THE. HESPERIAN .STUDENT' ,HI o -- B C 5 J? TJ O Si - ?S?FfWESTERFIBJLD j ' ' .9 4 rf ft I 1 f ' Still holds tho Fort atUhft raass sr Bays "S2o M C B" -o'gB3 b -SSs i a . of. a o ti2 .!n bSi f o 3 Q3r ow FRANK J;' BENEDICT, TEACIIEIl OF PIANO, OBGM, AND HARMONY, Tuition, $12.00 per term of 24 (half hour) lessons. JFirslitoor north Dormitory. Corner O ami 17th. Tho largest Collection of Orcon llouio plants in tho Statu. Out lloworB.floral designs or all descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on band. Tea and Tubo roses iu bloom. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. IM IIOFF, Prop., Turkish g Russian ! Salt Welter (d In tlic Hotel. ItlicuniutlNin cured by Turkish BalliK. Corner 11th and P Streets, Lincoln, Nob. JOHN KELLY, 'MERCHANT TAILOR 320 South Eleventh, Keeps Constantly on ISand a Fine stock of Goods. f JAN8EN BROS.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, ltetailers, and Jobbers of FURNITURE. West Bldo of Post Oftlco Square. 103-5-7 N. 0th. LINCOLN, NBI1 R. C. Man ley, EAST BIDE SQUAItE. ',GREEN FRUIT, FRESH CANRY, .ri h ft v a o a o a P- QS a1 m 5 3$. 3 n o K o f3 fl S 03 ol O o .B O a a S3 .5-S a mt M ss a O J; o O a a a, B a O. Kin g aS-S 'gsll8 rt s b o s&.ltJ - vw ,,. - CJ " u MO kl 1 oj y o . 3 OS O IO a o 9! ?-; ag 2 -u w 2X o . so SAh Pi 5 m h da a a o 2 55 s-c 3 a fi3 g iS-o Soil! os. "o V u o o L k. JJ MB S"S! 4)"IJ JS O wjS2S szss o-r 0 g '' a B- J3 ff C tt. cu": o-p 5"5r-. -t ri . . . .m n ? JSS qOjBsagw o u 3 O B 2B OJ3 u US i) 5?S C3 V3 hi oSjS 5 E 2g k i L. o o a 'go 0 s r3 A"r V w f f. P H.J3 Ctw -Co a 2 u 5kJ 00- P.5 oj ' " B J5 Bw w n o tc-f . .. o ao .j ( H1bb3 jafs for the Million! FOO CHOO'S UALBAM OF BIIAIlK'SOIIi Positively ltestorcH tlio IIciirliiK. uiul tho only Abwoluto Cure for l)i:nfiiCH Known, This Oil is abstrnctud from n peculiar species ofxiimll tvlil'u Hlinrk, caught In thu Yellow Sou, known us Caiiciiauodon Hondklktii Kvory Chlucso ilsliurman knows It Its virtues ns a restoratlvd of hearing was discovered by Uuddlilst Priest about tho year 1110- Its curt were so numerous and so many scem liiKly miraculous, that tho remedy was ofllclnlly proclaimed over tho cntlru Umpire Itsuso became so universal thatforovor 300 yours no DcufnessliusoxIstcU ameg tlio Cltlncso pcniilo. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1X0 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say! It has performed a miracle in my cnno. I have no unearthly noises In my head and hear much better. I have been greatlo bonisflto.l. 31 v deafness helped a great deal think another bottlo will euro mo. 31 v hearing Is much bonllttcd. I have received untold benefits. My hearing Is improed. It is giving good satisfaction. Have ibeon greatly benefited, and nm rejoiced that I saw tho notlco of It. "Its vlatues aro unnuestlotiablo and Its cur ative character adsolute. as tho writer can personally testify, both from oxpcrlunco and observation. Write at once to IIatlock & Jenmv, 7 Dcy street, New York, enclosing $1,00, and you will receive by return mule a remedy that will enable you to hero like any body ulse, and whoso curatlvo effects will be permanent. You will never regret doing so." KllITOll MEnOANTILB Heview. Cr-To avoid loss In tho moils, send money by registered Letter. ONLY IMPORTED BY. HAYLOCK & JENNY. Solo Ageets for Amerlcr. 7 Doy St., N. Y. Star Shavpwg Parlor! First clnss shnvlng, ten cents. Hfth cultint.', iwenly-flvu cenls. 1202 O 8t. PMOP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAKBET A. J. SHAW JRhyalclan and Sugcon Ofllcc rcmovcil to O S bet. 10 and 11. Office 1123 N Sticct. DR. S. II. KING, DEWTIST, 1020 O STREET. DAVID MAY, DEADEH IN CLOTHING AND G-ENTS' FURNIHSING Art Wfr Swiwifci North Sldo 1'ontoiUco Square LINCOLN NEBRASKA. Ruy Your Gro ceries at tho Key Htone Grocery Corner M and 11th, Goods Fresh irud Dealing' Square J. IIAUGHMAN. J. S. HOFFMIBR, "The Druggist" A full line of Drugs, Medicines, Stationerp, Fancy Articles, Lamps, Etc. Students trade solisited.