Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 05, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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the story runs, iiml In company with two or three others,
ascended tlio Beaver river some miles on a skating tour.
While on the route they cnmo to n collection or wigwums,
occupied by tho noble Modocs. No sooner did tlioy be
hold the gallant young ofllcer lluui tliey began to tremblo
with exceeding great fear, and present their numerous
packages of pusses that they might not bo molested in
their much-loved pursuit, trapping. The lieutenant ac
copied some of the smoky papers, read ilium with close
scrutiny, then nftcr severely eyeing tho anxious spectators
uwhlle, told them to carry themselves very straight and
ho would permit them to remain.
Primer. What do wo sco here? Why, my little fel.
low, can you not tell what this is? This is tho University.
What a large house it is! and so many windows 1 Do tell
mo who lives in tills tall house. Dear child, this is hard
for your young mind to see. This is not a house to livo
in, but what you would cull a big school house. Now I
know what you mean. How many Utile boys and girls
must go to school herd Little one, you are wrong again
This is not u school for small boys and girls, a3you thlnlo
but for large ones, like those you seo standing in the
door. At one lime Ihey were small like you, and went to
school in a little white school house, like tho one near
your uncle's farm. But they soon learned as much as
tho teacher; then their good parents had to send them to
this largo school. Where will tbey gt when they learn
everything here? Oh, this is the last school; when they
learn all that is here, they will not have to study any
mow. See that young man coming down the stone stops I
Ho has learned nil and is just starting home. He knows
everything now and will not liavo to study any more
How wise ho looks! Those books under his arm ho hns
no need for now, and ho will soil or give them to that
poor ragged fellow you seo at work near Ihc tree; he has
not learned all that the law allows yet How clad I am
to read this nice lesson.
JjgxchmiQc gjric-x-brnc,
Tho local department of the Whittenberg is very well
Canada has 40 colleges, the United States 358, and
Knglnud 1,300.
Tho editors ol the Philomathcan Review send us a fine
appearing and excellent Christmas number.
The Morrin College Review, published nt Quebec, Can.
ada, comes to us this week teeming witli good things, but
its typographical appcaranco is bad very bad.
According to the Trinity Tablet American colleges and
schools need not pride themselves on their papers. The
Trinity exchange man thinks tho majority of college
journals are not worth (lie paper they arc printed on.
The Notre Dame ScJiolaslic of Nov. 25th gives a five
column notice of the exchange editor of the Georgetown
College Journal. This article is by nil odds the best tiling
that has appeared in the Scholastic for a long time.
o Tho Oornellian contains a criticism on Ingcrsoll con
sidered as a scholar and an orator. Ingersoll would feel
awful bud if some rnsli friend should call his attention
to it, but there is much truth and argument in it all tho
The icgunlsof the University of Minnesota arc serious
ly thinking of lighting the university building with cloo.
trie lii;ht. So says tho Ari
Oollige Bays is a bright, news Journal, published by
the studcnlsjil' Rlpou College. Tho paper on "Influ
ences Affecting American Literature" is particularly
The News Letter sends us tho holiday number winch
has a neat brown cover adding much to the nppenranc
of the excellent college pnper. This number contains tho
second prize oration of the Qrlnnell Institute Anniversary,
which is well worth a careful reading, also several other
good articles.
We look for something interesting from Central College
if the faculty did not conclude to give tho students the
Chiislmas vacation foi which they so earnestly prayed.
Students look forward to this season as a time for rest
and pleasure, and we cannot blame the Centralites for ox
pressing such decided opinions on the subject
The Phunny Phellow, of Nebraska City, comes to us
screaming for an exchange. Certainly, we X with pleas
ure. The Student thinks a good laugh the best thing
in the world, nud knows of nothing else that is so well
calculated to make one contented with hitnsolf and others
as a half hour spent with this "scissors" of tho Phunny
Another new exchange is the Commercial Age, pub
lished at the Wyman Commercial College, Omaha. No.
3 contains an address written nud delivered by President
Garfield a short time belorc his death, and. many other
interesting articles. We don't like the form of tho Age,
still we dislike to cull it awkward, though that word
says very nearly what we mean.
Wc received this month a beautiful magazine from
St. Louis, published by the students in Ihc School of
Pine Arts, and called Palette Scrapings. The magazine
is highly artistic; contains a fine front piece and numer
ous sketches. The articles are spicy and sensible and
tho Studukt hopes to bo fortunate enough to receive
many more numbers of this journal.
The Fin-man University of Greenville, S. C, sends us a
modest-appcaring four-page paper which looks a great
deal like the Sunday 8chool Advocate. There is n sort of
"sameness" nuout this paper that is uniiEual in a col
lege journal. There arc no locals, no personals, no fun
ny business, no nothing except short pnpers on such sub
jeets as "Woman," "Ambition," "The Past and the Fu
ture," which by mysterious association of Ideas takes us
back to our happyjhigli-school days.
Wc have also received the Weslcyan Bee, Doano Owl,
Nebraska Mute Journal, Baldwin (Kan.) Index, The
Academic, Long Branch, The Occident, Berkeley, Col.,
William Jewell Student, Liberty, Mo., College Student,
Lniu aster, Pa , The Arcadia Athameum, Wolfvllle, N. S.
The Adclphian, Brooklyn, Badger, University of Wiscon'
sin, Literary Notes, Crete, Neb., Berkleyan,. Colorado,
Vidette Reporter, Yale Record, Phiomathian Review, Kan
sas Review, Hobart Herald, Sunbeam, Heidelberg Monthly
Journal, Eighty Ftve, Greenville (8. C.) Adelphian, Spec
tator, Col., Undergraduate, Vt., Bates Student, Me., Wheel
man, Boston, The Wheel, N. Y., University, Quincy, Ills.,
Index and Chronicle, Fayette, Mo., Grind Island Indepen
dent, Plattsmouth Herald, Sutton Journal, Falls City
Journal, Beatrice Express.
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For tnesc ruamms mo
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