Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1883, Image 1

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Vol. XII.
No. V.
"Humnn nnluro in its Individual developments human
nature in the mass inny best bo studied in its wishes."
Tlio editor disclaims responsibility Tor nil opinion s set
forth in this issue. Satisfactory reasons can bo glvou if
"The lesson of life is practically to generalize, tolbcllcvc
what the years and tho centuries say against the hours, to
resist the usurpation of particulais, to penetrate to their
catholic SCH80."
A critic in tho last Student has made tho astounding
discovery that all people are not alike. Wo congratula to
him on his powes of perception, wo shall await with in
terest what great truth ho will next evolve.
Julian Hawthorne has completed another novel. Crit
ics speak favorably of it. Ho certainly has genius, al
though ho lacks his father's power in the working out of
his tin mes. His intellect is not so subtile, his strength
is massive nnd dues not dill'iiso itself.
Ah oncomorc, I cried, yo stars, yo waters
On my heart your mighty chnnn renew;
Still, still let me, ns I gaze upon you,
Feel my aoul.bccomlug vast like you.
From .tho lutonse, clear, stnr-sown vault of heaven,
Over tho lit sea's unquiet way,
In the rustling nlght-alr came tho answer;
Would'st thou ho as theso are? Lite at they.
Mathexo Arnold
What is tho use of holidays some one asks. Their chief
advantage is to allow people to expend the folly they have
been holding in check up to th it lime. For what person
in his right mini would think of doing what is com
monly the custom on such days. The first tiling is to eat
tin extravagant amount of all tho undigostablo dishes that
have been conjurcd4up since tho time of Adam, and a
continual after lire is kept up throughout the day. After
tho system has become thoroughly demoralized tho clN
max is capped by dancing most of tho night. The next
morning dawns flndingeacli ono demoralized physically
and mentally, pondering this deepest of all conundrums,
what's tho use of being a fool?
Some one, speaking about college papers a few days ago
remarked that they were a good thing for students to
practice in, but he never pretended fo read them as he
did not cure to bo practised upon. There was some rea
son, for this: the young wiiter is like tho young plaint.!,
bis first attempts are painful to the hearer. Ho struggles,
blunders, hesitates, gets away from his theme, uses tho
wrong word to express what ho wants, and finally closes
completely foundered. And thus ho labors on in this
painful style, many Itimes completely discouraged and
disheartened. His productions after llioy are finished
sound so slide and flat, bucausothey fall short of his con
ceptions, that ho feels like Hinging llicm away in disgust.
One of the ediloriv-iii-ohiof deoondB from his dignity so
far as to make a few remarks in a patronizing way about
societies, doubtless aiming at us. "We thank him for tho
soeiely-codo ho has laid down for our benefit. Wo were
in danger of getting a wrong ide-i of tho subject, but per.
haps by his timely intervention tho calamity will ho
averted. Wo shall never forget li is charity and comic
Rcendunce, lie has our eternal gratitude. To be sure wo
had always had the same opinion ourselves, but wo need
ed corroboration of some stronger intellect, before wo
dared to assert that it was correct. Our friend evidently
is intended for a missionary, and wo expect to hoar from
him in that field at no distant day.
The Microcsm has found its way to tho University Li
brary. To tell what it is would bo impossible, our only
hope is to say what it is not. It seems to be the organ of a
certain class of clergymen, and the object, judging from
tho articles, is to ciut.li Huxley and Tyndall, yes even to
trample them into the dust. Wo wuuld judge from tho
abuse heaped upon them that tluy were the embodiment
of all that is evil and demoniacal. One minister remark
ed that lie would gel up on a fence and crow as soon 113
they were put down. We advise every minister of such
propensity to have a fence convenient, for as soon as this
journal reaches Tyndall and Huxley they will bo wiped
out of existence. Tho editor discourses largely on sound,
and we judge ho is sound, not the adjective sound, but
tho noun sound.
Lincoln is now undergoing a series of revival meetings.
It is a grand work, yet some of its results may be ques
tioned. The methods employed appeal to the superficial
side of man's nature, and sometimes the seed sown takes
no deeper root. Many arc driven away rather than at
tracted seeing religion put in such a light. Those of a
sensitive temperament do not like to see tit Is, tho must
sacred of all questions, treated in such a heterogeneous
manner. Tho result is as George Eliot says, "Religious
ideas have the fate of melodies, which onco set afloat iu
the world, are taken up by all sorts of instruments, sonic
of them woefully coarse, feebie, or out of tunc, until peo
plo arc iii danger of orjing out that the melody ilscif is
delcstublc. Is it not one of the mixed results of revivals
that some gain a religious vocabulary, rather than a re
ligious experience.'-'