tJuDiU nat. THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. f.sS2SrSS3,55 PI Z SS L" A aM !" i Fl&afiO sapRi ujth n a a 2 ff&t t to i s 2 rrs-re t - m ET j rrx .po w c- n .5 & n re c t 2 s! , p; ;r t-S2.ret3TJ sfmrs FRANK J, BENEDICT, -TKACHEIl or PIAKO. tA,. AND HARMONY, Tuition, $19.00 per term of l (half hour) Icbboiih. First door norlli liormltory intoh on (feouuiirvntorit, Corner G and 17th. Tho largest Collection of Green House plants 1 n tho State. Cut llowcrs. Ilorul designs of nil descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tuho roses in bloom. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 3. 3. 1IHHOFF, Prop., Turkish Russian Salt Water 5, In tlio Hotel. Rheumatism cured by Turkish Baths. Corner 11th and P Strcots, Lincoln, Neb. JANSEN BROS.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, Retailers, and Jobbers of FURNITURE. Wost Side of Post Oflco Square. 103-5-7 N. 9th. LINCOLN, NEB S. GIVEN8. 8. K. PEARL. Star Laundry OH ELEVENTH, BET. V AND Q. ALL WASHING DONE BY RAND AND Warranted First Class! USUAL RATES, And washing dono on short notice 1R. S. II. KING, DEJTTIST, 1020 O STREET. A. J. SHAW Physician and Surgeon Office removed to O St bet. 10 and 11. PHI II for tno working class. Send 10 111 1 1 I Iccnts for postage, and we will mall UWlollyoufrM, n royal, valuable box of sample goods tliat will put you In tho way of making more money in n few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Cap ital not required. Wo will start you. You can work all the time or in spare timo only. Tho work is universally adapted to both sexos young and old. Yon can easily earn from 60 cts to 85 evory oveutug. That all who want work may test tho business, wo mako this unparnl led ofl'er: to all who are not well satlslled we will send SI to pay for tho troublo of writing to us. Full particulars, directions, etc sent free. Fortunes will bo made by those who give their wholo timo to tho work. Great success abso lutely suro. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stinbon & Co., Portland, Maine. Richmond Straight Gut No. ! ciaassrrsa are made from tho brightest, most delicately flavored and highest cost Gold Leaf grown In virgin'a. J his Is tho Ui.n and Uukiinal IJUAND or 8TIIA10HT (JUT IIOAUETTK8, IllUl was brought out by us in 1875. vjUTtojr. The great popularity of this brand has has caused certain parties to place on salo base imitations; tho public is cautioned to observe that our signature appears on every package of Gonuino Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes. RICHMOND OEM CURLY CUT TOHACCO. The Brightest and Most Dolicatcly Fla vored Gold Leaf Grown. This tobacco is dolightfullyflilldand fragrant. Absolutely without adulteration or drugs, and can bo Inhaled with entire satisfaction without Irritating the lungs, throat or mouth. Allen & Ginter, Mnfrs, Rich mond, Vu. ALSO MANUFACTUUKRS OF Opera Puffs, Little Beauty, Richmond Gem Etc., Clgarottcs. Richmond Straight Cut, Turkish & Porlque mixtures, and Old Rip Long Cat Tobaccos. DEALER IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite P. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA PROP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAKER Y. - i i w DAVID MAY, DEALER IN CLOTHING AND G-ENTS' FURNISHING AfYnnicwantearorTll0'LlveBoIall the Pros HgclllOideutB of tho U.S. Tho largest, hand somest best book over sold for less than twice our prlco.Tho fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agonta. All intelligent peo ple want it. Anyone can becomo a successful agent. Terms freo. IIallbtt Book Co. Port land, Mnlno. JfoMtt 3?wtotfte, North Sltlc PoNtofllco Square. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Buy Your Gro ceries ut the Key stone Grocery Corner M and 11th, Goods Fresh and J. BAUGIIMAN. PROPRIETOR sronDMusws Get their washing done nt the Chinese Laundry, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 116, South nth. M. HARRIS, DENTIST. Teeth Insortcd In Gold, Silver and Colin old. All Jwork warranted. Office, 1007 oi I.