Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 15
a 8 TH K H K S V IS k I A N ST U 1 )!C N T. xthmtQe gric-it'bruv, oLough but now Iho gignntls I'orms of ponderous Dhxo. saurs and mlssonpou Pterodactyls forco tliumsolvcs before Ills excited imagination. Yale Record. Tli Sunbeam h ono of tho most worthy nnd interesting ol our exchanges. Though it has but four editors, tlio imiini- io ritmilnl- lit nil lid ilnimi'l miinlQ M'lin iirllnlna on Sentiment expressed by a bright junior at n recent bum, I ' ' . . , s.B,Plu.onrnf wlin. ! its author tried to prove, that tlio terms weak nnd silly, We are glad '. suo the Beatrice Express on our table. The lust number of the Notre lhxmu Scholastic contains a very readable article on Dickens and Thackeray. "Eat, drink and be meny for tomorrow we ll'unk." Among our miscellanies none are more wolcomo than the Falls City Journal. It is in truth a news paper. A Six-HriTON Kin. A little boy, proud of his new aoket, infonvod bis sist lit t ho was a six-button kid. Tito Student Lfe from St. LouU is adorned with a bright green covor. This cover is the most prominent feature of the paper. According to the Badger the faculty of tlio Wisconsin State University includes some of the handsomest ladios in the city or Madison. Wc have received the November number of the WPliam i Jewell Student. It is good all thu way through and we hope it will come often. The deepest mine in the world, according to Professor II. Hoofer, is the Prizibram silver mint! in Bohemia. The lowest depth is '1,(509 feet below the surface. The last number of the Occident contains some toiling Tacts and figures on the fraternity question. Thoro suems i to bo some method in the madness of the Occident. The Undergraduate gives a page nnd a half to notices of ! the Atlantic Monthly, Century nnd St. Nicholas, appro, i priate matter with which to till up a College paper i surely. Wo And the National Scientific Journal among our exchanges. It is devoted to tho advancement of science, the mechanic arts ami agriculture .nnd contains numer ous illustrations of now inventions. The last number of tho Student Life contains a good article on societies as educational institutions and auoth. on prohibition in politics. Tho rest of the pnper is filled with remarks onMrawlng and culo sppocclios about the co-eds. The College 'Transcript is a nice and noat pnper, but it takes so long to find tlio placo after reading ono page that we don't like to tackle any of it excepting the first and last pages. Tho fun of the Transcript is quite certainly not "good " Presidont Woolsoy is reported to have said : "When I was president of Yale College I was asked if I would bo willing to admit women students there. I replied that It would if Vaar College would admit young men. That ended tlio discussion. Exchange editors will thtuik the Jicrceleian for giving us something now in this department, specimens of college poetry of all descriptions arc found hero nnd any one thinking of writing any spicy poetry would do well to examine the modol. With our latest exchanges comes a little pnper from Portland, Oregon, called Tlie Archangel. The paper con tnius four locals, and three pages ol advertisements. It seems to us that a monthly paper might bo more inter csting than the Ardtangel. ""'Cr 1r nteainittoil linhitfl RIIV8 that CTCOlOCV llflB are not as applicable as supposed to school girls. Ovor tho garden wnll, Apple trees big unit t nil, No apples ns vol mo hnrd to get, And you tuny liet, I'll neor forgot Tho night tlmt dogs on mo were got, Ovor the garden wnll. Ex Tho Vidette Reporter with several other exchanges thinks that the College Faculties ought not to require the ed. itors of tlio college papers to write tlio required nunibci of orations and essays prescribed by the law of the school. They claim that the work of college editors Is more thnu equivalent to the proscribed course of essay writing. ''lis a solemn thing on n Mill, still night, To stand lty tho rlvor ido. Ami gnr.o on tlio moonbeam's silvery light Ami list to tho moan of tho tido. lint 'Its sadder Tar when I ton at night. On my bod, with my eyes opened whlo When tlio watch-dog howls in tho pale moon light When I lift to tho moan of Iho tied. Tho Electrician is numbered our lnteest exchunges. It is a journal devoted exclusively to tho advancement and dillusion of electrical science, describing and illustrating electrical inventions In our own country and abroad. The Bleclriciau is certainly well edited nud should , receive the hearty support ol ail intorestcd in tin's branch 1 ofscieucc. The cadets of Lewis College publish a twonly-four pago monthly journal called the lleceille. One cannot help thinking of brass buttons nud blue coats while reading it for there is little elso in it but barracks, camp, comrades, light and 'rail. lJul withal the Jtecoille is a tine appear ing paper, very readable loo and wc hope that its omni present guns will never be spiked. "Ocoati mo not," tho lovor orlcd, "I am your serf to yon I'm tide, Don't breaker lionrt, fair ono, but wavo Objections thine this hand I grave." "Oh, billow Illll," sho blushed, "I son You would bench oson ulioro by mc; Hut I'm mermaid not yet In seine, And s-licll for yenra that may remain." Tlio Vassar girls are never so happy, it is said, as when allowed to go down to tho river unci paddle around the buoys. Why is a torn nmbrolla like a small circus! A torn umbrella makes a display of ribs, a display of ribs is a side siiow and a side show is a small circus. A man saw aghi3l while walking along a lonely high way at midnight. The ghost stood in the middle of the road, nnd the wayfarer, gnidcided to investigate, poked at it with his umbrella. The next instance lie was knocked twenty feet into a mud hole. Moral: Never poke at je white mule when his back is turned The Legran large I