Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1882, Page 9, Image 15

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"Mr. President: "I desire (ho gonlh'iiUMi to givo a di
rect niiHWur to my question iititl stop beating the devil
around the stump." Tho Gentlumiui: "M Prcsldont:
I beg pardon If 1 have been striking llio honorable speak,
or." Confusion.
A progressive Pre)) enine to the conclusion that ho
would put some of his Latin into piactical use. The first
venture was made In a note, soliciting a young lady's
company, whlco lie closed with the following very choice
selection ; "Sic semper tyranm'a.
For tlie benefit of those that have not. as yet seen tho
comet, wo would state that the opportunity is still afford
ed. Wicst yourself from tho arms of Morpheus at about,
four o'clock A. M. and you may behold this celestial vis
itor in all Its original splendor.
To yary the monotoy of tho Manual, Commandant
Towuloy lias organized two classes in bayonet exercises
Co. A drilling ono day, and Co. B the next. If this will
lake tho rough edge off from the students muscles per
bap9 wo will have belter order for a while.
It does not require much time to write ono excuse, but
to write- ten or a dozen a week as some do, occupies no
little time. To obviate this difllculty, a scheinojis on fool
so it is rumored, to havo them printed, that the llmo lost
in writing excuses may bo devoted to study.
This day in tlio District Court Prof. Geo. E Church, who
has hitherto been Idenlifed with the Stato University, a
gentleman to whom the University owes much lhatis best
in it, on tho motion of W. R. Kelly, was admitted as a tor
ncy-at law by His Honor, Judge Pound. Democrat.
Ho was a Fresh and therefore know all about every
thing skating included. When he knocked three or four
fellow skaters down, broke two or thrco window lights
and tried to drive a hole through tho lloorln stopping, bo
decides he would not claim omniscience till ho was a
Judging from tho melody which exhaled from tho Mu.
sic Room yestorday, wo are propared to anuonco that a
llddleoftho most demoniac sort has been added to the
Conservatory of Music. It will bo strango if there are not
more indications of disorder than formerly In our Univcr
sky, if tho nuisunco is not abated,
Prof: "I may bo laboring under a false Impression, but
I think you were laughing, Mr. , during chapol ex-
crciscs". Mr. , with great veracity. "Your eyes
have evidently deceived you in this Instance, Prof, for
what you took as laughing was only an inevitable move
ment of my jaws from excessive cold."
They were standing on tho porch looking at tho Aurora.
Time, i2:!10.Anxlou8 parent comes out; "Why, Clrindal,
what aro you doing?" Clar. Nothing, mamma, onaa
trying to find tho end of the Aurora." A. P. "Did you
think it was on Mr. Popinjay's shoulder?" Ho suddenly
lemembers au engagement down town.
We dropped in at tho opening of tin Skating Rink Wed
nesday evening und foucd it crowded with the enthuslas.
tic skaters. All ofthoso who attended last year and aro
hi the land of tho living appeared to be on hand again
this year. Greatly to our surprise not ono tumble occurr
ed while under ourjsuspiclousgazo. Judging from tho
crowd at the opening It will undoubtedly be tho success
that It was last year.
On tho lGth our town was favored by a lecture from
Jos. Cook; subject, Tho religious aspect of tho times.
Ho Initialed tho subject in a masterly manner and the
many students in the audience expressed themselves
highly pleased. Lectures by cmlnenr men aro very val.
uablo educators and tho students will do well to attend
such lectures whenever opportunity affords.
Occasionally some of the alhloloj cxhlbltsomo of their
fiolt.confldonco and muscular development in a genuino
Ryan Sullivan combat. Such a one was witnessed af ew
days ago, between a Senior and Freshman, In which the
Senior was rather roulnd. The encounter was long and
spirited; many a well directed blow lodged where It
would prove tho most effective; viz. in the face. They
will perhaps not enter tho ring again until nature has
healed contusions and replaced several witches of cuticle.
Tho Union society held an oyster supper on the 2-1 th
tit the Acadmy of Music. Considering that tho Masons
had ono on thosamo night, the crowd attending was good.
Tho patience of tho hungry crowd was tried considerably
by the slowness with which tho oysters were served- The
music of tho evening was unusually good. All appeared
satisfied with their evenings' entertainment and left the
hall just in time to escape desecrating the sabbath.
The gates of tho University campus havo all boon torn
down, and tho good people of Lincoln, especially, aro cor
dially requested to pasture their equities, thoir boviues
and all their domestic animals,whatsoever upon these
grounds. A recent decision of thoFaculty has converted
this into grazing land and it is hoped all will profit by it
Intimate friends and relatives are earnestly besecched to
make no delay as the pasture is being rapidly filled
Plenty of water, good shade and an exuberant growth of
At the last meeting of tho Freshman class, there was a
Prcpio, who, under circumstances wa9 requested to par
tlcipato in tho exorcises. Ho acted well his part; about
ten o'clock tho young ladies thinking a joke would improve
the merriment of tho ovoulng, siezed up on poor Prcpio.
Being asked if he would take part in a cor tain game he an
ts wored "yes." Ho was blind-folded mid led to tho sofa
and requested to to be seated; about the time ho sat down
some one nipped from his downy chock a kiss. Prepie
immediately removed tho blindfold, and to his surprise
behind him stood thrco young ladles. A dozen voices
chimed, "who kissed you?" Another "which ine of them
kissed you?" By this time Prepio was admiring tho
figure In tho carpet, and with his cheeks burning with
excitement, ho answered, "Miss ." Miss was tho
tho ono who had led him to the ;:laco of sacrifice. Ho
was informed that this lady was not the one. Overcom
ing his bashfuluess ho looked admiringly upon the three
damsels who were behind tho sofa; no doubt happy to
think that ono of them had sipped from his cheeks sweet
nectar. Prepio was requested to chooso the lady thtt he
thought had committed tho tcrriblo deed. Prcpio winked,
smiled, and after several fits of choking, said that Mis")
kissed him. Ho had no more than arrived at tho
conclusion; when the one who had kissed him was asked
to appear, and from under tho sofa did appear a littlo
laughing nod of a boy about leu years old, and exclaim
ed, "I kissed you I" Prepio "tumbled," and tho laugh
went round. No doubt he Is now conjuring some plan
to get even with tho Fresh ies.