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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1882)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. instead of a common homo, when we create and fos er among ourselves a stronger feeling of mutual inter est, warm sympathy and natural fellowship; when we encourage the idea that we in a fraternal spirit belong together here; when we resolve unanimously that our student brotherhood shall last through life and amount to something more than mere acquaintance; then indeed shall we make our influence recognized and respected. Once thoroughly imbued with this spirit we will not fail in our efforts to vindicate and strengthen the University. gltc Indent's crap-lwok. VS'2 H. W. li.MtlXGTOX. Hull to the class of 82! TriU'-hotiitotl girl, and boys in blue; Not n lmnil but dares to do Ml Hint's light. audjust, and true. What am tho bonds that now wo seal As classmate here? Docs each one feci A stronger tie, that may not break In party strifes? Ay I let ns make A lasting compact, that shall he Kreo from thchltght of enmity. Let each tit other lend a hand, And. as tho granite, tlrmly stand For right and Justice. Who shall say The lnturc hath not many a day Of pleasant toil for each to do, And aught of grand achievement, too? What though fnw our numbers bo, If tho hearts am strong and free? Scattered stalks boar Shiest fruit. Deepest thouhhts arc ever mute. What though thousands press the race? To him who runs with swiftest pace, Tho more that sweat and toil bohiud. The richer the rowan! he'll And. Wore not tho Spartan numbers fow? Hut wlto ha heard ol hands moro true, Or deeds more famed? A dcathloss name How dearly bought, when llfo for fame Is given 1 Yet no poorer price, Jfo less of willing sacrifice. Will meet the full dem'aud, I trow, For honored fame doth wroath the brow With life Immortal 1 Thu the bard Lives in hia song, while hoavenward Itifctf souls iiiiuuinbtirud, who in time 1'aid homage to tho poofs rhyme. So, day by day, full many a life. Through unremitting toll and strife. Is given a sacrlflcc to Fame, For writing 'inong ilio stars a name. And is the goddess then so stern, That for immortal ltlc iu turn She claims the meagre span of yoars (At best but mingled hopos and ionrs) 01 mortal llfo? Whore llos tho noed That life lie givon in tragic deo.1? That courage high which mocks at death And braves it with tho ;atost breath, Dares not so much, though bravo he dies, As ho who gives in sacrifice A llfo ol'toil at Duty's shrine Human on earth, in heaven divine. There waits for every willing hand A work that shall bo true nnd grand, K'en as tho soul from whonce it springs Rises apovo ignoble things. As 'tis the will oi heaven to trace Tho soul's true likeness in the face, So should tho life, in accents clear, Speak out Its purpose, without fear Of cold affront! llo as you act; Whato'oryou arc, bo that in fact. ART AS AltT. In Iho lust century a. school has appeared which lias re jected Raphael as the standard of high art, and has made nature the basis. Bti' pre.Ruphitclism has germinated, budded, blossomed and given its highest fruits iu such works as Bid's "Vnl tVAosta," and Hunt's '"Finding of tho Savior in the Temple." Its work, which was to stim ulate new thought and emotion, to substitute analysis for synthesis, is now done. The inevitable reaction must taku place, and Ruskin complains pathetically that "pre Raphaelitism has lost sight of Us God," which we know was intellectuality and conscientious workmanship, rather than men's a-listic beauty. The theory of the school was thai "Art has but one Arm basis, the (ruth or nature and sound criticism lias but one method, to ascertain iu the first place what truth is and then to praise artists, or condemn them exactly in proportion to their conformity or nonconformity to the truth." Since a sculptor is to rcptcscnt a real body, a poem or novel, to re veal human nature or passion; the more real, the more exact the imitation, the higher is the art.' Rut if this be so in the extreme sense, tltcn photograph, casting and stenography would be perfect art, for they arc exact imitations. "While Raphaels "Madonnas," Michael Angelo's "Last Jt dgement," Dante's "Diviuc Comedy," and Shakespeare's "Hamlet," which are each and every one idealization, cannot be classed as art. Wherein lie- Shakespeare's greatness and power but iu his creations V Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, Othello arc all crcationsfrom his wonderful mind. Not one is to be found in real life as in his drama. Their principle qual ities; Hamlet's thought, Macbeth's ambition, Lear's mis ory and Othello's jealousy are displayed at the expense of minor characteristics; and it is only thus that we can be made to feel their power. As the great works of art which have lived through the countries show that those who created them purposely deviated from nature, we cannot but conclude that accti rale imitation is not the true basts. But if this theory was conceded to be the true one, how were it possible to reach the standard? "Let the artists mix his paints as he will, he cannot dispose o( brightness or darkness as nature docs." The brightest white he can obtain is not more than ontvtwentieth of tho brightness of the sun ; while white objects in the moonlight must be represented as ten or twenty times brighter than in reality. But if there were not this drawback, iho countless number of objects presented by nature, could not be transfered to canvass. When four years were required by Donner to finish a single face, how many years would be required to complete a landscape with the varying clouds and num. berlcss leaves, or the ever changing sea wave with its countless tints and aspc cts? It was in this striving after the unattainable that tho pre- Raphaclitcs failed. Their aim was too high, too preten. ious; for one of the first things an artist must learn is that his art has limits, that it must make many concessions to and innumerable compromises with nature. Every day figures, scenes, thoughts nnd actions do not make sculpture; painting and poetry. As Madame do -f