Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1882, Image 2

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Vol.. XI.
No. V.
cQlincbUnncoux ittion.
James Gordon Bennett Is well known to be the richest
newspaper proprietor in the country. IIU paper, tlm
Herald, will piiy him 11 dividend ol' $850,000 the present
A colossal stutuo of Chief Justice IMarshall is to be
placed in (lie grounds of the national capltol as soon as
completed, which will bo three or four years hence
It will be cast in Munich.
A Georgia undertaker has sent in u bill of $8100 for
burying Ben. Hill. This may seem exorbitant in tills
case but we think Nebraska could afford to pay oven that
if somebody would bury a few of our would be sen-ators.
A Harvard debating club decided the other day tliat
the Republican party hasout lived its usefulness. This
will save a good dual of anxiety and expense, by doing
away with tho necessity for the next national convention
which a few loud followers of that deluded organization
had intended to hold.
Regent Fiflold, who has been in Baltimore since Sep.
Icmber, writes that considerations of li is health may re
quire his return to Nebraska next spring. Ho is attend
ing two or three courses of lectures in the Johns Hapkins
University. His daughter is a student in tho Woman's
Medical College of Baltlmoie. Mr. Feflolc will nccessa
rily bo absent from tho Regents' meeting in December.
His llrst absence from any regular meeting in seven
years His address is 120 N. Eulaw Street Baltimore, Md
Thcro is no end to the power of the human mind t
make great discoveries. A talented Parisian critic has
made the recent presentation of Victor Hugo's drama "Le
Roi S'amuso" tho occasion to inform tho world that Hugo
is only n poet and is u failure aj a dramatist and novelist
A great many pooplo have been laboring under tho dolu
nions thai tho author of "Notro Dame" and "Les Mis
erables" had somo rank in literature. It is well that
they arc undeceived. Wo hopo leso books will bo retired
from circulation.
Tho progress tne telephone lias made during the past
few years is truly remarkable; but flvo or six years ago
it was used for talking short distances only; but gradully
increasing in strength they wore used at a mile distance,
and now thoy connect cities which are miles apart. The
latest connection in tho West is that of Omaha and Lincoln
n distnaco of 05 miles. If continued al this rate it will not
be long before tho citizens of the eastern portion of a city
can talk with their neighbors in the western portion by
telephone around tho world.
The' male students up at Kingston, Ontario, do not ap
pear to bo overburdened with a chivalrous spirit for their
fair companions. At the medical college situated in that
city, they have demanded the expulsion of ;thc lady stu
dents, and as their wishes hive not been c mplicd with,
llicy intend to apply to Trinity College, Toronto, for ad
mission. Better go back, boys, and try to stand it a while
onger; wc don't do that wiy out hero. What is tho
matter any how, have you been holding a frce-for-all-go-as
youpleasc sullrago discussion?
Our reviewers bundle the of today without gloves.
They tell us that Black has no plots, that Howell deals in
mental vivisection, Unit Mrs. Phelps' latest novel is of tho
sensational order and so on through tho list. It is sug
gested by tho impudent newspapers that Ufa Poet Laureate
had better confine himself to poetry and lot the drama
alono Wc hope thoy are ablo to comfort themselves
with the rellectiou that genius is never appreciated until
it readies Its centennial, especially as people aro found
who road and admire all tho works of all ol them.
Thoy do not "nail a lie" or "repel an insinuation" in
France. The London Society tolls the following good
story of M. Leon Gozlan, who takes the load at present for
neat refutation of newspaper slandor. A smart journalist
published an alleged account of his having been a sailor
on a certain brig, who had not only incited the crow to
mutiny, but had also murdered tho captain. Go.lan im
mediately published tho following letter to tne editor:
"Monsieur: you say that I have beon a sailor, which is
quito true; Unit I caused the crow of a brig to mutiny, and
then killed tho captain, which is also perfectly correct.
But you forgot to add a detail which may particularly in
torest your readers; after killing the captain I ato him!
Leon Gozlan."
Every one who has lived in tho South, and probably by
tills time, many a one who has never been below Mason
and Dixon's line, has obsorved the delight of the old South
eru negro in large sounding words, and his ludicrous at
tempts to use them on all occasions, getting hold of some
tiling slightly similar in sound to tho word ho lias heard
white people use in a like place. Here is one instance.
"So you applied for a pouslou, Uncle," said I to nn old
darkey who was doing somo work for me. "Were you
wounded or hurt in the war?" "Oh, no, honey, I wasn't
hurt none, but all deso oiler men roun hcah got pensions
and I was in do wall free years, and aint neber hud no
poiifliou yit.
"What part of tho country wore you fighting in', Uncle,"
said I.
"Oh, Lorlcliilo, Iso fit all 'roun' do kcnlry, Norf and
Soul". Iso bin froo do oar Why bres you, honey, I
was down in Souferlina when Richmond was vaccinated!