation,
Shall do crowned in the kingdom of hoaren.
Until within tho past fifty years, Hie Ancient Briton
were universally regarded as the ancestors of the En
glish people, aud the advent of ihc Saxons was consid
ered a mere episode in the national life. No one
slopoed to consider how iho name England came to bo
applied to a bo called Celtic country, r why the Ian
guagewaanot Cellic. But with the revival of the study
of the Anglo-Saxon language, opinion changed. Afier a
superdcial study, wi hers jumped to the conclusion that
the English people are Teutons.
Recentl) a third opinion has been advanced, a kind of
compromise between the two preced.ng theories. It
claims that only the rural districts of the south-eastern
coumic8 are Teutonic; that the counties of ihemnth an
west an Celtic. Between these two districts the two
races are gradually combined, forming the modern
English race.
Our writer says that the pendulum of popular opinion
hasvwung from tho exclusively Celtic, o the ex lusively
Teutonic theories; but now bounds backward almost to
the starling point, each vibration bringing the see-saw of
opiuion one degree nearer the equilibrium ol Iruth.
The term Celt applies to tho descendants of the inhab
itauiB of Britain and Ireland previous to the Roman
occupation. Strictly speaking they were not Celts, but a
mixture of tho aboriginal Euskarlan, and
Celtic races.
It is an established fact that tho Celts woro not distroyed
by tho Romans as tho connublum was not granted thom,
they kept quite distinct from Romnn colonists, tho Anglo
Saxon invasion. There has been much controversy as
to whether tho Saxons exterminated tho Celtic population
of Englnnd. Tho supporters ol tho Teutonic theory con
tend Unit they woro entirely driven out. Tholr chief
authority lies In tho history or that porlod. But this has
been proved spurious. Tho Anglo-Saxon Chronical, on
which all later works arc based, is the earliest record ox
tant. This record, written some centuries aflcr tho events
which It narrates occured, undoubtedly had for its founda
tlon tho traditions of a more than half barbarous people.
This fact Is apparent from the chronicle itsolf. It Is
very explicit in giving dates, but ut the lowest rcconing,
when compared Willi Roman dates, it leaves some ten
years, which cannot be accounted for. Hengist and
Horsa are different names for the national emblem, the
horse, aud aro no more tho names of leaders than t ho
eagle Is the name of an American leader. In fact tho
Anglo Suxon chronicle is about as autheutic as the
legends of iho hero kings of Greece and Rome.
Then again tho fact that the Welsh writers make no
mention of their eastern kinsman, las been givon
as another proof that ttiey were driveu out. But the
Welsh hated and despised a Celt who would submit
eaven more than they did the Saxons, and by their si
lence showed their contempt. Because tho lauguasjo is
Teutonic, the Tcutonists contend that the people are
Teutons. But philology has little connection with eth
nology, only so far as it suggests. Take for example,
French History peoves that tho French are tho descend
ants of three differnut races; that they have adopted the
names of one of tiielr invaders, and the lauguage of nn
other. Suppose that the French language remained as
tne sole evidence of the ancient population of Gaul,
would the keenest philologcr arrive at any conclusion
other than that this people is essentially a Latin race,
which has had a slight connection with tho Celts and
Teutons? Could not the same be true ol England? As
the influence of the Celtic ami Teutonic languages sug.
gests the preaence of those races iu France, does not the
blight iM-esence of the Celtic iu the Euglis'i language sug
gest the same iu England?
While the Cells weie compelled by their conquerors to
adopt the Anglo-Saxon language aud laws, they still .re.
mained Cells in reality. That they still retained their
individuality, and exerted an influence over their con-qui-rors,
is evideut from a comparison belwceu tho Teu
tons of England and Germauy to-day.
Theie are two reasons why the classic Anglo-Saxon
hnguagc was Utile effected by the Celts. It would have
been unnatural for the Saxons conquerors to have adopt
ed the language of their subjects: all Germans have a
natural aversion to foreign words, prefering always to
translate rather than to transpose a word. Hence any
survival of ihe Cellic in Anglo-Saxon language is doubly
iinporiaui, inco it proves a close connection between tho
two ruces. uacause of tho hostility between the Celts
of Wales aud the Saxons, this influence could hare
come from no other source than the Celts of England.
Bui in the dialects the Cellic influence is much more
prominent limit in the classic lunguage. Classic Ian.
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