8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. fjjumpuii ($twnrds. Did you pass? "Naw." i What will n "sot phrase" hateh? Large stock ol line stationery at Fawell's. 1 Buy youi Boots and Shoes or O. W. Webster, O at Aoadamy of Music. "Tlieris is 'boom' in us and wo aro going to boom." Warner's inaugural address. Prof. "In what condition is ice the coldest?' Junior 'Why, in a frozen condition." Students arc invited to call and see D. & C. L. Baum's new stock of fine holiday goods, before purchasing their Christmas presents. Several of t.ie students, fond of the "mazy ring," wore present at the grand capital ball at the capital in the Capitol. . Should the Freshman Howl Club be tolerated in sing. ing a "nigger" song in the University? that is the question Another improvement in tho drill is the bulletin board and a box for excuses which has been placed in the Uul vcrsity hall. tj The mind of the avciagc student needs inllation sadly c to contain all that he has to attend to during the term examinations. I O, Charley, where arc going? 0 down toD.fcC. L. t Baums to buy one of those beautiful pearl handled knives f they just received. The east wing of the Capitol is finished. On the eve of . Dec. 14th the Pleasant Hour Club held a reception in it as a formal opening. "All must die" bears no truer significance and sinks scarcely less deep in the heart of a student than, "All must be examined." j A young lady in first year Gorman class translated, "I am quite tired," "Ich bin mude gaiis." The Professor made some corrections. More j oung women than ever will enter the Harvard Annex this year. How long before the University will open its frontdoor to them? . Prof. McMillan lias been adding to the decorations of his room by placing his busts' ou pedestals instead of the , old tables on which they formerly stood. The Iliad class were struck with wonder and awe nt , finding the previously considered modem phrase "You can't come it over me" flourishing vigorously in those prehistoric times. , Where did you say George Hitchcock has gone ? I said, he has gone to Minnesota. Wonder what important busi. ncss calls him away up there. Don't know, you must ask him when he returns. Boy prcplc to girl prcpic: Wii.v wcr'nt you to singing ' last evening? Girl prcpic to boy prepic: Because I'm I nrt going to stroll away up there through tho night all I alone, that's why. Innuendo. The Physics class seems to be quite productive of brll. , liant remarks. The other clay one of the Juniors asked the rrof. whether fans were not used to evaporate moist Jl 1 ..T T f. .. ... ,, If any one wants to see a largo book let him putusu Stcphan's Thesaurus which has just been added to the library. It is in 4 vols, and contains just 11,251 pp. Our University building is getting pretty nearly filled up. We understand that Prof. Nicholson Is to hayo another room in the basement fitted up; this nnkoj the fourth room in the basement now in use. Could tho Regents not dispo3o of the Ohipol as n city refrigerator? It certainly would make a good.onc. The. only extra expense would be two or three more stoves Without them it would be too cold even for this. Miss Minnie Parker, who.it is well remembered, so ably aided in representing us in the contest at Crete last May, is willi us again. She has just returned from Chicago where she has been attending a school of Elocution. Mi B. II. Culver has tendered his resignation as editor. Who will be the next to bo initiated? It is hopod when the year closes that every member in the University will have had some experience with the Student atlairs. Mrs. Dearborn delivered a reading before her elocution class. The reading was an extract from a Norwegian Saga translated from the original by Prof. Sherman. Tho translation was very fine and Mrs. Dearborn did justice to it. The scarlet fever has made its appearance in one or two families in this city. That of Mr. A. Humphrey is in the worst condition, there being five sick. They are taking much precaution and there docs not seem to be much danger of Us spreading. Misses Codding and Aldrich were welcome callers at the Student oflice last week. Strange to say. tho co.cds very seldom visit this gloomy apartment. If they could conceive how well their calls were appreciated they cer tainly would come more frequently. Now that the skating has commenced in earnest per hops the Profs, can obtain a clew for the lack of prepara tion in the class room. It is very difllcult lor any student to skate all day and night and know much about the less interesting subject of his lessons. On the 8th the Union Society for a change had what was called a quotation match. Three boys were pitted against three girls. They kept things lively lor about an hour and a half throwing quotations at each other. In the opinion ufull the bojs were badly beaten. Tho Palladian society elected for tho ensuing term the following officers: B. II. Culver President; Miss. Mary Campbell Vice President: A. G. Warner Secretary; Elton Fulmcr Treasurer; A. E. Sheldon Corresponding Sec retary; - Miss. Josio Chapman Historian; 11. L. Marsh" Sargcant-at-arms. At a special meeting ol the Union Society Dec. 15th. the folloying officcis were elected for the ensuing term: President B. P. Marshall ; Vice President Geo.B.Prank. fortcr; Secretary Miss. Henrn Assistant Secretary H. T Conley; Critic G. W. Botsford; Treasurer V. S. Soil i vau; Sergcant.at-arms Minnie E. Codding. About the toughest lie on record is that of a Dakata far mer who seeing that a blizzard was approaching, tightly nailed up his bam and shut himself in his house. After three days ho came out finding the barn full of snow. He f parched carefully and found that all Hip nnmv ., through two nail holes from which he had carelessly cx- m, 4 t -"