Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 05, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Wo iit'u very sorry to hour that Prof. Fofslor 1ms resign
vd his position in Uio Uuivorsily. Ho 1ms niiulo ninny
friends among his pupils who nil bcsiponk (or him success
wherever ho goos.
Tlio holidays wore epont this year, us usual, in a gener
al Btampcdo or 111') students from Lincoln. Tlio few poll
tnry ones remaining full as lonely as tlio stray teeth of a
6cvon j ear old lion.
Tiir Student is pained to chronicle tho siul death of
Judge- Briggs, one of Nebraska's inosl widely known and
distinguished citizens. His loss will bo keenly felt
throughout the stalo.
Tho (D)Hictic student tliatnroso Christmas morning 'ind
found in his slocking a rib defornior (corset) will iu tho
future guard against tho mistako occurring again by
hanging up his boots.
Tho Athletic Association is still on Uio boom. Tlioy
have lately purchased and put up a couple of fine bars,
and are filling up their room with all the appurtenances of
a first-class gymnasium.
Tho boy who will walk four miles to find good .skating
and skate all day without any dinner, is tlio very one who
is usu'il'.y too tired to go half a block out of his way to
mail a letter for his sister.
A letter dated November 28th has just been received
frdm J. II. Worlcy, Klukiang, China. Ho says ho is de
sirous of taking the Student regularly, that lie may lose
no interest in his alma mater.
Tiio interest still keep? up at the skating rink. Many
of our students now regularly "chase the glowing hours
willi 'Hying' feet." However their feet don't lly Ira'.f to
much as they did in tlio beginning
The crowning event of the season was tlio governor's re
ception in the west wing of the capitol building on tlio
eve of Jauuary 4th. Till after ISo'cIock the Senate chain,
bcr was filled with tho elite of the city.
Who in the world was that sleepy cadet nt Prof. Arm
strong's lecture It mutt be tedious work to take note
Had they been shcl(Ie)d-on tho paper more perhaps ho
would have been a less interesting spectacle to tlio audi
The Legislature held its first session on Tuesday, Ju'i
uary 2d. Quito a lively timo was occasioned by the de
mand of tho Autimonops to have all the offices clear down
(or up) to tho pages elective instead of being filled by tho
The student who succeeded in losingliimself on the sec.
ond floor of the University and for hall an hour diligently
hunted for an outside door, will become more familiar
with tho "intrickit" passages in tho building as he re
mains longer.
If the goodness and purity of anything is to be judged
from its results, wo don't knov whether "snow" is so
pure as it is called. After hearing so many "lapsus lin
guaV result from a big snow storm one night, we'll slight
ly doubt its origin.
A portion of tho Freshio Howl Club happened to bo go
iug home over the samo road, vacation, and amused
those on the train by singing some of their so called
"nigger" songs. One old lady more especially, who was
sitting in close proximity, was so highly gratified with
tho mellow strains that she removed to tho next car.
Nothing is more trying on a student when his pecuni
ary accumulation has been reduced to $00.00, than to have
a charming co-ed inform him in an indirect way thai sho
"always did enjoy a slolgh.rlde," alul that "it is Just such
splendid weather for sleighing."
Wood, of the University, was chosen to tho position of
second assistant clerk in tlio House. Wo congratulate
the "boy" upon his success in getting tlio placo, and also
that honorable assembly in procuring the services of one
so well qualified lor the position.
At Inst after years of patient waiting and weary search
wo arc happy to announce that tho Student has secured
the services of a now and attractive "devil". He declares
himself ready to receive any mim'jcr oHady callers at tho
office with the greatest of urbanity.
A student residing not many blocks from the campus
beforo going homo to spend the vacation, packed all lata
earthly possessions except such as were in immediate use,
in a huge dry goods box, and the better to secure against
" nocturnal beggars," labeled it dynumite. Genius!
As tiio regents worn unab'o to get together during the
holidays we are still chancellories). They hope to have a
session on January lOtlv, when, no doubt, one will bo
found Tho other professors are kepi very busy atten
ding to their own duties, but by means of relays and other
"intrickit" devices they have succeeded in holding that
functionary's berth up altiludinou3ly as well.
On Now Year's day the forlorn hopoof the University
that did not decamp for the holiday b had a sleigh ride;
at least so wo were informed by what might bo considered
good authority. With four horses, a fine sleigh tmbelUs
it must havo been a fine time. However to have two of
the horses vanish in thin air and the runners assume the
rotundity of wheels must havo been embarrassing.
A Fresh ie was taking a stroll u few days ago in the
south part of tlio city, when an ugly cur ran out and
seized him by tho north side of his coal, that ho might
render his friend some assistance in perambulating the icy
sidewalk. The kindness of the canine, however, proved
very detrimental to the new overcoat, for, in a moment of
forgetfulness, ho removed his hold, allowing a piece of
the coat almost largo enough for a saddle-blanket to ad
here to his teeth. A few minutes later tho dog arrived
home, and surrendered the booty to one of the "fair sex,"
who will, no doubt, appropriate a piece in her now album
Learn Siioiit Hand at Home. Wo wish to i at
tention to the entirely new method of teaching liort
hand by correspondence conducted in connection with
the state Univers ty of Iowa School of Short-hand. The
intelligent student can learn the art in this way as well as
by attending collcgo for this purpose. In regard to the
school Mr. John IS. Finch says: "It is ;nc of the best
that lias come under my observation. Asa teacher Mr.
Moran is too well known to need recommendation from
me." Students instructed in tho practical reportiag
Bty c from the first. First two lessons fhee on trial.
Address Eldon Mohan,
Iowa City, Iowa.
A military men is feared. First Lieutenant of Co. B,
while nt home during vacation, was the immediate cause
of much perturbation of mind among portions of tho
Modoc tribe. Ho dressed in li is full military CDstumc, so