TH l H 1SS V L It I A N S T U D 12 N T , N a largo Infusion of Teutonic word? Like onuses, ns a rulo,.producu like results, nml vlco versa. The religion lends to the same conclusion ns llic Ian gunge. Could n heathen and christntn nntlon have ex isted sldo by side, have occupied the same land, mid neither have influenced tho other? "To judge from the stubbornness with which Romanized nations everywhere rejected heathendom, and the facility with which Teu tonic tribes nccoptcd Christianity, it was not the Britons who would have become worshipper of Woden but tlio English who would linvo become worshippers of Christ." But Chrlstinnity wholly disappenred. When it. w.s brought back it was not by the Welsh, but by mission aries from Home, and when the Latin language returned it enmo as a foreign tongue needing an interpreter. The law as utterly disappeared ns the language and religion. If any fragment of old provincial life had suivivcd, would it not have been that which survived in all the other provinces the law? fu Roman times the towns played an important part,r,but under English rule they went to ruin. When they were repeopled it was not by a British but by an English population. It took mauy years for cities like London and York to cover the same space once filled by Roman towns. If Celtic life had flowed on as before would this have been the case? Then, teo, the laws of these towns were Teutonic. They knew nothing of decunons or curials. "The political institutions that we find established in the conquered laid, as well as the social uses of the people, were utterly different from those of the Roman or Colt; not only were they those which arc common to the German race, but they arc the most purely German institutions that any branch of the German race has preserved." The proof is conclusive that the English were not ex terminated by the Danes, since after the reign of thrao Danish kings they were able to restore the English dy nasty and hold it until overpowered by the Normans. It Is undoubtedly true that mnny, who call themselves Englishmen, are more or less Celtic; but as we assert that the founders of the United States were English, while we freely admit that all those who call Ihomielvcs Americans to-day are by no means English, so, in the face of established facts, we cannot deny that the tribes who laid the fonndation of modern England, those who have give her the sterling qualities which have made her one of the greatest nations in tho world, that spirit of enterprise which has carried tho English flag into every corner of the globe, those tribes were those who left their native homes across tho German sea, to become neither Roman nor Briton, but to found a nation for themselves, und to baud down to succeeding ages tho inheritance of Englishmen. '80. The University societies are getting energetic again. Thcv are advertising themselves again in the paper. Even the T. M. C. A's. are taking space worthy of thomselves. Let the good work go on, We publish tho following with pleasure. Eds. Student: I wish to state through tho columns of your paper that tho report circulated by certain unscrupu lous persons that I stopped at Hastings to visitfiicndsdur. ing vacation isabsolutly and tcetotaly false and the scala wags circulating the same know it to be so. Yours Truly, D. Forsyth. jganiyun t&nmrtlz. Pinaforo is resurrected. Latest styles In tints at T. Ewing& Co's. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewlng & Co's. Will Rush is tho latest victim of the measles. Celluloid collnrs nnd cuffs at T.'Ewlng & Co's. Sco the ndvertlsomont of St. Claire Hall, on lst.Jpagc. Tho Cadet Band still holds the fort at tho skating rink. Hesperian election next week. Look out for your scnip! Tho now chapel choir gotten up by the students is a success. Students subscribe for tho Student nnd vote in the next election. Largo assortment of collars, cuffaand neckwear at T, Ewing&Co's. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 1020,0 st. Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing fc Co's Clothing Emporium. For tho benefit of tho co-eds we would state that tills is the 470th leap year since A. D. See Mr. Lotson's ad. in another column. Boys that is your chance to make money vacations. A new fraternity has been organized in tho University. Pill Delta Tlieta is its name. Long may it tvave. Remember Students you can get fine work, and better inducements, in tho "Fotograf" line, at Kelloy & Co. 1020 O. St. Why not send an orator to tho Iuter-Stalo Oratorical Association? We have been admitted and ought t be represented. War, grim visaged war has broken out among the Mods. Tho several tribes have taken up the hatchet and aro out on tho path ; a "quartet" has been fought but it was n Bull Run for both sldss. It is our firm opinion that themeds arc becoming very expert in the carving business. Look out for your mus cles, if your blood is in bad condition. Students it will pay you to examine tho pictures made by Kelley & Co. before sitting clsewaro. Have you seei qhat daisy University Panel llioy glvo gratis? Last week wo noticed Geo. Ayers M. D., Professor of Anatomy at tho Omaha Medical College, proambulating our halls and inspecting our medical department. The ladies reception room has received an addition ia its furniture in the shape of a stove and chairs. They are petitioning for a spring lock on the door to keep out intruders of the opposite sect. Our comps aro furious at the bow-legged fiend who broke a glass from tho office window a few evenings since. They know who it is and aro laying low for himr Said fiend had better make himself seldom. H. T. Conloy is in town, not selling fruit trees but vis iting, lio tells some blood-curdling yarns of his experi anco. Whenever you want to hear first class anecdotes ones that would make a man inclined to be nervous, call on H. T.