TII'E HESPERIAN STUDENT, The Best Place To Buy AIJL KINDS OF GROCERIES Garden and Grass Seeds, is V. E. Farmer, HO South 11th. 1300 K St. HOVEY&PECK, Wholesale and Kctail dealers in Moves, Hardware, Timvnre. Woodcmvnrc, &c. First clubs 1i!U(1muc store. A spe cialty made of pocket knives. 100 Norih lOih sticet. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES Can be fonnd at the BOOK STORE OF GLASON & FLETCHER, The finest line in the city S SIR T8 AND underwear Made to order at reasonable rates at THE LINCOLN SHIRT FAGiORY, 1221 O STREET. ttton soqie Meets cverv Friday evening In Union Hall, third story of University. Debating Clnb Saturday evening. K. O. Lewis, President; Geo. Franklorter, Scc'y. NO MORE LONG SITTING! L&?7l&lfy IS MAKING rnOTOOUArilS INSTANTAN EOUSLY BY THE DKY rnocEss. Special Hales to Students .' m&Nmm r Iff" SR&mmi. GOODRICH BROS. BOOTS And SHOES, -A LL THE LEA DING STYLES AN D LOWEST PRICES IN THE CiTY. 1108 O St , North Side. LBMIITO'S ART STOKE. Elegant Plush and Leather Goods. Books and Albums in fine bind ing. Art Souvenirs in endless variety. All in readiness for the ZXUMZA-S. TRADE! A. T. LEMING- & CO., 102G O STREET. INGRAM BROS., 1234 O STREET, LINCOLN. PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS. SATISFACTION IN QUALITY AND PRICE GIVEN Vjr xr-J"r 2 "VT ZE3I PRESCOTT, LINCOLN, NEB. CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE MUSIC HOUSE IN THE STATE. If you buy an instrument without seeing me and my stock you will surely miss if, for I am positive I can save you money. I have a fine line of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents; besides the finest stock of Pianos and Organs eier brought to Lincoln. I have a fine line of Music Cab- lnf'tfi fnr linlflinir fllioot Mucin nut Mntitra "C..11 'l&C&iS? Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. BASTBR;IT PBICES X)ISCTJ3STTEID!! 3si$l Oupa&WB Will Heceir Prompt Atten.im? aii ftixtis taction CUmi-im-leciS. W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST.