Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 15, 1883, Image 1

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Vol. XII.
No. IV.
"Always do what you nrc afraid to do."
"Time ilics'ovcr us but lonves its slnulow oohind."
"The unremitting retention of bhuplo nml high senti
ment in obscure duties is burdening tbc character to that
temper, which will work with honor, if need be, in the
tumult or on the scaftold."
Ben Butler, the democratic nominee for governor in
Msssachusetls, has been defeated. That such a man as ho
should be chosen as governor of one of the louling states
of tin; Union would have been a disgrace.
The Republicans have carried Nebraska by a large ma-
jority. It seems the parly is not dead yet, with a little
rcsusticuling it will elect the next president. There is
room for now developments between now and next pros-
idcntiul cleolion.
An editor, in a recent number of the Studrkt, chal
lenges any one to discuss ihc question whether a member
"who does not wish to do literary work had butler with
draw from the society." This depends on whether ho is
going to college or to sooicly. If the latter wo would
agree with him.
The State Unitarian Association met a short time ago
in this city. The attendance generally was small. The
west has not yet developed the element necessary to
maintain this church, and many of those who are called
Unitarians bore have no claim to the namo of the real
Unitarian church of the east, as represented by Lowell,
Longfellow, Emerson and.Clarkc.
Rev. Dr. Thomns, of Chicago, lectures in Lincoln on
tho 22nd. Ho is the man who, whon ho found that ho
V could no longer honestly subscribe to the creed of the
Methodist church, had tho courage to speak out. Though
he occupied a high position, and was regarded as one of
vho lights of that denomination , yet ho sacrificed these
in order that he might be true to himself.
Mathcw Arnold is now on his way hero. His object,
we suppose, is to become acquainted witli our country
and to give lectures. Representing as ho does the cul
ture and progressive thought of England, wc may listen
with profit to his criticisms on our manners and institu
tions. Asa poet and writer he is not so well known in
this country as he ought to be. Perhaps his conceptions
are a little in advance of tho times, as those of all really
great thinkers arc, but he rcaches.and inspires a certain
class of minds as no one else can.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps has written anolhor book, en
titled "Beyond tho Gales." From the nature of Hie sub
iect it is purely imaginary, and U a roprosontation of tho
author's conception of heaven. There aro but few wri
tors capable of taking up such a subject as this, but she is
said to have succeeded fairly well. Questions vf this
nature regarding future life and the immortality of tho
soul arc too vast to be coped wi'.h by human means. The
result of trying to embody the conception in words is tin
satisfactory. Wo feel too deeply upon it to attempt any
exact anal sis of it. The Infinite can not be expressed
bj the finite.
In listoning to the orations of collego stud out:', the ques
tion often comes up do they form a desirable style of
speaking. Many of them run into more "gush" and scn.
timcutalism, totally devoid of sense or reason. They
sound nice, but sound is not a very safe criterion toguage
speaking by. Our best orators use very plain simple Ian.
guagc. In questions of vital importance men csro not
how one speaks, but what ho speaks. The most impor
tant thing is to acquiro the habit of siczing upon the sas
llcnt points in tho most forcible manner and holding
them before the audience. Excessive elaborations de
stroy the force, which is the main thing to be considered.
In Highways of Literature there aro some valuable
hints on how to road. One of its siiggC3lrosis is that hav
ing read a chapter, at the first opportunity, when you aro
alone, reproduce it aloud in your own language. The
advantage of this is twofold; first it requires an accurate
conception of the authors thought; second it cultivates
the power of expression. Many young students read over
an incrcditdo amount, but so carelessly that two hours
afterwards thuy would scarcoly be able to recall a single
thought. Some such practice as this would correct the
habit which ruins so many minds. This Is based on tho
hypothesis that only standard literature is used. To take
this method with the Fireside Companion would hardly
bo advisable.
Many of our performers on tho piano seem to have au
idea that rapidity and power, or rather noise arc the most
essential things. To those that enjoy gymnastic exercises
it is interesting to watch tho fingers, but it is rather pain
fill to those listening. As a rule the player selects a piece
too fast to perforin with case, and consequently it causes
you to catch your breath, and grasp your chair for sup
port, suilering the most intense agony all tho time lest he
break down, until it is over with. This may be all right,
it is said that this is a progressive age, but tho old masters
used to teach that expression was essential; and that tho
pertormcr should select music adapted to his proficien
cy, so that ho would not give the impression that he was
attempting something out of his reach.