mmmSmmSmB THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 8 n $xchmiQt rh-a-rnt. tgftcdicxl SliatfinQH, They say that the MormonB aro erecting a fine college building at Salt Lake City. Wo bco that our old Osceoh, Nebraska friend, Frank Barrows 1b cditor-in.chlef of the MuOrmieronicle, of Tabor, Iowa. In tho Wisconsin StatoJJniveraity tho Sergeants of tho batallion are from tho Sophomore class; tho corporals from the Frcsliman. One of ourX's remarks that "the corset is going, of corset is." But wo would gently insinuato that tho corset most stay. The Blackbwnian is a month or two behind in print ing Lord Coleridge's speech on tho classics. But we are supposed to think: "Better Into than never." .Ono of our college exchanges heads an article "Tho Poet Burns." If it is about tho one who writes tho "pomes" for our contempory, wo are glad of it. No man can wear for any considerable period one face to himself and another to tho multitude, without Anally getting bewildered as to which may bo true. Hawthorne. Tho College Rambler remarks that the Student is no only alive but a "much better paper than last year. It showB that the editors are putting forth earnest efforts in its behalf. The editorials are written in an interest ing manner, and that, upon subjects which arc of inters est." Correct: go to the head. Wood lu stove, Oil in can; Kitchen girl Tries 8 plan. Lights tho Arc. Fours tho oil Qces to heaven A-la-IIoyle. We don't admire the prnclice in any paper, and espec ially in'coUcge journnls, of dunning delinquent subscrib ers. There is extant au impression that printers live chiefly on wind, and wo are sorry to seo tho Iioekford Seminary Magazime disabusing the impression by hold ing the editorial club threateningly over tho heads ot its delinquents. Speaking of Anna Dickinson tho Atbury Monthly deals out a great iuperabundance of taffy in regard to her acting Hamlet. Hear it: "Her conception is good, masterful and original," going on to say that she can not hope to compete with Booth or Barritt. For our part, when Miss Dickenson, or Miln either, for that mattor, tries to "fitar" it, sho should bo mercifully criti. cized, if deserving, wo think. Tho Alabama University Monthly for December con tains an article on Alexaurder H. Stephens, which shows loyalty on the part of tho writer to the Union, such as pone of our northern stales can surpass. Wo are glad to see this sentiment from the young men of the South, and believe that tho voters of tho coming generation can lay aside the differences of tho lato war, and be each a loyal part of our nation, greater than over before. We are much plcQBed with the general makeup of tho Month ly and give you a cordial greeting. May you continue to call is our request. To see a pleasing example of household familiarity visit tho Eclectics. Another week passed without our professor of Surgery! How long will this continuo? The Eclectics have prlvnto clinics Saturdays which seem to bo well appreciated. Wo observe with no small degreo of pleasure that quite a number of the meds aro christian workers. Mods arc crammed six days in tho week. Somo, poi haps, make it a steady round sovon days in tho week. Statistics are said to show that .only 20 percent of tho graduates of medical colleges, over persuc tho practice of medicine. Persons having any trouble with tho oyo or ear should consult Prof. Qraddy as many have already done with most satisfactory result. no is at tho University every Thursday. You will readily understand that somo clinics of great interest to tho student are necessarily not reported Find further mention of clinics below. In this city, Dec. 10th, a young man trying to catch a rido on one of tho U. P. trains was dragged under. One arm was reduced to shreds. Ho wab taken to tho Mots ropolilan hotel where Dr. Hart assisted by Captain J. K. Post amputated the arm four inches below tho shoulder. Necrosis : The arm of a boy ten years of ago received a bite from a horse, breaking the humerus and den. uding a portion of the bono of its periosteum causing necrosis of the denuded portion and great emaciation of entire limb. Four months later, this dead portion of bone three inches in length, midway between elbow and shoulder, was removed by the surgeon. New bone has tuken the place of that removed, wound has healed and the hand and arm aro npproachiug a normal condition. Cataract removed: Six weeks after tho operation of iridectomy, at tho home of the puticnt in this city, tho fi nal operation for removal of cataract mentioned in last issue was successfully performed. Operation:--A per pendicular incision equal to one third of tho greatest diameter of the cornea was made just anterior to the outer edge of cornea extending directly inward through tho previously enlarged pupil to tho crystalline lens. Then the lens capsulo was ruptured and by a series of peculiar manipulations, the crystalino ions was coaxed out through the opeuiug. Wo meds viewed the operation with wonderment, tho operator with admiration and pored over tho extracted lens in students delight. Tenotomy: Alitllo girl seven years of ago crippled with a form of congenital talipos, known as equine varut received tenotomy in process of troatmen. Boforo the operation tho Bole of the foot, in standing, Instead of bo. iug in a horizontal position, was almost exactly vertical the foot resting on Bide of foot just back of Binall toe with heel refusing to come within au inch of tho floor. After section or the tendo achillis tho heel was brought down and tho foot by manipulation and pressure brought into proper positon and thero secured. Light and simple treatment immediately after birth would early have given tho child a good foot, but, atler this lato day careful and long continued treatment ii the only road to cure. igSa&W- 4 ji