Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1883, Image 1

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Vol. XII.
No. I.
Want of confldcnco is want of goodness, in other words
it is a firm belief in the original and total depravity of
our neighbors.
Conversation in elocution class: Teacher: What is
affectation? Student: It is affecting to hear a pupil speak
his words distinctly and mind his punctuation marks.
Affection is sympathy for the piece.
McCarthy's History of Ireland, just published, is im
partial and accurate but unproportional. The author
while evincing great capacity for labor in the collection
of materials shows little discrimination in selecting the
fittest for his purpose.
The bones of Shakespeare arc at la3t to bo disturbed
The vicar of Stratford will allow the grave to be odcucd
for the purpose of comparing his skull with the bust and
portraits of him. It is also suspected, without reason
however, that something may thus be lonnd that will
throw light upon his life and writings.
The taste for original work in science and literature
at our University is growing, Certain students have col
lected and classified with care and labor the flora of this
and other regions, forming herbariums of which even the
specialist might be proud. Others are distinguishing
themselves for their researches in entomology.
Several circumstances indicate the increase of luxury
at the University. Witness for example the elegance of
the society halls, the malting of the lull floor and other
such comforts. The prep no longer walks alone. He
has his solace too. But ot all luxuries ever invented, the
most luxurious is that of the co-eds who send their photo
graphs to examinations instead of appcaaring personally.
Surely wc sit on the very pinnacle of refinement!
The societies are fields for literary works. Micro
cosms they arc, mooviug in regulated orbits around a cen
tre that of literary excllcnce. They should not be a ren
dervouse for intrigue and malignant rivalry. A friendly
generous competition is healthy but strife prevents the
true aim of the socitics and gives even to the literary
taste of the members a certaiu morbidity which is very
unpleasant and prepares the way for distrust of our fel
low mcu.
An advertisment appeared some months since of a
"Life of Poe," the poet, by G. E. Woodberry to be pub -lished
some time during the autumn. The author has
now taken the work actively in hand and we may hope
to receive soon a better critcism of Poc's works than any
heretofore made. Perhaps no man is so competent in
this as Mr. Woodberry. He possesses a wonderful crit
ical acumen, a refined and elevated taste and an extensive
and accurate knowledge of literature. Ho is a born critic
and we can confidently look for a unique work from his
pen. no has spent the summer in tho composition of a
poem of considerable length which also will bo publ ished
when completed.
How strange it is that even our best periodicals even
nov contain so many articles that extol to the skies that
so called "practical education" which is no other thau
surface culture. One says: "Docs the clerk prize his
ability to read Virgil or Goethe more than he would tho
ability to write a business letter?" True education docs
not gild the surface, but it makes golden the soul of mau.
We want not men with monkey brains, who can by the
mere art of imitation perform surface work, but men
with great, comprehensive working minds built up by
the severest exercises in the classics and sciences, power
of mind, concentration of thought, attention to one
thing long enough to think it out; bredth, culture and
intellectual growth are what we want.
Not long ago there was a melon steal, which was
not of tho ordinary sort, for it happened at noon-day
and was supported by the fair sex as well as the "gentle
men." A dozen or more students who were awaiting
dinner at a certain parlor, saw a stalwart Fresh walk
into his room, which was across the street, witli a largo
melon. The girls suggested that the melon be stolen,
to which the assembly agreed and the most cunning thief
which was one of tho boys, was selected to commit the
unkind but necessary deed. The dinner bell was rung
and Mr. Fresli who was boarding at this place immedi
ately responded and the laughing crowd seated themselves
nround the table with the exception of Mr. . He
was secreted in a place appropriate for his scheme.
As soon as the knives and Tories commenced to rattle
3Ir. went to the room, hypothecated the melon and
rcported 1 1 the kitchen, where the melon was prepared;
for the table and in due time was served. Mr. Fresli
partook of the melon quite sparingly, uo doubt thinking
of the largo one at his room, and remarked that the
melon was not excellent and if he was to select one ho
would find one much superior in flavor as well as in
looks. ThoBe enjoying the joke could not help laugh
ing to hear him pass judgment upon his own selection,
and what was once his own melon. Being excused from
the table he made haste to his room, no doubt intending
jo feast upon a choice melon. In a few minutes he was
seen to come out witli a horror stricken counteuauce
and look about, as if in search of foot-prints. While thus
engaged he was informed by a co-ed of the joke and
thus it ended. Since that time not a co-ed ha3 been
known to assist in eating stolen melons or engage in
hooking them.