THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. last word debar all but exceptional students and while Some of the best men we have are of our own western type for this department, we as a state have few en couraging features for the development of such il sPe(ia knowledge, and few have the thousands to acquire it elsewhere. We do not mean to be unjsut to any one, but we wish to say to the Board, look around for some time, go slow, get the best tutor possible, and if he shows himself to be of the right metal encourage him by promotion and advanced salary, and by harmonious working with the present professor of chemistry and physics you will soon build us up a scientific department second only to those most famous of the east. Recomendatioiis are easily had and usually mean little, see your man and know him before you act. MODERN MAQIO. Iu the twilight of what is known as the Dark Ago lived, as now, men who longed for moro light than Ihero was given to their geuoratiou ud therefore, lacking facts built observatories on foundations of faucy. Seeing a solid wall of conclusions rise about them they iorgot the irailty of the base, proceeding on the theory that whatever was assumed some hundreds of years back gained some degree of truth at least from the credulity of its believers. Experiment, exploration and thought are vital conditions of our race and that mental activity which in our day would havo led to great discov cries and scientific advancement turned to the occult arts of magic and, what is always the result of false thought, raised a stumbling block to the progress of truth. In the theories of those brave men who dared so much for knowledge and power there is often a strange and distorted likeness to modern scicuco such as wo see through imperfect glass or in misshaped mirrors Those who called down and subjected to themselves the spirits of the sun, moon and planets find a counterpart in the inventors of to day who make a slave of the sun light, causing it to carry our packages aud heat our houses; as the magicians of old bound the demon Of the storm to their service, so our magicians shackel the lightning and send it on our errands. But the greatest triumph of modern magic is the forc.i ing of the powers of nature to yield the secrets of their nativity and of nature. Instead of consulting the spirits of the rocks and groves, iu order to discover the hidden mj stories our enquirers go to the ray of light, they dis sect and anylize it, they concentrato and dll'use it until all its message is made known. Coming perhaps, from the great central luminary of our system it tolls how eight minutes since it trembled in a sheet of fircy vapor whose fold 8 could hide many an earth like ours, or it speaks of mighty whirlwinds throwing aside the flames and rend, ing gaps in whichfa world could lie like a marble in a well. From this sunbeam wo find also what elements gave it birth and what malcriuls composed the vaporous clouds through which it passed on its journoy. Unlike many travelers howovor it docs not consider its work dono when its story is told but falls to work, and appears again in a loaf of bread on a poor man's table or in a fresh bright thought from somo fertile brain. Other and similar visitants havo talos to t', of and predictions for the future wl, vuJHk(J Qf tcrreslial prophets, never full n ah,lonU A rfty 0nghl after traveling for a t'-ltsav,a ycnrfa imgGS mt0 tho ,ele scope imagirtM0U5 byoi,nii and minds lko Hcrschel and Laplace see tho pa9t history of our solar system., They tire carried back to a tlmewhen an inconceivably Vast space stretching far beyond tho orbit of the most distant planet, was tilled with elemental mists. Thoy sec how gravitation tho force which moves our pondu lums and swings our earth through its orbit began to concentrate this cloud of matter in a common centre how this motion caused an ever increasing revolution giving rise to anew and opposing force; then followed bo. tween thcao two forces the generation of planets and of satellites ouc after an other until the present great syss tern found a place in tho universe. Not content with tho his tory of tho past our Instructor now shows us other systems in various stages of completion illustrating each phase of our own earth's developemcnt. Concluding the lesson with a hint of the future it points to our satellite Iu its airless and silent wastes, its extinct volcanoes, speaking only of departed life, wo behold an earnest of our own fu ture condition, WO see in faucy the great glaciers of tho north and south reaching out to clasp hands until all the world is held within their embrace. Shortening now tho gunge of our time telescope wc see new races of animals appear and decay generations of men spend their moment of eternity on this spinning globe and disappear -we know not whither. Wo think of great labors completed, great discoveries made a con tinual approximation to the millenium. But beyond all these things is a horror of great darkuoss; a time when thinking beings in some far distant globe, peering through a greater instrument than any of ours, will see a, faint light disappear, as one beholding a city from aa elevation sees tho lamps go out one by one; or will note that a star of tho fourth magnctude suddenly attains, tho first and after increasing some days gradually returns to its former lustre, and this will mean that the child of the sun has rejoined its parent; that the world once bur dened with our hopes aud sorrows has became an atom, in our great central str. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW- The so called "Realistic School" in modern fiction is suicidal in its tendency. In accepting it we aro porclpi.. tatcd from Shelley's height of "Awful loveliness" to a depth of awful uglyness. We aro urged to contemplate tho dark, shallow, hopeless side of life, and then call it "realism." Is this "realism" nal ? Is all the world a sham? Aro there no manly men capable of heroic daring aud sacrifice sublime courage and patriotism? Aro there no womenly women women who can bo truo and strong; and not .falBo and. (rivolus; who can bo kind und sympathetic and not heartless ?. Tho world presents two opposite currants of expprjpnce, youth and ago, Ufo and death, joy and -florrow,.supQess. and failure. Theso A f " -U N