Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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ries manifests itself in hazing and midnight adven
ture, but we should like to see more unity of feeling
among the students of the University. The adop
tion of a college color and the organization of the
classes have been steps in the right direction, yet is
there still a great lack of that fraternity which ought
to exist among students whose i iterests are largely in
in common.
We should learn to look upon the University as our
common home, a home wheve all have equal rights and
privileges. There is no good reason why a student, as
many of them do, should go through his entire course
without even forming the acquaintance of the mem
bers of his own class. Such a student on going out in
to life, will not feel the inspiration, not put forth half
the effort he would if he felt that he was leaving a host
of warm friends behind him who would be ever anx
ious to hear of his success.
Some students seem to think they can become pro
ficient in oratory by studying elocution. The notion
is simply absurd. A thorough elocutionary drill un
der a competent instructor might improve one's voice
and give him a more graceful command of person, but
these are to oratory only what brush and canvass are
to painting.
Speech is simply expression of thought. Hut no
matter how much skill in elocution one may have he
cannot express thoughts he doesn't have. The only
way to become able to speak readily and well is to be
come deep and accurate in thought. If a per n can
not express himself it is usually because his ideas are
vague and not well defined. One who has definite
and clear-cut ideas will seldom have any trouble in
finding appropriate words to express them.
Others think they can become good speakers and
debaters by practicing a little occasionally. Practice
may make a wrestler, but it cannot make a speaker.
Speaking is something more than an art. No one
ever made a speech upon any particular subject that
was worth listening to who had not at some time or
other studied that subject. No one can argue any
question intelligently until he has thoroughly ventila
ted and investigated it. It is sometimes urged that
the masterpieces of Webster and Clay were delivered
off-hand without any specific preparation. The fact
is these statesmen had spent the most of their lives in
studying the questions upon which they spoke. The
profound arguments and lofty sentiments thus uttered
were not the offspring of a moment but the product
of years of patient thought.
It is currently reported in University circles that
there is a decided antagonism to our literary societies
as they are at present organized and conducted, among
the new members of the Facul y. While theSTUDENT
realizes that this is a delicate question to handle, it
can not forbear expressing the hope that for the sake
of all concerned this rumor is unfounded. Time and
again since their organization have the societies been
much exercised over vague hints that something was
to be done by the Faculty to restrict and radically
modify them in various ways, but so far nothing of
an alarming nature has been done in this direction.
The societies exist in the University by the per
mission of the Faculty, and their constitution and by
laws must be approved by that body before their
adoption. The rules laid down by those in authority
should ever be enforced, and so no good student
would think of refusing to obey any such demands
ahat are reasdnable and necessary to the preservation
of good order. The Student believes in the soldier's
motto: "'Tis as honorable to obey as to command."
This much being, granted tin Faculty should use, but
not abuse its power. Tyranny is rarely a permanent
form of government, and any encroachment on the
liberties and privilages of the societies which are
manifestly unnecessary, they will vigorously and prop
erly resist.
It is the opinion of the Student that both societies
have justly earned the right to be treated with respect
ful consideration. Their training in parliamentaay
and literary work is unequalled in value to the student
by any continuous study throughout his course;
their halls are furnished excellently by the personal
efforts and pecuniary support of their individual mem
bers; they have steadily gained in worth, influence
and membership from their infancy to the present
time; and they constitute today a power in the Uni
versity that neither Facility nor Regents will do well
to ignore or antagonize. Their members are not
children, but joung men and women; industrious,
orderly, and worthy of respect and confidence, The
discipline that teaches them to control their own con
duct by their personal dignity, honor and integrity
of character, cannot be beneficially replaced by the
hampering dictation, irksome watchfulnes and closely-drawn
reins of the so-called "parental" form of
dieclipine. Like mankind generally, our students
are very apt to be what they are expected to be;
trustworthy if relied upon,' treacherous if suspected.
1 It would he a retrogressive step by the powers that
be, to so interfere with tin-., societies that their work
would be diminished or obstructed. It is an unpopu
lar step to give the societies reason to feel that any pro
fessor or regent is watching'for an opportunity to do
them injury; and throughout the history of the Uni
versity unpopularity has made its influence felt. It is
for this reason that the Student hopes that a disposi
tion does not exist in the Faculty towards the organ
izations whose members and friends compose the con-
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