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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1883)
iii Liiiiii(Miinirdiiiiiiiiiil THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. tMawtKMHKMrt I 6 G I (jkxniyuu fittmrda. Themes. No suow. No cold weather. Threo fires Inst week. Forsytho is impendent. Nono but seniors mnrry. Breech lms got the mitten. Good weather for duck li'inting. Latest styles in hats ut T. Ewing & Go's. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's. Commandant Townly has gone to New York. Celluloid collars and cuffs atT. Ewing & Co's. Special hnrgains for students at T. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Go's. See the advertisement of St. Claire Hall, on 1st. page. No societies last Friday evening on account of Turkey. It is 6(h)eldom that you hear of a med on a wolf track. Large assortment of collars, cuffs and neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 1026 O st. Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. All the newest styles and patterns of clothing and gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's. Don Clark has been obliged to go homo for his health. He says he will bring it along next time. "Warner says that ho wouldn't care a cent about flunk ing in class, if lie only succeeded as an actor. Dave Forsythe is the Inziest man that ever ato pio with a fork, nnd Miss Keys will bear us out in that statement. Bon Johuson has been appointed drum major of the band. This is a fitting tribute to his great musicul abil ity. Remember Students you can get fine work, and better inducements, in the "Fotograf" line, at Kelley & Co. 1020 O. St. Nearly fifty students improved the opportunity of Thanksgiving to utilize half fure tickets to their respect ive homes. Room to rent, with use of Piano. Good chance for a couple wishing to study music. Boarding if desired. Apply at 1150 R. St. When a certain young man took his lady home (cornor of T aud 18tb) and had fainted ho was hcaro to exclaim "pass-more camphor." Tho janitor's chimney has had a tin additinn put on it lately, bo that it looks more like an inverted plug hat than any tiling human. At one of the boarding houses of tho city they prepare their onions so strong that ono can feel tho breaths of tho caters twenty feet away. Students it will pay you to examine tho pictures made bv Kelley & Co, before sitting elseware. Have you seen -J-. ...ntta? Drill will continue until tho hoi "days. Moro pretty water pipes, on tho front side of tho bnlld ing this time. Buy your boots and shoes of 0. W. Wobstor, O st Acad cmy of Music. Call and see tho now fall suits at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. Ask Johnson how it feels to break a window pane out of the Student ofllco. Students I bo'iold tho new ad of W. H. Prescott's, where you buy holiday goods. Wo would call attention to tho now ad of Geo. W. Fawell in another column. If there is an thing original in this issuo, do not bo alarmed. The editors have been away. The delicious peiTumo arising from one or two now stoves makes the air odorous on tho second tloor. The rneds are becoming so skillful in Anatomy that thoy claim to be able to disect a fifty year old ghost. If another coat of paint wero put over tho medical ad. on the roof it would Do less promiscuous so to speak. It grinds tho soul of a student to be awakened from a peaceful slumber to go an see an old barn burn down. The janitor has a pair of mittens in his posession that the owner can have by culling for them aud paying dam. ages. Ask any ono that lives on east U street about tho trials and tribulutions caused by Will E. Johuson and S. D. Klllen. The boys have already used up threo base balto and kicked two foot balls out of existence Wo still huyo some energy left. Our opera house addition is booming. Likewise tho street errs. This a is live town oven without stndcnt en crgy and sign painters. They say Allen is about to enter tho ministry. Spends most of his time in solitary meditation; looks sanctimo nious, and wears a long coat. It is not safe to call a professor a liar. At least so ono of the sauotum occupants discovered lately. "For fur ther particulars enquire within." Our livery men are getting in a largo Block of $5 per hour cutters. Students look well to your pocket-books and keep your bank-books nigh. If wo are not destined to have tho tho steam heating appratus this winter, it is fortunate that tho Bureau has eont us comparatively warm weather. Ice skating is rather slow this year, but tho way tho boys roll around in tho roller skating rink is a caution even to their last year's experiences. They say that the total weight of tho University hao increased 2,000 pounds since Thanksgiving. Those who went homo must have had big turkics. f Tho rumor is afloat that Warner has fallen from grace. Frequents minstrel shows and theaters. Combs his hair in tho middle, and wears a "dude" cap. Additional hymn books are to bo procured for chapel'. The alto and profundo basso of the choir will thon bo-' provided with two books instead of one, as at present,' Not a bad scheme V