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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1882)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT, 9 vW "i jjjjxchmnje ric-n-hrnc, Wittenberg has taken ft change; she a booming. 2'jc Wiltenbtrg. Tho "Wisconsin Y. M. 0. A. state convention meets next week ut Oshkosh. Out of 850 applicants for admission to Yale only 240 were allowed to outer. It is rumored that n prize will soon ho offered for the prettiest girl in tho University. Original beauty will be required. University Courier. "The professor gave us an encoro in Latiu," said tho Freshman as ho slowly read tho "weeust latter, which ho found in tho box at tho beginning of tho term. Tho Niagara Index exhorts tho students to look over the names of the merchants who advertise in tho columns of their .journal, and to patronize only such men. A good idea. The question of co-education is under discussion by the authorities of tho University of Pennsylvania; and it is thought that some form of co education will soon bo adopt cd in Hint institution. The library of tho late George P. M irah, United States Minister to Italy, has been purchased at a cost of $25,000 l)y tho Hon. Frederick Billings for presentation to the University of Vermont. Tho most important feature of tho A.s7iby 3fonthlya the ocal deburtment, conducted by the Editor in Chief and three assistants. Wo like good lively locals, and plenty of them, but oveu a good thing may bo over done. Tho Kansas Review is one of the neatest Exchanges that reach our table. The October number contains suvural good articles, among which arc two concerning tho Oivil Service Reform question' and the one on Lord Byron is partlculiuly good. Aro the Senior young ladies in the Kansas State Univer sity all from Ohio? This is tho way thoy "come to the front" in the last class election: Miss Anna Murphy, President; Miss Olara Pollows, vice President; Miss Ada Brlggs, Secretary; Miss Helen Bay, treasurer. "A manly crowd, Indeed," tne Editor of the Review says. A new department has been added to the Iowa Univer sity, being that of Dentistry. Tho faculty consists of Dr L. O. Ingersoll, Dean, and Professors Nelson, Kuip and Hunt. Many students aro availing themselves of tho op. portimities offered by the Dental School, and the depart ment will doubtlessly become a success. The young ladies of Harvard collego send us ns good a paper as "other folks," even if they arc managed different, ly as thoy claim. "Nature's Man's best Teacher," is a well written article, and so is Utopia. Tho porsonal and local departments aro well sustained, and tho typography ical appearance of the Index and the Chronicle is fine. Literary Notes of October 15th contains a short article iu each of the higher schools in Nebraska, namely: The State University, State Normal, Doano College, The Baptist Seminary, Hastings College, Weslyen University and tho Gatcp College. Tho interest taken iu theso several institu tions of learning by the citizens of our state is proven by tho comparative largo number of students iu attendance, and tho able number of men and women who arc employed as instructors. Send this number of Literary Notes to our friends In tho East who imaglnuNubraskr ahowliug wilderness. Tho University Oouirier of Lawrence, Kancomes to ub full o good, sensible articles. "We notice a now depart ment called tlin "Topics," which is to ho modelled after the department of tho same name in tho Century. Also, considerable spaco is given to scientific notes. In tho lat ter department are made all tho additions mado to tho cabinet, containing tho specimens collected iu tho inter est of natural history, chemistry and mineralogy. With the exception of this catalogue of specimens, all under ciouliflo notes, is collected, not written bv the students. It may bo instructive, of course, but hardly seems appro prl ale for a collego paper. If tho Editor will pardon us for making this mild criticism. Tho Editors of tho Oolleye Student, published at Lancas ter, P n sylvan in intend to make somo important changes in their journal. The subscription price is to bo increased from sixty cents to one dollar, in order to accommodate the parlies at a distance, who htiyo experienced annoyance by tho want of a suitable and handy method of remitting such a sum through the mails." Wo trust the patrons ot the College Student will fully appreciate tho effort of these Editors to make things handy for them. But it is only fair to add that the size of the paper is also to bo increased from 10 pages to 20; and selections from scientific and lit erary papers to bo introduced. Wo wish tho Student all success in its venture and hope it will meet the support which it so well deserves Let it be universally understood and remembered that hero are 25 (iwcnty.flve) freshmen in Hohart College. It seems periodical, for the Ilobart Journal, which speaks of western Collego papers as '-would bo literary produc tions,which prey upon tho public"), that there is such a large (?) number in this class, as the paper contains noth ing but clippings, College Notesand tho cunning speccho ard accounts ot tho adventures of those wonderful fresh men. If it wouldn't necessitate such an enormous expen diture ot time and 11101103', we know that the students of tho colleges throughout the land would bo under deep obligations to the Editors of tho Journal if thoy would take , the census" over again, just to "make assurance doubly sure," you know; and in the next number give us something sure about the "Oh Fresh I" Dartmouth has turned its collego government over to a committee on discipline, composed of four seniors, tlirco juniors, two sophomores and a freshman .-2fa. 'Now let tho University of Nebraska go anct do likowise. But don't we pity that Fresh. Tennyson says that ho meant to refer to Goethointhc much queried lines of "In Mcmoriam": I hold It truth with him who sings To 0110 clear harp In divers tones, That men may rise on stopping stones Of their dead iclvoe to higher things." He was an '80 man, sho a blooming widow. He writes to ills father announcing his engagement. Tho roply: My Dea.ii Son : -Accept my heartiest congratulations. I was engaged to tho samo Mrs. Bunter when I was in col lege and can appreciate the fun you aro having. Go it while you arc yonng. Your loving father, Augustus DeForebt. Km