Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 16

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"- -ti
ffftfilftc gric-H-bi;ic,
ouugh but mow tlio glgnntla forms of ponderous Dlno-
. saurs and mUsuupon Pterodactyls force thomsolvcs before
" , , , . ." ,, WJ 11 i Mi excited ugmon. -Yah Record
Wo me ld lo sue the Reatrice Express on mijr4jiblc. I a
The lust number or the Notre Dame Scholastic contains ,. ' Sunbeam W one of the most worthy nnd interesting
.. v.ri.r....l.ihlniirilnlniil)lokflii8niidTlinak(!riir. .l ir oxol.angoH. Though ll litis but four editors, the
Sentlincntexprom'd by n bright junior nt n recent bum',
"Eut,' drink and be meny for tomorrow we fTttitk."
Among our miscellanies none arc more welcome thnn
tlio Falls Olty Journal. It is in truth news paper.
A Six-Button Km. A little boy, proud of his new
ncket, infotned his slut (lit ho wns n six-button kid-.
The Student Life from St. LouW Is ndomed with n bright
green cover. This cover Is the most prominent feature of
the paper. .
According to the Badger the faculty of the Wisconsin
Slate University includes some of the handsomest ladles
in the city of Madison.
We have received the November number of the William
Jewell Student. It is good all the way through and we
hopo it will come often.
The deepest mine in the world, according to Professor
II. Hoofer, is the Prlzibram silver mine M Bohemia.
The lowest depth Is 8,003 feet below tho surfitco. "
The last number of the Occident contains spine lolling
f'acts.and figures tho fraternity question. There seems
to be some method in tho madness of tho Occident.
pApcr is complete in all Its dopartmants, Tho articles on
school girls in tho hut uumbor is in its self proof of what
it? author tries l prove, that the terms weak and silly,
are not ,u applicable as supposed to school girls.
Over tho gnrdon wnll,
Applo trov brgnnd toll,
No npplun mi yut ho hard to gut,
And you may hot,
I'll no(ir forgot
Tho night thnt dago on me wcro not,
Ovur the garden wall.
( The. Videtto Reporter with several other exchanges thinks
itlitit the College Faculties ought not to require tho ed
itors of the college papers to wrlo tho required nlimbci
1 of orations and essays prescribed by tho law of the school.
(They claim that tho work of college editors is more titan
equivalent lo the prescribod course of utility writing.
"i'la solemn thing on a still, still night.
To stand by tho rlvor Hide,
. And gnr.o on tho moonbeam's silvery light
And list to tho moiui of tho lido.
i t
lint 'tin sadder fur when I town nt night,
On my bud, with my oyos oponud wldo
Wlioii thu wateh-dng howls In tho pnlo moon light
When 1 list to the inonn of the tied.
Tho Undergraduate gives a pago and a half to notices of
.the Atlantic Monthly, Century and St. Nicholas, appro. J The Electrician is numbered ourlaleest exchanges. It
prlato mailer with which to till up a Colloggipapcr isa journal devolcd exclusively to tho advancement and
surely. v j- dlifuslon of electrical science, describing and Illustrating
We And tho National Scientific Journal among pur electrical inventions Jn ottr own country and abroad,
exchanges. It islevotcd to lliHlvanccmcnUbfMclciicor : The Electriciau "is certainly well edited aud should
tue mechanic artsaud agrlnulluro .and conlatiismunoT? I receive tho hearty support of all interested in IhJs branch
ous illustrations of now inventions. ' of science. f
The last number of tho Student Life contains a good The cadets of Jjgwis College publish a twonty.four pago
article on s"o"clcjtlcs us educational inslilutlbns'ftnd anotliL' monthly iournal called the Reveille. One cannot holt)
ition In politics. Tho rest of thoapor is filled thinking of brass buttons and blue coals while reading it
on prohibitiot
with remarks onjjdrnwlm nnd mtlo sppeeches about Iho
Tho College Transcript Is a nice and neat paper, "but it.,
lakes so long to II ml thu place after reading one pago that
we don't like lo tackle any of it oxcopting the flint and
Inst pages. The fun of tho Transcript is quite certainly
not "good "
Presidont Woolsoy la reported to have said "When I
wiw president of Yale Oollogc I was asked if I would be
willing to admit women students there. I.jepliedl-lhat lu
would it vassar uoitoge woulu lulmit young men. Thai
endqd ,ho discussion. ,
Exchange editors will thank Iho JierkeleianifohgvU
us something new in this department, specimens of
college poetry of all descriptions are found hero and any
one thinking of writing any spicy poelry would do well
to examine tho model.
"With our latost exchanges comes a little,, paper from
Portland, Oregon, called The Aj'cfiangel. Tlicpapcr con.
tains four locals, and three pages of advertisements.
It seems to its that a monthly paper might be more inter
csting than tho Archangel.
A senior of dissipated habits says that geology has
ruined his happiness for life. To see snakes was bad
foi there is little clso inTtbut barracks, camp, comrades.
light and 'rah. But withal the Jlyoeille Is a line appear,
lug papor, very readable loo and wc liopo Unit its omtii
picsunt guns will nevnr bo spiked.
"Ocean mo not," tho lovor cried,
"1 mn your serf to you I'm tldo,
Don't bronkcr heart, fair ouo, but wave
Objections thine this hand I crnvo."
"Oh, billow mil," bbo JJlUBhod, "I aim
Von would bonch osen shoro by me;
', Uut I'm mennnld not yot In solno,
And Hbcll for years thnt mny romnln."
The Vassar girls nro never so happy, it is said, as
when allowed lo go down to tho rlvor ano paddle, around
the buoys.
Why is a torn umbrella lilco'ii small circus? A torn
umbrella makes a display of ribs, a display of ribs is a
side show and a side show is a small circus.
A man saw agln3t while walking along a lonoly high
way nt midnight. Tho ghost stood In tho middle of tho
road, and the wayfarer, pnldclded to Investigate, poked at
it with his umbrella. The next instance ho was knockod
twenty foot into n mud hole. Moral: Never poko nt
largo white mulo when his back Is turned The Legrun
Antiquated but excellent.
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