THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. HESPERIAN STUDENT, Issued seml-monthly by tlio Hebperian Student Publishing Association of tho University of Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS: EmTOB8,N.C.nEF, : : : , gU0ArMAN. -.,. , . . ( Will E. Joiinson. LKJCAI'8 j Ed. J. Churchill. Literary, : : : : : CrrAB. S. Allen Associate, : : : : 0. E. Verity Medical, : : : : : : S. B. Letson. Businebb Manager, : : : W. 0. KNianT. terms o surBoniPTiON : One copy, per college year, .... $1.00 One copy, one half year, .50 Single copy, ....... .10 HATES OP ADVERTISING : One column, one insertion, $3.00 Two squares, one insertion, 75 One square, one insertion 40 All communications should bo addressed to the Hes perian Student, State University, Lincoln, Nebraska. jgAitoml St$ At the recent meeting of the board of Regents charges and specifications were presented against Prof. Thompson alleging his missmanagement and incompetency as professor and as the head of the college farm. The board decided that the charges were, in the main, not substantiated, but concluded that his methods were open to criticism in certain particulars. One peculiar feature of the investigation was the calling of witnesses to prove the manner in which the Professor was regarded by the students. This was a move that would have made an old fash ioned disciplinarian despair of the future of our school and of its present efficiency. However we deem this a very proper course to pursue. Fully half the students in this institution are working their own way, in 'part at least, and so must be in earnest, and anxious to have as good a school as possible. Con sidering these circumstances it may be seen that the students are simply citizens of the state who have the greatest interest in the University and are most favor ably situated for judging of its needs. The fear of disfavor with the professors will always be a sufficient restraint upon a tendency to "crankism," and we be lieve that the Regents in the future, as in the past will do well to regard the opinion of the students. Our Literary Editor has been smitten with vener- iiAfflaJkakCailvJL.and gets quite sarcastic in consid ering Gail Hamilton's estimate of his character. Gail says a great many foolish things, but there is a certain amount of truth underlying the self-con-scions folly of her talk. Such we judge to have been the case in the present instance. Even the gentle Whitticr says that the publication of Carlyle's cor respondence has disclosed so much bitterness that it has induced him to burn a corsespondence covering some fifty years, and that it almost compells one to believe that Carlyle was devoid of the milk of human kindness. "When I was in England," says Emer son, "young men used to ask me to introduce them to Carlyle, but I said, why will you have this vitrol thrown over you?' ' Such expressions from such men show that the great worshipers of Strength, or rather of Ruggedness, might be charged, not only with minor faults but also with a thoroughly unkind dis position. We believe that it is acknowledged even by Carlyle's friends that he paid a studied disregard ed to his wife's wishes, always when they interfered with his own, and often out of pure meanness. No man can, ofcoursbe perfect, but we should b careful ere allowing an excuse for indecency. "Two-fifths of genius and three-fifths clear fudge," is perhaps a correct estimate of the make-up of the scolding Scotchman. Wi have often thought, and now we feel con vinced that the Student ought to have a man aging editor, through whose hands all matter intended for publication in the Student should pass, and who would be responsible for every thing that appears in its columns. It is true that there are two so-called editors-in-chief, but neither has any authority over the other, nor over any other department but his own, and it is a very easy matter for articles to find their way into print without the consent or knowledge of any mem ber of the board of editors. This is the only expla nation we can offer to those who may feel agrieved at having their names causelessly dragged before the public in the last issue of the Studcnt. We believe that when the good of the University is con cerned the Student has a right to use its influence even at the risk of offending the powers that be, but it certainly is not intended as a medium far anyone to give expression to his personal feelings. With regard to that "Medical Bill of Fare" in the last issue we are glad to be able to say that no one on the editorial staff is willing to acknowledge himself the author, and how any one having the good of this paper at heart could find it in himself to write such stuff, which contains neither wit nor humor, but instead a good deal of vulgarity passeth all understanding.