U kiWnmiiBMMHilVinMHBPV")"1 ' ' ' "" mii.i nui iij i iitL 1 -' TiRl il iiiiiiiimiifiiT-inii iiiyiTfflhirtrn I i i Hi w al'T, 6 I V;. If Vl 11 I . '? t u our - I Hill JBbs if . il 1911 IjT f ' I 'Mil- Qk 5i c B 9BBu flH if 'a HU !!BtfV f a 1 la MBUal 1 j M I - 1 phi B fit 1 Mi Id CffflH allaBBr l It 1 jUbo HP I Snow six inches deep! Livery bills two feet thick! Thirty frosted noses last week. Twenty new students this term. Take all of the- slay-riding, its cheap. Look out fer the janitor hc's'go'. the moaslcs. Skating is buried somo inches under the snow. Ten students arc studying Military tactics this term. Hood thought that such an article could be so becom ing! We now have a triumvirate: Striekland, Mathison, an and Howe. Owing to the cold weather, work in the laboratory has been delayed. The chapel singing is not so immense as it was last THE ITF.SPF.R1AN STUDENT term. 7hoop up the bats. Hashes arc becoming aii epidemic in the town, i.e. every where except in these classic halls. All the Profs, arc taking their proper places on the roslrom, since the new chancoloric regime. Roller skating bruses arc mora common than usual this winter. The students must bo cnioyin? it. Freshman introducing Mr. C. to First Prep: "Mr. C. this ! is Mr. C." First Prep : "Is that so ?" The present weather is so cold that the average stu dents can't tell weatner they are a foot or on horse buck. If there is any mistakes; in thU issue, do not lay it to the force, fur it lias been below 0 for several days in the comosing room. The U. E. club is flourishing. Their motto: A full hand of hearts. They meet nrouud the circle. Stake half bushel peanuts. Tiic mcdi have commenced mutilating human bodies. Watch out boys, surely if you die in this section the meds kecu knlfo will cut asunder your flesh. Several York cadets passed throngh Lincoln on their way to their Alma Mater. Their suits were of cadet gray which sho-ved thcra off at a very good advantage. There has been a vigilance committee annointed bv townsmen to take charire of Wvuca cemitarr. hk -i v there has been some trouble regarding the future rest ing place of some of its occupants. One of the talented young gentlemen connected with thiB sheet is in poBscsBion of a flne guitar. Being in a i state of impecunlosity, he is willing to part with the instrument for almost nothing. Inquire at the deu for particulars. The band boys have been offered a position in the roller skating rink. If they accept they will play three evenings a week. This speaks well for our band and II is -with pleasure that we sec them coming to the fi out so that they may be heard. Say pard, old fellow, lend mo fifty cents, my washing is in "soak" at John Chinama--s, and fcc says "No mony no flhirtee, melicanmau bige mouth, talkee hecD. all.- , r , .. The Palladians aro making prcporntions for tho ora torical contest which is to tako pluco this month. On account of the reception given to Chancclor Manclt Friday night the usual joiat social of the societies wa postponed ono week. Regent Gere gave a reception to Cbaucelor Manatt at his home cor. 17 and J Friday evening. Iuvl tat ions were sent to the faculty and about two hundred prominent per. sons of the city. The following orators have entered the Palladian con test to tako placo tho latter part of January. R. L. Marsh, W. A. Baldwin, Elton Fulmcr, J. H. Mocket Jr. Will O. Joucs. A. Q. Warner and W. II. Lichty. To yon io kind Who those secka did tend, We bow our heads aid coedticead To say to 70a, The aocka we needed Bineh, For our fact were bare, lint please do sot sead Another Ave cent pair. One of ur Profs, rccclvsd the following notn just after Thanksgiving: Professor: Please excuso my absence for tho remainder of this week, as I have gone to Turkey. A new spectacular jdrauia will soon appear on the boards. The following synopsis of the first scene will give an idea of the play. ACT I. Scenb 1. A recitation room, two ehasrs; two ferns; two otherwise. All studying "Hebrew," C o'clock, getting dark. No chandelier, electric light, grand tebeleau. There are two classes students who rctuin after the holidays, The foolish one who has squandcrrd hit wealth on his best girl and tho folks during Christmas time. The other is the wise student who has carefully hoarded his duckets and will presently proceed to cut I out the foolish man under this his nose. Oysters cost 1 money. There always comes an especial feeling of gloom over the University whenever anyone connected with it is taken away by death. Such is thu case now. Mies Mary Thomas a brilliant young lady was taken from our midst Saturday Dec. 22nd at the Arlington hotel. Miss Thomas came from Marysville, Kans. and although she had been but a short time with us, alio leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. If the new Regents intend building any new edifices, for the accmmodalion of the school, we would respect fully suggest, that in addition to the much needed chem ical lubrnlcry and gymnasium and chapel, a fire proof two inch iron building 20 by U0 erected in the farthest corner of the college farm for tho benfit of the band ami drum major. The Y. M. 0. A. of tho University have a prayer meeting every Wednesday evening to which all students, especially those just entering aro cordially Invited. Alw Prnt. HitHirnrl.- ImMa i l.llilu-rno.ll.... a.inrlnw m cirri In IT samee he takee shiriee, no com bank som mo, he givme ut 8:30 which is very Interesting. Student, should be mony he takee shirtce, com back, mor wunhee gibme able to spare time to attenc these religious services and fifty rent, taitec washee student to muchee cheek. we are kure you cannot spend an hour more profitable