V?v i i 4r & t- . 1 I HESPERIAN STUDENT .,3 UNIVERSITY QI NEBRASK Vou. XII. C; L A.1C.9'X 133a5sSSt- No. W.'J 1 rDUR PATRONS IN '83 Who Ciimo Iroin the TJNIVERSHY AND THE UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY : LINCOLN, NKR, j r: iscrtlumVoi jiiiiMc1' OUR PATRONS IN '83B jm &E-m Gonscr M20 K STREET. VOCAL STUDENTS: Misses. Louisa Klngslcy, Mnry Thompson, Mnry Campbell, Coin Nnylor, Morn Hrlscot), Maggie O'Connor, Minnie Thompson, Ily North Lincoln Branch, 423 K. 12TII STREET, OPPOSITK UNI V KKSITY. ToncherSthoroiigli. , Sj stums sciontinV. A Metliorts nrtittlc. Tuition reasonable. Advantages uiiui-pn-.scd. nrniuny. Maggie O'Connor, Minnie Thompson, ny i Aiivnmages unsuii Alderman; MessrF. Chester Kvans, Wntcr Vflr.Ctlturo, Piano, Organ, lid ChnfVeo, A.O. Kdgington, J. V. Parker, T.tf. 'vorTnfonnntion address Clomonts, Kvorctt Kddy, W. T. Jackson, ami . . .M. lUlrnt:, 23 others outside the University, W. L. F YlP.mOTHKU, (!mU,)ir .v 7n9 Director. Voca' Director. PIANO STUDENTS: MIsm'S Mnry Leonard, Kosa Vincent, Holon Aughoy, Alien I'tittle, Flora Hnrkor, Armetta Martin, Lillian Snow, Anna Barr. Anna L. TackKon, Jennie Hydo, Mary Thompson, Cnnlo Mauck. Corn Naylor, nnto Scott, Gertie Smith Laura Roberts. Messrs P. A. Wood, John Dowdon. Hurt Johns, (-has. Allen, Ohas ltailmoie, and .11 others outside the Unlvcr slty. Total Vocal 4 Total Piano Am E3Z. "W". BO'VsT'iT, ' DRUGGIST, COIBIjIEGKEi T.EXT w " - AN'O L MEDICALBQO.KS! ' ' AND A COMPETE LINE 6.F siricti:cAXc xHSau&uax estops 127"oitli Eleventh Strce.1. Js ; : . UNIVERSITY STUDENTS , Atfo.cordinlly invited to call at the Commercial Toiisorial: Parlor. WmMmmf Matfm Tmm CMorcMtr : ,1 KUTGHINS & HYATT, DKALEI18JN coJii. urn jwooi. . Sawed and split wood a specialty, fipaiing. Oftlcei JlkiO O Street. Pine h j&tttjfoBt T. G,JcIrriaB, pjter. Strictly First. Class and BEST KEPT Hotel in the city. APHI7P ! Soml six C0nt8 for postage, and I lllbLiroculvo frco.a costly box or goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in the world. Allof cither sex succoed trom first hour. The broad roud to fortune opens before the workers ab solutely sure. At onco address, TnuK Co., Augusta, Maine. "gmoriefn. a nullHmim 1 itcrarr. "Forma Mentis sterna est." ltcgular meetings every Friday evening, commencing promply at 7: 30. Students and grangers welcome. Miss Clara Paiks, Pres ident; Will O. Jones, Sec'y. Debating Club (open to Pnlladlansonly), Saturday at7:80rM. All the attaches ot the Stuoknt, except the co-eds aud the lit erary editor (who is too young), pntronizo the popular tonsorlal artist, S. F. Westerllold, O and 12th. They can testify that "Sam" is a skilled workman and a gontlemiin. Club rates given. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 820 South Eleventh, I have just received a fine full stock of black for dress goods aud fancy business suitings. One door west of Baptist church. it. jl. p.iuri:, jig. d., onico 1123 N Street. Go to A. M. Davis for Carpets Etc, Etc, mhhhihwmimiimiwmmw'I'mmw" muniwmn TIMBWWWM fc t -.. mm: