Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1882, Image 1

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Vol. XI.
No. III.
$lixcclfoncou8 tgftqnihn.
Is it a good plan to write translations and grammatical
notes in text books? A majority of good scholars, amoni;
tliom Pi of. McMillan, would say No." It does not bring
one the acbunintanco with the language that we all want
to acquire. It loses us confidence in ourselves; it cucr
vates the memory. Can we afford to do it?
Uphantaeneahabucn regarded by Professors Hall and
Dawson as a plant. It occurs in the Devoniuu of Now
York, and consists of interlaced narrow branches, like the
willow mcsht'S in the bottom of a basket. Frof. White
Held thinks ii should be with the silicious framework of
tho G1h.js Sponge or Enptcdella. Geology class pleasc
tak'i notice.
The cadets at the Annapolis (Md ) Academy have taken
upon themselves tho task of Instructing the ladies of An.
napolis in the manual of arms. A cadet calls at the
residence ot his inamorata, and upon entering they stand
facing ouch other. Tho command of "present arms" is
given, followed by "forwaid march," and it is but a nat
ural supposition that the order "remain at rest" follows in
"double quick time."
The inauguration of the University of Lund, Sweden,
was celebrated on .September 28th with great splendor
After the coronation by the bishop of the diocese
King Oscar delivered a highly poetical and powerful
addiess. In the historical festive procession which fol
lowed, 480 students took part, half of them on horseback"
Tho pageant, much of which represented tho pi'iiod of
Gustavus Adolphus,vas a great success, and va witnessed
by thousands of spectators.
The noise of party organs and the voice ot tho champion
orator will soon bo hushed, while nil will listen to the
mandate of a higher power. After months and years of
conflicting arguments and bitter controversy the great
question of universal suffrage will bo submitted to that su.
premo tribunal from which there is no appeal. This is ev.
idently an important crisis in the history of the state as
the decision reached at the polls next Tuesday will doubt,
less bo a permanent one, at least so far as this generation
is concerned.
Do Tocquovillo says in his word on America, vol. 1 P
280, speaking of tho Influence and ubiquity of tho press in
tho United States: "Nothing is easier than to set up a
newspaper, as a'small number of subscribers will suffice
to defray the expenses." It is quite evident that Tocquey
hasn't been through tho experience of running a journal
in America. He may analyze our institutions, dissect our
morals and prophesy our future; but when he undertakes
to discourse on the financial management of a newspaper
ho simply discloses his frog-eating stupidity.
The country schools of Maine aro not as a rule open
more than three or four months in the year. Some ot the
districts an detlcient in pupils. In one county there are
districts where the average attendance at school was only
five scholars. There is a district near Augusta whore forty
years ago tho average attendance was fifty; now it is but
ion. Guess they havn't any saloon licenses to support
(heir schools as wo have. How fooliBh they be.
It will be remembered what excitement was created last
year by the shooting of a student at the University of
Minnesota by one of the Faculty. "Wo clip from tho Ariel
Uio following: The case of Professor Piko for assaulting
Asa Paine with a dangerous weapon camo up before the
Grand Jury the first day of lis session. Paine and several
others, including two or three students, were summoned
and testified, substantially as in the Municipal Court last
June. On taking a vote the jury failed to find a bill by
four or five votes, and ho was accordingly acquitted but
not cxoneiated. Thus falls the curtain upon the last act
and tho drama passes from the public stage.
How the school and University lauds aro to bo disposed
of, is a question now before the ueople of tho state. Ob
viously there is much wisdom in the policy of leasing in
stead of selling them and investing the money in' bonds.
Tho bonds only bring an Income ot from three to six per
cent while the lauds can easily bo leased so as to realize a1
least twice that amount. Besides there aro other impor
tanl reasons for not disposing of tho school lauds at the
present time. Tho value of them is constantly increasing
and in tne near future will doubtless bring three times as
much as it can bo sold for now. Again so long as the land
is kept It Is absolutely safe and forms a permanent endow
ment, but if sold the entire fund may bo lost through the
dishonesty of corrupt officials.
Miscellaneous Mention would speak with tho college
press: Dear contemporaries, wo Know 'lisn't so ensy to
find paragraphs entirely unobjectionable and at tho same
time interesting i'r tho miscellany and odd corners.
How we have devastated iu own once luxuriant poll in
search of copy for this pajo let no one tell: our hcurts
have more of pity than condemnation for you. .And yet
amici nostri, doesn't it dawn upon you that it has been
pretty thoroughly circulated that tho first college paper
in America was started at Dart nnuth i.i 1790 and that D.
Webster was a contulator? Wouldn't a notice to the
effect that the assailant ofWm.Pattorsou was still at large
or a pithy statement i tho observation made by the chief
executive of North Carolina to his colleague of South Car
olina look a trifle moru recent?