' I; KS lV ? " if A I IK Ik Ir Wh J ,$sw""5r; ? ,-wSfr ' m p THK HKSPKRIAN STUDENT. -- UNIVERSITY GF NEBRASKA !v. T USB 19 Bk- flPKite-. SBht -try; ..JHEIIBjJeQHH lib PraHHRB'HHI Hit if ilnaH Hh i t if immSsEBmm tx Five Genplits Conrsi$, Open to Ladies ani Gentlemen. Tiitien Fro. No Clam for Incitfntals. v FACULTY: H. E. Hitchcock, A. M., Ph. D., Dean, and Prolcsaor of Mathematics Sasmcl Anghoy, A. M., I'll. I)., Professor of Natural Sciences, t George McMillan, A. M., rrofossor ofGrcok Language and Literature GcorgoEnownrd, A. M., Professor of History, G. K. Barber. A. M.. Professor of Latin Laneuace and Literature.)' -,-,-. . -.. T, , T.....-1 " "a .1. !.... ii. u. jxicuoibob, v. ju , I roieoaur ui x ujbi.b uuu iiivuiibuj' jr .A. Shcnnwi, A. M., Professor of English Literature. T. W. Grobo, A. M- Trofe ssor of Modern Languages. 8tjlL Thompson, A. M.. Professor or Didactics and Agriculture. FACULTY: Harvey Culbcrtf-on, M. S., rrorossor or Horticulture. Charles N. Little,-A. B Tutor in Mathematics and Civil Eng. Mies Ellen Smith, A. M., Principal Latin Srbdbl. Miss M. G. nitchcock, Tutor in Latin School. Lawrence FoBsler, A. M., Tutor in Latin School. Adelaido Dearborn, Teacher of Elocution. Conservatory or Music S. B. llohraahii, Director, Teachers, Pror. M. Draper, Miss Kate Kimball. Painting and Drawing, Miss Ada Seaman. Ensign Richard Townlcy. U. S. N., Professor of Mllltarj Scionco and Tactics. ESTABLISHED 1809. ED. A, CHURCH & GO. Dealers and Jobbers in CURTAINS AND Window Shades t And everything pertaining to INTERNAL DECORATION church's BLOCK, O ST. liOVEY&PECK, Wholosalo and Botail doalors In cjlovcs, Hardware, Tinware. Woodcnware, &c. First class hardware store A gpe dally mndo of poolcot knives 100 North 30th slioet. Malcon Specially of School Books fv 4liiteSfofi0ntrS c ' M. J&A&BIS, A n DENTIST. Tooth -insortodJSji Go Sliver and Culiu ofd, All -work uarruntod. Oflco, 1037 O St" g. F, WESTEIIFIELW Still Hdlds the 1'ort lit the Star Shavwig Parlor I .''First class sltavliic, ten cents, Hair cutting, twonty,flve cents. 1202 O fit. Gonstnatory of Music, STATE UNIVERSITY, .Furnishes superior instruction in Piano Forte, Organ, Singing, Harmony, Ete. Either n private or classes. Tuition mod ernto. For further particular, rcnd for cir cular or soe the Director. R.ll, Ilolimanii. A.M.DAVIS, liM O Street ll'UoUnalt and ItrtttH Ittaler in fr4$wttU $) ;OIl-CJotli, MaltiiiK". Re, - AlalM, Wnlirapcr, Window Shados, Lace Ourtalns, Damask, Ac 1 d 1 09&f" M a t , . S$3T ... .- -. waihii