6 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. initli. Tlio (luctrir.o which to Shrkcspoaro was (lis tniit vague, iinutU'i'iiblo is hero presented with u dra- math: vividness to the renders mind. Materialism with Its heaver sciences and other ndjuncls is a hollow fantasm a Homing llhn On Iho gi'cat ocean of truth. The uni verse itself is lint a vesture of the nnknowahlc, eternal He has hcaid the song of the Earth Spirit in Gootho's Faust "Than nt tho roaring loom of Timo I ply Ami wonvo tor Ootl tlio gnnucnt thou tlocgt boo lilm by. Action is to liliu the magic wand that unfolds tho mys teries of holng. "Work is worship; and tho temple oflahor is this world of ours with its dome reaching to tho heaven of heavens. What he says ufhis fictitious "professor" iscspccl. ally applicable to himself. "His attitude is that ofa man who said to Cant, 'Begone; and to Truth, 'Bo thou in place of all tome.' A man who had manfully dolled the Time's Piinco as devil to his face; nay, perhaps Ilannl. bal.HUe was mysteiiously consecrated firm birth to that warfare, and now stood minded to wage the same by all weapons, In all places, at all thnes. In such a cause any soldier, were he but Polack Scytbcman shall bo welcome. 84. The school gills laugh, ho ho he. Latest stales in hats at T. Ewing & Go's. Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's. Celluloid collars and culls ntT. Ewing & Co's. Special bargains for students at T. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewing & Co's. See the advertisement of St. Claire Hall, on 1st. page. Hens will go bare-foot no matter how much you aJioo them. Buy your boots and shoes of O. W. Webster, O st Acad emv of Music. Large assortment of collais, cuffs and neckwear at T. Ewing &Co's. Tho Faculty has prohibited the windingof 'Waterburys' during recitations. Aie the Pi ops in the Hesperian Association or not? Answer in our ne.t. Bos now is tho time to lay in your coal and kindling wood for the winter. Call and see the new fall suits at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 1020 O st. Best style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing & Co's Clothing Emporium. Over U0 btudenls alteiided the opening lecture of the Medical College on the 2nd. All the newest styles and patterns of clothing and gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's. Many thanks to Mis. Anna Stephens for the abundant supply of wedding cake. Hks. Comps. In (ne of our societies wo were informed, greatly to our sin prised tlmt kihis people were a free-loving race. We have heard of but one Oneida Community, There is a saying abroad in tlio school that one can recognize a book-agent by the curl of his moustascho. It may not be gonorally known, but It is nevertheless into, that the Juniors arc intending to orgnnizo this year. Bomouibor Studonts you can get flue work, and better inducements, In the "Fotograf" lino, at Kolloy & Co. 102(1 O.St. Boom to rent, with use of Piano. Good chance for a couple wishing to study music. ' Boarding if desired. Apply at linn R. St. The Juniors have organized 1 Only think of it and wcap. For further particulars enquire of Miss Sopha Meyers tho honorablo president of the body. Alvin White, who took the degree of A. B. last yei r is taking a courso or mathematics, and intends to com--plete tho Engineering by next Spring. Students it will pay you to examine tlio pictures mado by Ko!ley& Co. before sitting clsewarc. Have you seen that daisy University Panel they give gratis? Geom. class; brilliant Freshman: "Now the area of the insciibed circle is equivalent to the area of the 'out scribed'" and ho wonders what the class is laughing about. Students, if you have no college enthusiasm loft after society, class organizations, debating clubs and chapel worship, yet for tho looks of the thing subscribe for tho Studknt. The now crop of moustaches of this term is so infini tesimal that the whole school are beginning to wear eye glasses. It is hard on the eyes to look at such small articles of apparel. All are invited to the noonday prayer meetings of tho Y. M. C. A. in the chapel, from 12. to 12.15. These meetings are very interesting and all will be cordially welcomed. Meeting in number 5 every Wednesday even--ing, at 7.15. A prominant couple in the city celebrated the 20th anniversary of their married state with a china wedding and our unsophisticated Soph, onquires whether he married an American and if it is the lirst Chinese wed ding Lincoln oversaw. For sale: A new guitar, warranted sound in wind and limb. Will play anything from "Pcuk-abno" to "Mont rose" and never needs winding up. Burns either wood or coal. Satisfactory reasons for selling: tho owner is "busied." Addreba this olllce. The Hanncmannian Medical Society meets every Wednesday and Saturday in their 'room. The olllccrs for this term are as follows: Pros. D. B. Buckuer; Vice Pros; D. 11 Bell; Sec. W. I. Bush; assistant Sec". E- llugg. About 40 medical students aie now registered and has the appearance of becoming a grand success. At a called meeting on October. 2nd a Base Ball association organized with eighteen charter members. On the -1th they met, adopted costitulion and by-laws and elected tho following olllccrs for the ensuing year: Pros. W. C. Knight; Vice Pies. M. U. Thomas; Sec. W. E. Cunningham; Treas. P. F. Clark. Their number has since increased to twcutj-llvo. Soon they will select nines aud prepare to do good playing, V