Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Call ami sco the now full suits at T. Ewing & Co's
Clothing Emporium.
The best judges of nrtlstlc work go to Kelloy & Co for
Photos. No. 1020 O street.
Students of music will And It to thoir advantage to call
nt 458 N. 12th. St. bofiro muking'.cngagomonts for lessons
in olthor singing or piano.
Students desiring club rates for tonsorinl work should
call on Sum Wcstorflold, the best barber in the city, locat
cd on the corner of 12th nnd 0.
All students wishing thoir last year's flilo of tho Stodent
bound in neat and durablo binding at tho lowest possible
rales, should call immediately at tho ofllco and report to
tho Bus. Man.
The Studunt ofllco will bo open from 0 to 12 A. M.
During this time nil visitors, whether for business or
pleasure, wlii please call. Tho comps must not bo dis
turbed while at thoir work.
Wo wish to repeat, for tho benefit of now students, to
always trade with thoso who advertise in our columns.
Thoso who euro so llttlo for tho students as not to adver
tise descrvo no custom from us.
"Wo state ofllcially that tho well on the north sido of
tho University has been cleaned and a pump put in and
now contains drinkable water. Water pityJUmt these im
provements havo not been attended to sooner!
Wo understand that the Band boys have obtained tho
services of Prof. Wobor, of tho University, ns thoir leader
nud instructor. Besides being an able pianist tho Pro
fessor is nn unusually fine violinist and cornotist.
Tho Freshman class, with much pluck, have organized
nnd intend firmly to run affairs in their sphere to tho best
of thoir ability. At any rate, so it scorned on Thursday
last, judging from tho unceremonious ejection of yo local
from thoir caucus.
Tho janitor lias removed to now quarters in tho base
ment, and w think ho has as cozy a room as any person
of moderate wants can demand. With bcll.ropo, teles
phono, and all other "modern improvements" close at
hand, wo fear ho may become lazy.
Tho number of new studonts this year is encouraging
to our futuro success. Over 100 per cent more new stus
dents are enrolled this year than last. All wo need now
is a chancellor and a Btcam heating appratus, and wo can
hold our own witli any iustituliou.
The nged cow which walked away last spring camo
wandering back through tho campus one night last sum
mer. On its return it was received by a committee from
tho debating club and ovatcd to its heart's conteut. It Is
now safely stabled in tho medicnl room.
Tho drill this year opens with a much larger number
on tho roll than has been In ranku for two years previous.
About 70 havo registered, aud these, too, from tho Uni
versity and of n size fit to make a presentable appear
nnco in lino. Let all who havo time register for drill.
Why can't tho boys organize a gymnasium? It seems
ns though there was enough latent energy among tho stu
dents at least to kick tho distended foot ball on tho now
mown campus and put a new moan in tho mouths of tho
possessore of the many swollen shins that would result
Our Dormitory, formerly known as tho snored ovens
lng resort of tho industrious students, has changed Its
character, and is now occupied, managed and directed
by tho "Sisters of tho Sacred Heart."
Tho following dialogue was audited in tho halls tho
other day. Confident Sophomore to Bashful Frcshglrl;
"Miss will you accept my company for Friday ovo?"
B. F.: "Well, I don't know I think so, but I guess I'll
havo to ask my ma." And O. S' thinks next time ho
wlllafjk"ma" first.
Tho Studio under tho direction of Misses Duvh and
Painter opens what promises to bo a very busy year.
Tho Studio is already filled with pupils. Tho water
colors by Miss Palntor, and tho crayon and oil work by
Miss Davis aro admirablo pieces of art. All interested
in flno art should visit our Studio.
Tho societies hold a grand oponlng on tho evening of
tho 14th. Tho halls glittered in thoir now decorations,
and the puzzling question of "Which is tho better?" was
frequently asked, but soldom answered. A great number
of the now studonts woro in attendance and, wo hope,
became well acquainted with our school and societies.
Only a puddlo
In tho strcot.
Man in a muddlo,
Don't watch his feet.
Only a slip
An unwilling scat.
Only an urchin,
Thinks It's a treat.
At tho commencement of tho year wo would respects
fully announce that among tho things considered as pub
lic nuisances, are "Pansy Blossom" and "Peoksa-boo."
If any one attempts maliciously and with forethought
to whistle, sing, hum, or piny cither of these, tho facs
ulty havo unanimously decided to bounce him with
out mercy. So beware.
At a special meeting of tho Palladian Society, Juno 4th,
tho following officers were elected for tho fall term: Pros
ident, Clara Parks; Vice President, Slgel Polk; Treasurer
John Mockett; Secretary, Will O. Jones; Corespondlng
Secretary, Will T. Mauck; Historian, Mary Jones; Sor-gcant-at-arms,
W. II. L'ohty.
A a special meeting of tho Union Society, on Juno 4th,
the following olllicers were elected for the fall term :
President, E. O, Lewis; Vice President, Lulu Miller;
Socrelary, Geo. B. Fraukfortor; Assistant Secretary,
Sopha Meyers; Treasurer, Doll Stratton, Critic, J. H.
nolmes ; Sorgcant-at-arms, A. A. Munro.
A locturo room for tho medical facility haa been fash
ioned from a part of tho old Palladian Hall on tho
ground floor. The seats for tho pupils havo been raised
in tiers so all can see tho lecturer who has his station with
in an enclosed spaco at tho north of tho room. Dr.
Mitchell claims it to bo tho best class room in the build
ing, and wo think all will agree with him.
The societies havo been on tho alert this Summer in
decorating and otherwise improving thoir halls. Now
chandulicrs.and elegant wall paper, and, In tho Palladian,
a now carpet, compriao tho improvements. The only
thing lacking at present Is a chango in tho pictures
which lino tho walls of tho rcspectlvo halls. Tho fact of
it is, tho pictures do not look cssoutially in harmony
with thi rich, wall paper and carpets.