EEF25 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. University Students Yon aro cordially invited to visit G. W. FAWELL, AT BUS And oxnmlno his flno lino or Books, Pictures, Stationery and News HUTCR1NS & MY ATT, Sawed and split wood a specialty. Tine kindling. Ofllce, 1010 O Street. GOODRICH BROS. BOOTS And SHOES, A LL THE LEA DING STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. 1108 O St , North Side. The Book of the Geniniy! An Educational Cycloqtedla and Business Guide. The mod complete educational Morkcvcr issued. Royal Octavo. Three Vol umes in one, llGOpagc, 4- O illmtt at ions. Vol. I Contains, Vrgitntlon, 15 initiations; Ni tural History 15 111.; Astronomy. Hill.; Gcoloey. 15 ill.; Jlineralo;.-, 18111; Met ullnrgy ? riijfricnl Geoyraphv, U ill; Ulrtory. 42 ; Law 5 ill. VoL II. Arithmetic. 0 ill; Drawing, 12111; I'hys o and Mechan ics. 8 ill; Chemistry, 18 ill; Acricnlture, illl; .Medical Treatise, SO. Vol. Ill (jranmiu-; Gemsjo 1'oetiy; lihcturlc; Logic; Klocu tlon; Phonogiaph) ; Synoiijuns; Pronunciation of Foreign Langua ges (jugtal ions Jrom Foiolgn Languages; Penmanship. (A) ill; Let ter fining; uooKKieii'iiL', 4 in; juhmc; Deportment, 2 111: House liolUf i! ill; iames; lallor s Measure; Dictsmaking, G ill., Uliart millinery. and AGKKTS WANTED to soil this bonk, either fercash or installments M. R. GATKLY, 52 I'curl st, EioMon, Mass, or 129 S. Clark M., Chicugo, Illinois. JW wHt 1014, 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NB J. c, KIER Hatter and Furnisher Fine Goods a specialty. George B. Skinner, PROPRIETOR Livery And Exchange Stables. 224 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. First Class Horses and Vehicles can be had at a moments' notice. A.T. LEMING&CO surcKssons to FOX & STRUVE, BOOKS & STATIONERY 1020 OSSTRF.TR. E. HALLETT, JEWELER. Estnblislicd 1871 Liugc Mode ol Holiday goods u received. Academy of Jhtsiu Building, O St., Lincoln.