llliMMftiWMiaBiLMuiMuuui'ii'iii '""rTiSBiBSwwnl ;, iWUlill minrmi n irii imimir m inrii lr-TTT,'TTTrrMfciii i m iinT-iiniTrrT-MTiii Ti ! TB 1 il $$& Q$U&Hlt& HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA.: Vol. .XI. 'LINCOLN, NE&, APRIL 5, 1883. Nd&XI. St. Clare Hall Conservatory of Music. , 1420 K Street, Opposite Capitol, Lincoln, Neb. Second term opens Monday March 10, with a full corps of tcachora In each department. Superior advartages offered to those wishing a thorough musical education. A term of 0 prlvato lessons, one hour each, either Instrumental or oeal, I ldudlng SO class lessons In sigh singing, 10 lessons In harmony and Tree admission to all Conservatory concerts and recital uhou during the term, $14.00 Ulats of two pupils, with same adantagcs as above, each. $8.00. Class of four chtfh, $300. Children For GO dally prlvato lcscons, including ticket of admission to all Conservatory concerts and recitals, $14 00. ' , UJ'IfJtMllT STVItEJS'TS And pupils llvlug in tho vicinity ol thu University cau bo accommodated with lessons and Instruments for practice at 1189 It street, opposlto University. Lessons may begin at any time. The names of the following pupils aro submitted as reference: Misses Mary Leonard, Rosa Vincent, Helen Anghcj', Anna Hawkins, Alice Tutttc, Flora Barker, Armctta Martin, Lillian Snow, AnnaBarr, Anna L. Jackson, Nellie Hyde, btclla Tinkle, May Iinrr.'Mlhnlo "Beckham, Tote McMnrtry, Jcnnlo English, Frltra Barnard, Plumn Lashlcy, Minnie Thorn peon, Maggie O'Connor, May Kobcrts; Mdms'.Tnttle, Chapln, Prlndlo; Messrs. F. A.Wood, John Dowdcn, Burt Johus, A. O.Edglngtnn, Chester Evans, Chas. Allen, Chas. Iiadmoro, FrcdLc'ldtko 11. IK. DRAPER, Cioii'l Director. W. 1,. FAIRBKOT11ER, Director Vocal Dcpm't. Get tlicir wutthliigr done at the Chinese Zatmdry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. n6, South nth. 33 '&&$ P. ?. ATeljrrix;ipMi'., Sir Icily First Class and BEST KEPT Jlotel in Ihe city. - Jfc HARRIS, ENTJIST. Teeth lntartcdain Ooldi' Silver andiuCcllnS lold,' All work ifrrrontelfr fflco,1007 O StU MRS. W. E, GOSPER, TIIK OLD UEI.TAjlIiE DEM.GK IN MILLINERY A2JD 1 T3EXG GfctQJ89 Has Just received Fifty Dozen now Collars. DEAJJSH IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite P. O. LINCOLN, - 1 - NEBRASKA. NO MORE LONG SITTING! 13 MAKIKO rnOTOnnAPHB IN8TANTAN EOU8LY BSfcTDCE BUY rnooEss. Special nates7 Students t STUDENTS' SUPPLIES Can bo fonnd at tho BOOK STORE OF CLASON & FLETCHER. Tho finest lino In the city TEACHERS WANTED! Public School Journal, Only $1.00 per yenr. Our Teacher's Agency is tho largest in the United States; being long established and having an ndmirnbly central location for the entire conntry. Students and teachers desiring new or improved positions Tor the coming Spring:, Summer or Full, whether East, West, North, or South, should at once si-nd for our circular, aiclosiug stump for postage Wo aro constantly, receiving calls for teachers at ail times of tho year. Address. T. E. WILSON & CO., 857 Central Avehuo,- Cluclnhatl.-Ohio. I Agents and private correspondcnlslwantcd. Jg uyj i i . l j fMi-J--afiWmEMBMMllMM r 'flgfemNi if" art,. .aw. .M