rt THE HESPERIAN STUDENTi. 1 THE UNIVERSITY Of NEBRASKA r Five Complete Courses, Open to Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuition Free. iharge tor Incidentals. No ni ui FACULTY: U.K. Hitchcock, A. M. l'h. D., Dean, ami ProfoBSor ofMnthomntics. George McMillan, A. M., FrofeBsor of Greek Langungo and Literature George B. Howard, A. M., Profossor of History. G. E. IJurbcr, A. M.. Professor of I.ntln Lnngitnge nnd I.ltcrntuio. II. II. Nicholson, A. M , Professor of PhyBlju-inil Chomlstry. L. A. Shormnn, A. M., Professor of English UcratUi'o. F. V. Grubo, A. M. Professor of Modern Lii'.gMiigea S. It. Thompson, A. M., Profcssorof Didiictlcs and Agrlcultnro. Harvoy Culhcrtson, M. S Professor of Horticulture Charles N. Little, A. II., Tutor In Mntliomntlcs nnd Civil Enjr. FACUITY: F. L. M. Enstorday, A. M., Tutor In Natural Sciences. Dion II. Culver, Tutor In modern languages. II. V. Caldwell, Tutor In History. Miss Ellen Smith, A. M Principal Latin School. Miss M. G. Hitchcock, Tutor in Latin School. Adolnldo Dearborn, Teacher of Elocution. Conservatory of Music S. D. Holunahn, Dlrectou Painting nnd Drawing, Misses Painter nnd Dn vis. Lieut. Diehard Townloy. U. S. N., Military Sclenco and Tactics. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND NEWS!! Students are respectfully Invited to call and examine the large line of BOOKS, PICTURES, & ZF-AJSrair QOOIDS DISPLAYED BY GEORGE W. FAWELL, lia NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, FOR THE 85T University Supplies a Specialty, .gj J4 V Hff