Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 05, 1883, Page 6, Image 12

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(fenmyw fmutr(l8.
" Duke at daeipereln loco.yy-Horac hook IV., Ode XII.
Who stolo tlio pulpit?
Tho big ono la there yot.
Glad to sec you bnck agnln.
Did you pass' No, I mado it clubs.
Latest stylo In hats at T. Ewlug & Co's.
Got 11 pair of eyo glasses. 'Tis nil the rage.
S. Glen Talbot will bo out of school this term.
"You had heller join oir society, it is ihobat."
Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewlug & Co's.
Wheeler Uros. spent vacation at their home in Plattss
Look out for the Spring Cadets. A now batch is ex
pected. Special bnrgains for students at T. Ewlug & Co's Em
porium. Mr. Gay hns been suddenly called home by the sickness
of a friend.
The societies hold a joint reception in their Halls Fr!.
day Evening.
Buy your Boots and Shoes of O. W. Webster, 0 8t.
Acndnmy of Music.
Best Biyl't, best goods, nt lowest prices nt T. Ewing &
Co's Clothing House.
Call and sco the new spring suits nt T. Ewing & Co's
Clothing Emporium.
Tho post ofllco isdrnpodin mourning over tho denth of
post master general Howe.
The best judges of nrtlslic work go to Kelley & Co for
Photos. No. 1020 O street.
Houcctorth, tho faculty have decided to linvo the
building closed at 0 o'clock.
We understand that Prof. Gruho inlcnus to commonce
& class In Spanish next term.
What keeps the Student ofllce so cosy and comfortable
this bleak weather? The Devil.
Myron Wheeler has left our uuivrslty, and will take n
course in short hand at Iowa Cily.
All the ucwest styles and patterns of clothing and gent's
furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's.
After examination. First Student How uro you today?
- Second Student In line, conitioucd.
Students, it will pay you to get your Photos made at
Kelley & Co's. University panols gratis.
"I would much rather teach twenty how to cheat thnn
to bo one of the twenty to do tho cheating."
W. 0. Knight, our business man, spent tho vacation
with his cousins, uncles and aunts in Blue Springs.
All tho latest novelties in hosiery, collars, cuffs and
gent'si furnishing goods at T. Ewings & Co's Empoiium,
As the Chancellor was reading from the scriptures for
chapel ouo morning last week, thcro was an unusual sol.
etnnity hung over tho students when the following very
painful passage was uttered: "And it shall coma to pass
that many a young man shall fail."
Ask LmwIs to loll you his electric story. Vou will bo
shocked no doubt ns b'ndly as wns tho poor Prop of whom
ho tells.
The medical faculty has just received a combination
case of bicyclo and short band fever. It is reported to
bo a hopeless case.
The Sophomore clas have determined to organize nnd
adopt a class badge, motto, etc., just a? did their younger
relatives tho Freshies.
Our sophomore " local " hna boon carrying n black oyo.
Ho tell us all about how it came, and of course wo bu
llevo tho whole story.
On scoing a dentists's sign "Teclh inserted in collu
loid," a freshlc made tho 'remark "How can one chow
with his teeth in celluloid."
Our old schoolsmato Frank Benedict with his wife lias
come to Lincoln from St. Louis where ho has been study
ing music for the past eight months.
We heard it whispered that a certain Prep ntc a rotten
through mistake, and was so disablod from tho familiar
effects that ho was compelled to miss all his examinations.
Student: Prof, that is correct is it not?
Pro I. Right? No, sir. Don!, you seo you have n ra
tional quantity equalling a surd? That is perfectly (ab
surd. George McClcau, our George, sends in a large dollar
and orders the Siudkiit for another year. Ho says that ho
is no " snide," and wants tho Student in his family right
What n disconsolnto set those Students arc who stay in
Lincoln during vacation. Wo looked in tho glnss tho
other dny and the scowl on our phiz actually ruined a flno
Just before examination. Landlady "Mr. you seem
to be very hungry this morning." Mr. "No I am not
particularly hungry, but you seo I have to crum for exam,
The Editorial corps of the Student have decided not to
give tho Freshman Class meetings any inoro frco ndver
Using. If thoy waut a puff let them pay for it liko every
one oIbc
Vacations nre tho times when the heart of yo Local Is
sad. All the other Editors decamp and lcavo him to
grind out his quota from the fathomless depths of his
own ennui.
Don Clark stepped down to St. Louis, vacation. Wo
did not learn just tho exact nature of tho business call
ing him nway down there, but surmise that it was of vnst
Marshall & Sroal's Optic has at last mado lis appear,
ance. It iB tho most telescopic Optic wo over saw, and
things must bo down in a veiy small corner that it can
not discover.
Ono of our Comps coming home from seeing his best
girl ono night unexpectedly met an open door face to
edge. Ho has since inaugurated tho stylo of blue glasses.
Is this not enough to apPaul any ono.
A continued Btory is being published in tho Optic, eni
titled, Jjove at the GapUol. Mr. Editor, aa soon as you
have concluded this eventful story, could you not write a
real spicy one, cnt'llcd University Flirtation?