m HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. v Vol. XII. OUR PATRONS IN '83 LINCOLN, NEB., NOVEMBER 15, 1883. No. IV. Who cnint- from the UNIVERSITY AN O THE UNIVERSITYCONSERVATORY : VOCAL STUDENTS: JIIbsch. Louisa Klngsley, Mnrv Thompson, Mary Campbell, Cora Nnylor, Flora Uriscoe, Maggie O'Connor, Minnie Thompson, Uy Alderman; Messrs. CliiMtar Kvnne, Walter Chnfluu, A-O. Kdglngton, J. V. l'nrkor, U. F. Clements, F.vorett Kdd, W. 'I. Jackson, ami 28 others outside the I nhirsitv, Conservatory of Music, 1420 K STREET. North Lincoln Branch, 428 N. 12TII STH13ET, OPPOSITE UNIVI3KSITY. Teachers thorough. Systems xclotitiilr. Methods artNtlc. Tttitlon reasonable. Advantages uinMUimoil. Yoke Culture, Piano, Organ, llarmom. Violin. -U. etc. For Information nddros . .11. JHl.1I' lilt s GenU Director. I,. 1M1HHHOT1IKU. Vocal Director. OUR PATRONS IN '83. PIANO STUDENTS: MIshob Mary Leonard, Kosn Vincent, llolon Aughey, Allen l'uttle, Flora Harker, Arinotta Martin, Lillian Snow, A mm JIarr, Anna L. Jackon, Jennie Hyde,. .Mary Thompson, Canlo Mnuck, Cora Nnylor, Kate Scott, Oortlo Smith, Mutra Kobefts. Mensrs. F. A. Wood, John Dowdeu. Hurt Johns. Clin. Allen, Chun Kadmore, and :ll others niitid the Unlvor sity. W Total Vocal . 1'iitnl l'lano 13 ...M Co to A. M. Davis for Carpets, Etc, Etc. w ttM' w, TO ?J 1 COLLEGE TEXT AND MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OF 17 RC HOAR X Iff V Riff ME STOPS. 127 South Eleventh Street. UNIVERS ITY STUDENTS Aro cordially Invited to call at the Commercial Tonsorial Parlor. WmXmmp Qh M.r Fmjb Cuoscuar JUiffM 9P GtatCMM GaXMTTBB, Got their ivnshf ng done at the Chinese Lavmdry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear "done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 116, South nth. fa Mh$Uv, J". Cf.McXATiJrn, JPj?oi. Strictly First Class ami BEST KEPT Hotel in the city. M. HARRIS, DENTIST. Teeth insartcd in Gold, Silver and Gollu old. All work warranted. Oftlco, 1007 O St. HUTCHINS & HYATT, DlIAI.KItS IN co. 1 1. i.ri wo on. Sawed and ttplit wood a specialty. lMno kindling. Ofllce, 1010 O Street. Mmih Jfyttt SHIRTS AND 0 uff j m :ui it :ei a 3 Mado to order at icasonablo rates at THE LINCOLN SHIRT FACiORY, 1221 O STREET. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 829 Sotult Eleventh, I hnvo Just recohed a lino fall stock of black for dress goods nnd fancy business suitings. One door west of Baptist church. JI. i. F,IJTJE, M, J?., .VCO.V, Ofllco 1145 N Street. Bli