Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued scmi-monthly by tliu-U tctiiKiti.N Student !
Publishing Association of llio University of Nebraska. '
known throughout Nebraska that any comment on
our part, is unnecessary. If elected he will doubtless be
an able and efficient executive.
( H. H. Cui.vkr.
j C. A. 1'lKRCE.
( John N. Drvden.
Literary (I. (5. Hitchcock.
Associate IosieChai'.max.
Olio copy, per college year, - - - - $1.00.
One copy, oho ball' ,ouY, ----- .50.
Single copy, --------- .10.
1 column one insertion, ------ ,$!i 00.
2 kjiiiiit:- " ' ,75.
1 .4o.
All communications should bo addiosscd lo llio IIes.
pkhian Studknt, Slate University, Lincoln, 7Jobraska.
Editorial 4Jfr$
Thkuk was considerable murmuring among the ca
dets hen Commandant Townly announced the offi
cers for the temporary organization. Irregularity in
appointment of officers has always been a source of
dissatisfaction among the students in this department.
The reinforcement of the editorial corps is a wel
come change as it lightens the work of each individ
ual editor. The duties of the editors would be much
less arduous if the students would take more interest
in contributing for the paper. Long articles are not
so much desired as short, terse paragraphs upon any
matter of general interest.
The Student, while not desirous of appearing au
tocratic or of laying the hand of correction too heav
ily on our revered Faculty, wishes that the energetic
young ladies who formed the project of a strictly co
ed literary society had not been refused their petition.
The reason assigned, "that youvg ladies should not
tome alone" to such gatherings will, we hope, not be
lost on the ydung gentlemen members of the Univer
sity. Thus- far there are no candidates for the Chanccl
orship, but the "Regents at their last meeting agreed in
a rather informal way, to tender the position to Judge
Savage of Omaha, provided that gentleman should sig
nify his willingness to accept. We learn from good
authority, that the Judge is willing to accept the posi
tion ifso tendered, as yet however no official steps have
been taken in the matter. Judge Savage is so well
"No time to spare, "is the trite answer many stu
dents make when asked to join a literary society or
contribute something for the college paper. Most stu
dents would have time enough for work of this kind
if they use system and method in studying. Not that
it is always best to have an inflexible program for each
hour, but if a definite amount of time is allotted to stu
dy and recitation and a definite amount tor meals and
exercise you will invariably find plenty of time left
for miscellaneous work.
Every great university has been built up not so
much by its endowments and learned instructors as
by the character of its alumni. Conscientious stu
dents always feel themselves in duty bound to do all
in their power to defend the interests of .the institu
tion throtfglfwhose generosity they received their ed
ucation. The alumni of the University of Nebraska
are already considerable in number, and if united in
feeling and principle1 as they should be, could wield
an influence throughout the state in behalf of their
Alma Mater.
And now as the ring of musket butts is heard in the
hall and the Stentorian tones of Commandant Town
ley roll over the campus we have a word to say for the
military department of the University.
As a mere physical gymnastic the drill is of high
importance; when joined to this is correct carriage
knowledge of the use of arms and the additional spirit
of fraternity developed we think it by all means to be
improved. Let volunteers come in from the Latin
school and fill up the ranks and every man do his
best to profit by the opportunity afforded.
The Faculty have granted to the the AthleticAsso
ciation the use of a large and commodious room in
the north wing of the basement. We understand the
association intends to fit up this room at once and
furnish it with all the equipments of a first class gym
nasium. It is to be hoped that the regents will lend
the boys some assistance in carrying out this new and
worthy enterprise. The need of a good gymnasium
in connection with the university has long been felt
and if the plans of association are carried out we pre
dict there will soon be a marked improvement in the
health of the students. It is impossible to have a
strong mind without a strong healthy body and the
only way to make a strong, healthy body is through
vigorous and systematic exercise.
We have no desire for any of that harsh college
spirit which among many of our eastern contempora-
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