5ft"- , 1 ft" ' I V -jt!.i ffj io THE HESPERIAN STUDENT, j BP Jgxrhangc Qriv-n-bntc, Wittenberg Is to Imvo n now college building. Woiuloll Phillips, tho "silver-tongued orator," has given up lcolut'iug. There isn't very much to rend lu the IfilUdale Jferald quite enough of the kind however. The first number of the Spectator has ronohcil our tnblo and we find It one of the sprlghlliosl of our exchanges. "We arc going tn the top," snys the Philonophiun lie' viae. Hcltorg' to the north pole, It won't take you so long. For the first time in the history of the state of Huode Island a woman hns been chosen superintendent of schools. The EightH'fire of HeikMry College believes that the 'University as n unixersitj" hns degenerated in the last five years. More young women than ever will enter the Harvard Annex this year. How long before the University will open Its front doors to them? The Y. M. C A. Association ot the University of Mich, igan havo enrolled twenty now uiaiiihurs this full. The have started a Froshmnn prayer mooting. The NorUamt UUtouri School Jonrnal is published at tho Normal and llusiuess Institute" at Stunbcrry. The Journal is full of good rending of all sorts. The faculty might llnd ninny n woll meant and valuu blc suggestion in the college papers if thuy would only inke the trouble to look, snys Hie Yale llecortl. The Xetcs Litter snys it Is really surprising to see how few young Indies resort to the ronding room for the pur pose ol rending Wo tnut that the Letttr means to criii. liFe only the young Indies of Iowtt College. 'ruV jr (explaining influence of diffcicnt densities of nu on sound): "If now, from hero we should henr the Mcnmhoni whistle down in the harbor, what should we infer Bright Junior: "Steamboat coming In." The exchange column of the OolUge Index is not at nil prolix. In fact the exchange man snys ho has only re ceived thu exchanges and has not the lime to make any comments on them, in other respects the Index is n very fair journal. The great observatory built and equipped by ox.Gov. Wa&burne, us a gift to Madison (Wis.) University will bo ready for presentation ami use as soon ns tho imported mcri dinn circle, which cost $4,200 and which has Just arrived can be tested. Hnrvnrd has the largest college library ir. the Unitod States. It contains 185,000 volumes. Ynle has 90,000; Dartmouth, (JO.000; Brown, 52,000; Princeton, 49,000; Cornell, 40 000; Wesloyan, 31,000; Unlvorslly of Mich 'gan, 20,000; Tufts, 25,000; Williams, 19,000; Oickonson 29,000. The Doane Owl appears in a vory neat form. The Alumni have not forgotten their collogo papor onlirely, it seems, nnU we notice intorosling articles from two of tho class of '82. Wo trust that the Old, as our noatoit nolgh bor, may become tho ideal collogo paper that lis editors wish it to be. Funny things aro not froqueni nt Notro Dnmo we take It, hill once in a while the SehoUutic perpetrate an astound' Ingjoke. "Our friend John got up early otto morning Inst week. Ho said ho wanted to sec tho comet, but he couldn't como-it." We hope the SeJiolattic will gel this joko copyrighted. Tho November number of io OolUge Student Is "away, up." It sontains n lengthy article on "The Transit of Venus," by Prolcssor Korshncr. There is no end lo poe try. Tho editorials are woll written, iiud on topics of In. torost. Tho Franklin and Marsh-ill students may be protid of their paper. For some reason the first number of thu Acadia Athen a turn is Into in reaching' our table. Of course wo are glad, to see tho Athenaeum, but in No. 1 thoio iscorlnlnly ..oil; tug having the hmst i nl crust to us not connected with the university it represents. Wo hope soon to see somothlng in this pnper which wo will want to clip. "What would you do if you wore me. nn I wore you!' tenderly inquired a 3011113 swell of his lady friend, us ho escorted hor home from church. ''Well," said sho,"if I wcro you, I would throw nwny that vile oignrette, cut up my cane for lire wood, wear my watch and chain under, noath my coat, and slny at home nights to prny for brains." Index. Wo havo received tho November number of the Ne braska Congrtigutional Neics, edited nt Milford. This pa. per is just what it pretends to be, and is full of items of 'merest concerning all the Congregational societies in Nebraska. Tho News says it will he glad to exchange with other church paper. Wo welcome it to our table. The Polk County Farmers Adriatic Is not 'i collogo pa per, as cue may infer from its name, hut It is a live paper just the same, and wo are glad to llnd it among our ox changes. The papor is evidently liked by the business men of Polk county, judging from the spaco dovotod lo advertising. Tho new editor, I. I). Clinlmborhiln, prom, ises his (assistance In political reform, and Is against mon opoly rub- Wc hope that tho Advocate will go on and prosper. A wnr which promises to boas bitter and ns blood, lea as the "Frnt.niid uutl.frut." contention, has brukonout In the Wiconin Stale University between tho Badger and Prut. In the number of November 9th tho Badger c amea la the lionl with An article cororiug n page uud a half give n synopsis or iho advertisement in tho Prets with here nud there n commonl not intended, wo suppose, to bo complimentary to its lilornry antagonist, tho aforo men tioned 'am. We hope tho cds. of the Badger havo uot found it necessary to fill up their pnper with this sort of rending mnttor because of a lack of something better. Tub Student does not protend to sny who is wrong or that anything is right in this Utile trouble, and only hopes that the matter may soon be amicably arranged, nud would rospcotfully call attention of those contiguout cm tendaiUa to that little proverb in which occur the lines, 'When children or a family fall out and chide and fight."' A.T. LEMING&CO, -uocbmiuto- FOX & STRUVK, BOOKS & STATIONERY 102(1 O ST II K -.I.