Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1882, Page 6, Image 12

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Hmf!ii!i jfcmarfa.
DldyoupaBS? "Nuw."
What will ft "sot phriiBo" hatch?
Large slock ol flno stationery at Fawell'B.
Buy youi Boots mid SIiocb or 0. W. Webster, 0 at
Acadamy of Music.
"Titer is 'boom' in us and we aro going to
Warner's inaugural address.
Prof. "In what condition is ioo tho coldest?" Junior
"Why, in a frozen condition."
Slndenis arc invited to call and sec D. & 0. L. Btium's
new stock of fine holiday goods, before purchasing their
Christmas presents.
Several oft.io Btudents, fond of tho "mazy ring," wore
present at tho grand capital ball at the capital in the
Should thcFieshinan Howl CI lib bo toloratcd in sing,
ing a "nigger" song in the University? that Is the
Another improvement in tho drill is tho bulletin board
and n box for excuses which has been placed in the Uui
vcrsity hall.
The mind of the avct age student needs intlatlon sadly
to contain all that he has to attend to during tho term
O, Charley, where aic going? O down to D. & C. L.
.Biuims to buy one of those beautiful pcail handled knives
they just received.
Tho cast wing of the Capitol is finished. On tho Cve of
Dec. 14th tho Pleasant Hour Club hold a reception in it
as ix formal opening.
"Ail must die" bears no truer significance and sinks
scarcely less deep in the heart of a student than, "All
must be examined."
A young lady in first year German class translated, "I
am quite tired," "Ich bin mudo ganitfr The Professor
mado some corrections.
More j ouug women than evor will enter
Annex this year. How long before tho
open its front door to them ?
Prof. McMillan has been adding to tho decorations of.
his room by placing his busts on pedestals instead of the
uiu itiuica uu wuiuu uiuy lunuuuy muuu. hl
Tho Iliad class were struck with wonder and a wo; at
finding tho previously considered modern phrase "You
canucome it over me" uourismug vigoiousiy
prehistoric times.
Where did you say George Hitchcock 1ms gono? I said,
hu has gono to Minnesota. Wonder what important bust
ness calls him away up there. Don't know, you must
ask him when ho returns.
Boy prcplc to girl prepio: Why wer'ut you to singing
last evening? Girl prepio to boy prepio: Because I'm
nrt going to stroll away up there through tho nfght all
alone, that's why. Innuendo.
The Physics class seems to bo quite productive bril
liant remarks. Tho other day one of the Juniors asked
the Prof, whethcrfans were not used to evaporate moist,
ure. Tho Prof, said "Partly I fan-cy."
the Harvaul
University wKi
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If any ono wants to boo a largo book let lilm petuse
Slcphan'fl Thoiaurus which has just heon added to the
library. It Is In 4 vols, and contains just 1 1 ,25 1 pp.
Ouv University building Is gottlng pretty nearly filled
tfp. Wo understand that Prof. Nicholson Is to hayo
auothor room in tho biisofoont fitted up; this mikes tho
fourth room hi the basement now In uc.
"C&uld tho Regents not dlspoao of tho Ciitpol as n city
refrigerator? It certainly would mako a gonri.oue. The
only exjra expense would bo two or three more stoves
Without thorn It would bo too cold ovn for this.
MJss Mlnnio Parker, who, It Is well rcmombored, so ably
aideiVln representing us in tho contest at Croto last May,
1b with u? again. She has just returned from Chicago
whore she has boon attending a school of Elocution,
Mr B. H. jufveriins tendered his resignation us editor.
Who will bd'thc next to bo initiated? It is hoped when
tho year closes that ovory momber in the Uulvofstyy will
have had some experience with tho Student aflairs.
Mjra.'JDoarborn delivered ft reading bo fore her elocution
Y class. The reading was an extract from iv Norwegian
Saga translated from ho original by Prof.Shcnwan? Tho
translation was very lino and Mrs. Dearborn did justice
to It.,
The scarlet over has mado Us appcarauco iiono or two
families in this city? That gf Mr. A. Ilumphroy is in tho
worst condition, there bolngflvo sick. Thoy aw taking
much precaution and there clHks not seem to bo mucli
dimtror of ItH Mirnmllnir. .
Misses Goddiirg unifl&TnrlcWfvoro welcome callers at
the STurniNanfllco lastjfcck. "Strange to "say tho ccedf
very seldom visit this gloomy apartment. If thoy could
conceive How well their calls wero apprcclatd thoy cer
talnly would ccmitfociio frequently.
Now that, tho skating has tfgmmonced in earnest per
htfps tho ProTS. can obtain n oJow for tho lack of prepara.
Hon lu tho olss room. It Is vcty difficult for any studont
to skato all dayand night and know much nboUttho less
interesting subject of his lessons.
On tho-eth tho Union Sooietv for a Quango had what
was called ft quotation, mittch. -Thrco boys wero pittod
agftinefthreo gjrlsj&'hoy kept tilings Ifvoly lof about an
hoUnuid a half throwing quotations at. ouch other. In
iSclbpinlon of ajj tho boys wore badly beaten,
TliifTallttdtian society elected for tho ensuing term tho
fnUmvinc- ofllp.orfl; H. M. Cillvfir Prnntilnnt? UIh Xfni.tr
fCampboll Vice President; A. G. Warnor Secretary; l5lton
Fulmer rreasurer; A. E. tiheldon Corresponding Bee.
rotary; Miss. Josio Chapman Historian; It. L. Marsh
At a special meeting of tho Union Society Dec. 15th.
thfi folloyiugofficcis wero electodfor tho ensuing Kym:
President B. F. Marshall ; Vice Presldont Gco.B.Frank
fortcr; Secretary Miss. HoarnjAssistam Secretarv.H. T
Conloy; Critic G. W. Botsford; Treasurer W.8. Sulli-
vuu, ouiyuiuu-ai-Hiiiia jniiiuiu jj, vuuuillg. 4
About tho toughest lie on record is that 0 a Dakata far
mer who seeing that a blizzard was approaching, tightly
nailed iip Ills barn and shut himself In fyg house. After
three days he name out finding the barn f&U of show.
Ho searched carefully and found that all tho snovarae
through two nail holosfrom which ho had carelessly ex-
iracicu we nans. .
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