Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued scml-monthly by the Hesperian Student
Publishing Association of the University of Nebraska.
Managing Editor, A. G. Warner.
(0. S.
: : : U. H.
: : : E. J. 1
Literary, :
Local, : :
Drift, : :
. esoriATE, :
Medical, : :
Business Manaoeh,
Will O Jones.
C. G. McMillan-
Anna Saunders.
S. B. Letson.
W. C. Knight
The introduction of the theme system in many
of our departments brings with it a necessity for
very careful adjustment of study hours. No one can
afford, particularly in the early years of his college
course, to become a specialist to the extent of neg
lecting one study for another. A little knowle dgc
of everything is a necessity as a basis for a complete
knowledge of anything, and our University work can
be only elementrary at best. There is a need also
for easy accommodation among the departments
which require theme work. No more than one
theme can be properly prepared at a time, and one
subject well worked up is worth half a dozen carc
lesslv done.
Out copy, per college year, .... $1.00
Oih copy, one half i ear, .50
Single copy, .10
rates of advertising :
One column, one insertion,
Two squares, onu insertion,
One square, one insertion
. .40
All communications should bo addressed to the Hes
pkrian Student, State University, Lincoln, "Nebraska.
ditotml Soic
" THEeditorial force of this paper has been again in
creased, this time by the addition of a managing ed
itor. He will only have the general supervision of
the paper, and hence he is not to be credited with
any good things that may appear, but shall be enti
tled to all blame for anything objectionable. The
various members of our editorial corps will not make
the humble acknowledgement that one is accustomed
to expect from incoming officers, because we are not
modest. Without promises and without acknowl
edgements we begin our work, and will let that work
tell what tales it may.
While there is no one thing so necessary in class
work as thoroughness, there is a possibility of giving
too much attention to unimportant points, to the det
riment and confusion of principles sought. An in
stance in point is the case of a studeut who recently
presented a theme on Grecian furniture. After
weeks of earnest preparation the theme was read, but
the next day the student was ransacking the library
to find where the mirrors were hung in Grecian
houses. While in this particular instance there may
have been some religious custom illustrated by their
position, such attention to minutiae is generally a
waste of time and energy. Farts arc important only
as they illustrate principles.
"College life and college debating clubs, it has
been truly said, gives brightness, alertness, wit, can
dor, fairness, grace, to the intellects which they dis
cipline; but they do not give, they rdther take away,
that subduing and overpowering influence which come
of brooding thought and purpose which come, that
is, of the tone of mind which has not accustomed itself
to look at questions with other men's eyes." The
tendency of American students especially is to be con
tinually "spouting," on every occasion they take op
portunity to talk, no matter whether they know any
thing about a subject or not. This is a most ruinous
practice to the intellect, it destioyes the foundation
of true oratory, and begets a superficial habit of
weighing things that follow one throughout life.
Such men never achieve any success as speakers. Wc
do not want gabblers, we want thinkers.
Another Mormon Bill has been offered by one of
the senators, It proposes to place the government of
Utah entirely in the hands of Congress. Whether it
will be passed or not is somewhat doubtful, Senator
Edmunds says it is unconstitutional, and he is pretty
good authority. It would be an excellent plan if it
could be put into execution. There are but two ways
of settling the Mormon question, either it must be
wiped out of existence root and branch by force, or
it must be let alone, trusting that the influence of
time, education, and communication with the out
side world, will finally eradicate it. If the former
course is not feasible, then we shall have to accept
the latter. But it seems a burning shame that in one
of the most enlightened nations of the globe, the
boasted land of liberty and justice, that an organiza
tion should exist not only defying the laws of the
government, but also social and moral law. Mor
monism is not merely a religious sect, but it is a pow
erful and well organized "hierarchy," an "imperium
in imperio." It has become a very serious question.
It is no use to persecute its adherants, this would
only increase their fanatacism. If left to itself, it