. 1 12 TH K M ISSPKRIAN STUDKNT. UiSIIVERSiTY OF NEBRASKA Five Complete Courses, Open to Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuition Free. No Charge tor Incidentals. FACULTY: 11. K. Hitchcock, A. M., I'll. 1).. Dunn, nml I'roluiiM of Mntliuninllt- Samuel Ati;liey, A. M., l'h. 1., Professor of Naturnl Scli'iicvt. CScoro McMillan, A. M., ProfociMir of Greek l.niiimonml Literal urc GeorgoK. Howard, A. M.. l'rorcvror of History. (!. K. ltarbur, A. M.. Profc-sur of I.nilu language nml Literature 11. II, NlchoUon, A, M . I'lofi'Mor of Ph.vMssnnd Chemistry. I.. A. Sherman. A. M . I'tulixKor nf KiiglMi I.ltornturv. I'. W. lirubc. A M , Professor f Modem lti.etincr. b. It. Thompson, A M . Pnfesorof Didactic and Agriculture. FACULTY: llnrxiM rultii-rtMiii, M. S., Profctror or llorlieultuto. Chailc X. Utile. V. It . Tutor In Mathumnllc and Civil Kiir. Mix Kllon Smith. A. M.. Principal Lntlu Soliool. Mies M. (I. Hitchcock, Tutor In I.ntlti School. Lawrence Poslcr, A. M.. Tutor In Latin School. Adolaldo Duarborn, Teacher of Hliicutlou. Conservatory of Mtnlc.-b. II. Ilohmabn, Director. Teachers. I'rof M. Draper. Mlm Kate Kimball. Painting ami Drawing. Ml Ada Seaman Kusigii ltlchard Tow nicy. V S. N . PnfeMr ol Military Science and Taction ESTABLISHED IStti). ED. A. CHURCH & CO. Doalcrs nud Jobber In CURTAINS AND Window Shades, And everything pertaining to 1 XT 13 USA L DFCOIl ATI OX church's iii.ock, O ST. Xtrfsfctoi Bw I Conservatory of Music, Make u SproiulH if STATK I'KIVRIISITI, " it t 1 D Ia ,,u"l mporlor Infraction lit vviivui uvwiva ,, &V t:itianerij. lano Forte, Organ, .SIiikIii, lEnruioii), Eu, Hither m private or olascon. Tuition mod ernte. For further particular. end for clr cularor hoc the Director. N. 1. llohmnun. HOVEY&PECK, Wholesale and Hetatl dealera In sitovcN, Hardware, Tinware. Wooden ware, &v. First class linrdwnrc store A gpo clnlty mnilo of pocket knlvo 10(1 North 10th street. I LJ LJU1.. j. n. nciney-i Druggist, 'A-MJ?VIS Bookseller, ! '''' ,, (iRpte Stationer. EDUCATIONAL HOOKS A SPECIALTY. 1101 ST. LINCOLN. &$' OII-CIoIIib, Malting. Ittiga, Ml, Wull 1'nper, Window Shade. I. to Curtain. Daraank. Ac