Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 8
lAUWWjhtMUMAUJlKLiajrt .8 T H R tt'lS S'P 15 ft 1 A N : S T If b 13 N T . Iftfom HLr,ifcf.v. Liirgu stuck now bonks at Pawkms. Novcllles in fluo siniloiicry it Pawkms. 225 foot front; solid brick golny up on lllh street. Sold, what ? Boo'.s and shoes at 0. W. Webster's. Speech by Hon. J. Sterling Morion, Monday night. KBiiTiKY & Co., arc making tlio finest Photo's In town. University books and student supplies at Pox & Stiiuvk'b. Kki.lky & Co., the leading Artists, make a special rcduc tion to student. Walt till election day, young men. 'Twere, perhaps, not so easy to face thouffrnglsts then. Say that you are a student whc.i you buy boots and shoes at Goodrich Bros, and you will get them at ten per cent, discount. Let it bo on Record. We moan to say that Mr. 0. S. Record has very ably assisted the compositor in getting out tliis covy of the Student, and is a genuine double, leaded nonpareil (sticker.) A great many literary societies are being organized throughout the state. This is a good evidence of growth. The value of a well conducted literary society to the young people of any community can hardly be over estimated. Special meeting of Palladian; irrepressible Junior: "Now Mr. President, every one knows that all these mat tors are arranged by the buys in caucus. Now wo held a caucus down in my room; opposing Junior Interrupt, ing: "Who were at that caucus?" Irrepressible: (indig nnnt) "Why, there was Mr. Clark and I and, and no I guess Mr Drydcn wns'nl there." Tableau. This fellow must be taking the Scicntiflic Course. List en to the outpouring of his soul: "0, come where the cyanides silently flow, And the carbonates droop o'er the oxydes below; Where the rays of potassium He white on the hill, And the song'of the silicate never is still. Come, oh, come! Peroxide of soda and uranium. Whilo alchohol's liquid at thirty degrees, And no chemical change can effect manganese While alkalies flourish and acids are lice, Thy heart shall be constant, sweet Science, to thcel Yes, to thco! Zinc, borax and bismuth, O plus II and 0 "0! (K) night with hue so black," says Pyramus In Midsummer Night's Dream. Pyrnmus didn't know it, but he referred to our accomplished and erudite business manager after his adventure with a wheelbarrow of type the other day. "The wheelbarrow tipped, Ami tlio typo bad a fall; Whilo tlio Bub. Man. declared Ho couldn't help tt at all. And did the patient, unwearied compositor cuss and rave at the unfortunate Bus. Man., and comb his hair with the shooting stick after the manner of all ancient and approved comps? Ah no, not this one, while aglow of forgiveness irradiated his benevolent features, lie seized the business manager's hand and told him to hire a man to dislilbute it. tii k nnuiAiir. Many valuable additions have, been made to the library since the oloso of last year, especially In the dupartmont of History and Mathematics. In the purchase of works on history it lias beon tlio object lo placo tho sources of Information before the students in order to g:vo them an opportunity for original research. Willi this object in view, tho following volumes, some of which wcro ob tained with great diflculty and at a high price, htvo been added to tlio list : On the Puritan Revolution Gardiner's Spanish Mar riagc, 2 vol., G udlner'sPrinco Charles and Dukoof Buck, inham, 2 vols., Noble's Life ol Cromwell and Clarendon's Cromwell. On llic Piench Revolution Travels through Franco in 1788 I), by Arthur Young; Von Sybol's French Revolu. lion, 4 vols , Van Latin's IIMory of French Revolution ,2 vols; Genii's Memo! is. On the Renaissance Growol and Cavalaselle's History of Painting in Northern Italy, 2 vols.. VasarPs Lives of the Painters' 0 vols., Dieppa and Qua! remote's Ritphael and Mioheal Angelo, 1 vol., Napier's History of Florence, 0 vols., Mrs. Dobson's Life of Petraich, 2 vols., Foseolo's Essays on Petrarch : l)riiinmonl,s Life of Erasmus, 2 vols., Syniond's Renaissance in Italy, H vols., Pater's Studies In tho Renaissance a id Mrs. Oliphiiut's Makers of Florence. On Constitutional History : ICeniblo's Saxons in Eng. land. Sharon Turner's UNtoiy .f the Anulo Sazons, Pal. grave's Saxon Pel iod, mid his House of Commons. Miscellaneous Historical Woiks: History of tlio Jesu. its by Carlevrlght, also by Stein Melz, 2 vols., Mitchel's Lile of Wallenstoln, Moshoim's History of the Church, 1 vols., Knight's England, Mieliard's History of the Crn sades, Translation of Herodotus, Bolin edition, I vol., of Thucyd,) des, 2 vols., Philip DeCommines, 2 vols. In the department of Greek Literature: Stcbbon'sThc 8aurus, 5 vols , and the Train-notions of Cambridge Phil ological Society have been added. Tlio Department of Mathematics has been enriched by a largo number of superior works by tho highest authori ties on this subject. The following will be of great Inter est and value to the students of Mathematics: Salmon's Higher Plane Curves, Burlow on Theory of Numbers, Gregory's Differential Inteural Calculus, Bool's Laws of Thon'rbt, etc , Bool's Dilleruntial Equations, Morgan's Calculus, At ili.iiiv ileal Books, On Probabilities, Tod hun ter's History of tlio Theory ol Equation, Todhunler'a Figures on Earth, Caley's Elrinentary Treatise on El Ilyptical Functions, Vega's Table orLogarillims. Everett's Units and Physical Constants, Cliffords Elements of Dy namics, Clausing Theory of Heat. The privileges of the library have been 'cxtetdcd so that a student ma now obtain mree books at once in. stead of two as formerly, and on instructor may on his own responsibility furnish any student of his class with not exceeding three books. Periodicals, also, may now bcdiawn. These privileges will be heartily appreciated by all the students. Tho addition of tlio rcidlng room and rules in leganl to deportment aro an excellent im provement on the old system. Formerly the library was crowded witn social groups, who, by their conversation prevented study; now, all are quid and industrious. All the students buy their books of Fox & Sthuvb. t -r"