THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. HESPERIAN STUDENT. Issued hcinUmuiiilily by the Hesperian Stodknt Publishing Association of tliu University of Nebraska VER. RCE. BOARD OF EDITORS Editors-in-chief - - JV H." C"! ( L. A. rlE Local Will T. Mauck. Literary G. G. Hitchcock. Associate Josie Chapman. Business Manager -- -- W. C. Knight. TKHM8 OF SUIISOMPTION: One copy, per college year, - - - - $1.00. One copy, one half year, ----- .50. Single copy, --------- ,iC. RATES OF ADVKHTI8INO : 1 column one insertion, ------ $3.00. 2 squares " " .75. I " " " ,40. All communications should be addiersed to the II ks fenian Student. State University, Lincoln, Ncbrnska. Editorial oic, It might be well to suggest to both societies at tuis time, that while external beauty and internal worth may go hand in hand, they do not necessarily do o. The best class of students will not b? convinced of a societiy's excellence by the ornamentation of its halls, so readily as by the character of its prgrams. We do not under-appreciate the value ofattraction, but in our eagerness to obtain that result, do not for get or neglect ,even for one week the primary aim of your organization, literary culture. The Student may be a grumbler, but do not flatter yourselves that it is without cause. The protracted chase and" final capture ofthe'cow boy" murderers' Belmont and Simmerman, is a sign of better times for the protection of western Nebraska from the old-time terrorism of that region by the class of reckless desperadoes of which they are but ordinary representatives. Perhaps the prompt trial, sentence and execution of he outlaw who still remains alive will demonstrate to his brotherhood of herders that the law is gaining ground in the territory over which they have so long ruled without fear of punishment. It is to be hoped that no number of friends nor amount of money will be allowed to produce a repetiton of the Olive disgrace in this instance. Our welfare at home and our reputation abroad cannot afford to let jpstice always yield to outside pressure and technicality. The Student notices with gratification the recent efforts of the literary societies in the matter of pro grams on special subjects. ; It is a practice that has never yet failed to prodrfce thorough study on the part of the performers and excellent results in the character of their productions. While a constant pur suance of the "special program" policy might be come monotonous, an occasional evening devoted to one general subject or one period of the world's his tory is not only interesting but highly beneficial. By no other method can knowledge of any kind be so thoroughly mastered and so easily retained as by this one of grouping and associating ideas. This, then, together With the careful preparation necessary to the creditable execution of such programs, constitutes the elements of their excellence. New members of a society should bear in mind that in the course of time the mantle of leadership and responsibility will fall on their shoulders and that ear nest, hard work is necessary to fit them to bear it prop erly. Do not then allow a half dozen members of your newly adopted society to do all the good work that is done, but rise to the emergency and spare neither time nor labor to make yourself a credit to the society. The broadest river has its source in some distant and obscure rivulet whose humble origin and diminutive proportions indicate nothing of its fu ture extent and power. Rest not satisfied with any production until you are sure it is the best you can do and surely you will have earned a place that cannot be vacated without loss to your society. Wherever you are, make your efforts felt by showing them to be sincere, unceasip" and the greatest of which you are capable. If this determination marks your course in the University, rest assured you will never be a non entity. Are not societies going a little on the extreme in trying to make the exercises entertaining and attract ive to the public? Of course it is always pleasant to have a large and intelligent audiences. It is inspir ing to those on the rostrum and encouraging to the members generally to sec that people take an interest in their work. Yet can the societies afford to go out side of their proper sphere of labor in order to insure having an audience? Do we not err in thus pander ing to the public taste, a criterion which can seldom be relied on as a good standard? The public are apt' to demand or expect something more sensational in character than belongs to the scope of the true litera ry society. Frequently something ludicrous and ab surd is greeted with a hearty round of applause while a serious, scholarly discourse upon some deep and im portant theme is quite unheeded. Hence the student has a great temptation to try to appear witty and bril liant. The more he yields to this temptation the less profound and the more superficial he must become.