V HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NfiU., NOV15MB1CR i, 183. No. III. OUR PATRONS IN '83 Who nunc from tin' UNIVERSITY AND TI1K- UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY! VOCAL STUDENTS: MIhhcs. LoiiImh Kliignloy. Mnry Thompson, Mary Oaiii)bul, Corn Nnylor, Klora Jlrliu-oe, Mn;gio O'Conner, Mliuilo Thompson, Ily Alderman; Mpeorn, Chuiii r Evans, Wnllur ClmnVf. a.O. Kdgliigton, .! '. l'aikor, II. V. C'lumoniH, Kvorntt Kilily, T. .Inchnon, nnd 2N other otilBlilo ttin I'nlvt'r-liy, Conservatory of Iffuglr, 1120 K STREET. North Lincoln Branch, 428 N. 12TII STREET, OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY. Teachers thorough. Systems selontlllc. Methods nrtlstlc. 'InltlQn reasonable AflvautaguB uinMirnatsct1. Vnlco Culture, I'lano, Organ, Unrmony, Violin, etc., etc. For Information address . n. jhi.iv K it. (ten'l Director. V. L.l'.MIUinOTHfiH, Vocnl Dlroctor. OUR PATRONS IN '83. PIANO STUDENTS: Misses Mary Leonard, Itosn Vincent. Hulon Aughoy, Allen l'uttlo, PJoru Uarkor, Armuttn Martin, Lllllnu Snow. Anna Bnrr, Anna L TocIhoii, .Taiiuta .ilydo, Mary Thompson, tnrrln Mauck, Cora Nnylor, Kntq Scott, Gertie Smith, Laura Hoborts. Messrs. P. A. Wood John Dowdon, Burt Johns. Ohns. Allen, Chns Uodinoro, nnd :il others oiituldo the University. Total Vocal.. Total Plnno .1.7 .03. Go to A. M. Davis for Carpets, Etc, Etc, .) t: n W t J (Bfo WJCBXWft COLLEGE TEXT ANB MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OP 127 South Eleventh Street. UNIVERSITY STUDEN TS Aro cordially Invited to cnll at tho Commercial Tonsorial Parlor. Arjra Geaxa b GMatMxrrJta, BWOTUeiH-t'OF Get their aviikIiIii done at tho CJiinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear Jdone up in first-class style. Yce Lung, Proprietor, No. 116, South nth. W jfottogtat J, Q.McXitrrxit, Pjtof,, Strictly Virnl Clasdand BEST KEPT Hotel in the city. M. HARRIS, DENTIST. Tooth Insortod In Gold, Sllvor and Collu old. All work warranted, onico, 1007 O St. HUTCHINS & HYATT, Dealkiih in Sawed nnd split wood a spoclnlty. Tine klndllns. Ofllco, 10lo O Street. iin$wi$t $tfm SHIR TS AND Mado to ordor at ronsonablo rates at THE LINCOLN SHIRT FAClORY, 1221 0 STREET. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TaILOR, 820 South Eleventh, I hnvo Just recolvod a Ano fall stock of black for dross goods nnd fancy business suitings. One door west of lluptist church. Ofllco 1135 N Street.