THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 8 $xrhnnQc ric-H'lwtc, ,Wc acknowledge the receiptor two copies of the Arch angel, (Feb.). Ono will answer till our purposes. Tho College Student has inuny productions worthy of special notice, but luck of space forbids. It in a pily that a paper so well edited should be so dellcicnt in its typography. Tho News Letter presents a very prepossessing appear unce. Both Ihc article entitled, " Tho. Novel in England," iii-d thai on " Mary, Queen )f Sootts," will amply repay v careful reading. Tlio News is one of Ihe newsiest of papers. The Gorncllian presents a line appearance, and no de partment is givonj'unduo prominence over another. In deed, we thoroughly like our Mt. Vernon exchange, and look upon it us an exculleut type of a western college journal. The Athenaeum compares Bryant with Thomas Cantp. bell, and decides in ) reference of Ihc author of "Pleasures of Hope, asserting that nothing Bryrant wrote can be compared with two or three of Campbell's lyrics; and it speak regretfully of nil Bryunt's poetical productions since I808. For the first time in quite 11 while, we Hud on our table Ihe Carson Index, which comes to us all the way from Mossy Cri'ek, Tenu. After glancing through it, we arc impressed with tho fact (that the Index, Mint tho locality from which it comes, is a little behind the limes. Not withstanding this, there is much in it that is worthy of commendation. The Institute Index is before us. . This paper is edited by the young ladies of IViloliott Institute, and contain much that is valuable, yet it greatly lacks in arrangement. Its literary department is quite full, and many of the articles are carefully prepared; while others arc short and of little interest. Nor do we find but li ttle of wideawake mallei that would convince us that it is "an exponent and champion of tho college tcorkofthc Institute.' Howard Female Collegn sends us an interesting paper, tho Index and Chronicle. Tho ladies of that school have thoroughly demonstrated their ability to edit a journal, not only in a manner ' pretty good for girls," but also in n way to make the sterner sex look well to their laurels The Index and Chronicle is a spicy and newsy paper, and' will ever be welcomed al tho Nebraska University, which acknowledges to women her just merits. The K. M. I. News has found its way to our tabic for tho first time. It is published at the Kentuckey Military Institute, and it only boasts of four pages. In tho number before us (March 8,) almost two of those aro filled by a theological address, written by somebody not connected with tho school. Although the News claims that the mil itary features are subordinated to the collegiate at the In. stilute, yet news relating to the former occupies almost all of Ihe two remaining pages. The paper does not contain a single advertisement. "Wako up friend Netos, and giye us some stirring editorials and wide-awake locals. We no longer find the Ohaddoek College Monthly among our exchanges, but in its stead we hayo simply the Chad' dock We wolcomo it to our table witli its change of name. The Ohaddoek is right; the change meets our heur ty approval; for economy should not be less carefully observed in language than It is in other things. We ro also glad to chronicle that tho editors seem in tho Foluu. nry number to have recovered from their holiday vacation, which interfered so much with tho Issuo provl us, and can only hopo that tho papor may not again loso its equl librium. Tho Wake Forest Student is tho latest addition to our exchange list It is quite voluminous and contains much really choice reading. Wo like the spirit shown in the opening article on "The New South." Of course tho writer could not forbear to pay an eloquonttribute to their "peerless orators," who sal in CongP'ss previous to the war, and to the southern soldier of that struggle. If he had, ho would not have been true to the chivalrous teach iugs of his section; but it was the willing spirit with which he acccpies what hat. happened, that we so much admire. We believe that tho author is right in saying that there is a now and better era for the South at hniitl; that new industries are rapidly being developed, and a more vigorous life is every where manifest. Wo believe that the South already feels an independence that it would never have known while slavery existed. But we cannot agree witli the writer, that Ihe Southerner is soon to regain Unit iniluencc in the na'ion which he held before the late war. That was one of the few advantages inherent upon the case of his position. Ho is now placed only upon an equality with the thrifty and energetic Northerner. 0! for a class pin, a class cane, a class picture, a class supper. Any mm-? Horace rode along the Sacred Way on a mule, but the modern Soph, follows him on a pony. What evidence have we that Xautippe was a stocking mender? Because she used to darn old Soc. Another match factory is started. Tho University of Mississippi is blessed with a co-ed department. To be a good swimmer the mouth should always be kept shut. Women are seldom good swimmers. "You arc as full of airs as a musicbox" is what a man said ton girl who refused to lei him see her homo. "That may he," was tho reply, "but I do not go with a crank " A little girl who had been at church, but evidently did nor understand all that was sung by the choir came home and asked, "where do they keep the consecrated cross-eyed bear?" Teacher to infant class 111 sunday school "What is promised to the righteous?" Chorus "Eternal bliss ma' am." "And what to the wicked?" Thiu voice from tho bottom of the class "Eternal blister." A little boy having broken his rocking-horse the day it was bought, his mother rebuked him. He replied to her by inquiring, "what's the good of a horse till its broke?" At last account the mother was looking around for an old slipper. "Ah! Great Heavens," exclaimed a rising young genius throwing down his pen and sighing wearily, "you don' know how much more plcasaut it is to road these little poems of mine than it is to writo them." Sympathetic but awkward chum "Gad, how you must sutler then I" T a v