Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1882, Page 11, Image 11
W y' MalifUnN J THE HESPERIAN STUDENT 11 31 S. I WESTERFIELW Still Holds tho Fort nt tho Star Shaving Parlor ! first class shaving, ton cents. Hair cutting, twenty.flvo cents. 1202 O St. I,. J. BUMSTEA, M. D., Ilomccopathist. Onicc, 820 South Two) Mi Street. J. A. I'.IWE, m. n. Ofllco 1125 N Strcot. finft si wool m, 1238 0 Strcot, Burr mid Briggs block. A. E. HARG-REAVES, l'ACKEll or CHOICE AND FANOT Winter Apples WHOLESALE DEAI.Ell IK Fancy Gtoceries, Cigars . And Tobacco, FRESH OYSTERS, Ioztcr- Weyl Cracker Co'h Celebrated Goods. LINCOLN, NE1J. M HARRIS, DENTIST. Tenth Invurlod In Gold, Silver mid Cellu loid, All work warranted. Ollco, 1007 O S t C. It. T K F F 'IV Itcntist. Nitrous Oxldo (Ins administered whoncvo desired. OIllco, 1111 0 street. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, .1. J. IIHHOFF, Irop., Turkish op Russian !- Salt Water g" In Hie Hotel. Rheumatism cured by Turkish Bath. Corner 11th nnd 1 Streots, Lincoln, Nob. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR 820 South Eleventh, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Vine stock of Goods. xMxs Jftef wife, . North Side I'ostolllco Square. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. M II- " HOVEY&PECK, Wholosnlo nnd Hotnll dealers In sitovcn, Hardware, Tinware. Woodcnwnrc, &e. First class hardware store. A ape clatoy miulo of pocket knives 100 North 10th stieet. .TANSEN BROS. COMPANY, Manufacturers, Ketnilers, and Jobbers of FURNITURE. West Sldo of 1'ost OIllco Square. LINCOLN, NEH. A. D. GUILE, Denier la U ED-HOOK AND PAllLOll FURNITURE ! Mirrors, Waitresses, Jflould ing, Etc., Etc. WEST SlDlL P. O. SQUARE. FLAKAGEN BROS., NEW ATTOWJCON BHOOttHT 117 Sou tli 10th at Where can b" found nil kinds of fur. niluiT, l in ware and (iiiecnswure. High est c ish (nice n.iid lor second luuul goods of all descriptions. MIEJTIll" ItllUGM.l.Y, DEALEIt IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite I. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. Corner O mid 17th. Tho largest Collection of Green House plnnts in tho State. Cut llowors, llurnl designs of all doacrlptlouH, fancy baskets, otc, constantly on hand. Tea nnd Tube roses In bloom. i0 MORE LONG SITTING! IS MAKINO l'lIOTOQllAl'IIS INSTANTAN EOUSLY MY THE DltY rilOCESS. Special Hates to Sludcnts .' R. C. Manley, EAST SIDE SO.UAKE. GREEN FRUIT, FRESH CANDY, BE SOP GX&AftB. Glason & Fletcher, No. O, O Street, News, Books, Toys &c. Carrying the largest stock of porlodi. eals in Nebraska gives thorn an advan. lagn in tilling orders promptly. DAVID MAY, DEALEU IN CLOTHING AND G-ENTS' FURNISHING- V. E. Farmer, DEALEIt IN GROCERIES Soeds and Food. Vegetables, Mince Meat, Apple and Quince llutter, Sauerkraut, MHM WoWlfWalFgg! ie jsrsAf . 'acjas