Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1882, Image 1

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    V .
Vol. XT.
No. II.
3i.'jrcll;tiicoii.'s tgfjqntioit.
Curlyle's father was a man oT very groat austerity ami
reserve. Even liis mother, says Curly lc in his Reiuinis.
cenccs, never tclt that she was acquainted with him.
Sydney Smith never recovered from the horror of a
dream which ho once had when ill, when ho thought he
"was chained to a rock and hciug talked to by Harriet.
Murtinenu nml Macaulay.",;
Wc wonder how many of our students have enjoyed the
literary treasures contained in that rare, quaint, old volume
Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Those who are of a
literary and antiquarian disposition will tiud scarcely a
keener enjoyment than in his pages.
Students at the "Wisconsin State University have been
constrained by a despotic city council to leave off practi.
sing on conch shells and now employ their loose time in
petitioning the faculty and robbing the college orchnid, the
latter being first.
Education is a companion which no misfortune can
depress, no climato destroy, no enemy alienate, no despot
ism enslave. At home n friend, abroad nu introduction,
in solitude a solace, in society an ornament. It lessens
vie, guides virtue and gives at once a grace and govern
ment to genius. "Without i', what is .1 man? A splendid
slave! A reasoning savage! vacillating between the
dignity of an intelligence derived from Gd and the deg.
redation of passions participated in by brutes. Phillips
Wo like to meet the man who commiserates us on "wast
ing" the best period of our life in college; who Gorgon
Izes us with a Palaeozoic guzo while he assures us that a
boy becomes unfitted for the activeduties of life by a col.
lego course; who bids that wc seek the "practical" (great
stickler he lor the word) -by practice and eschew the or.
namental;such an one wo like to meet, to fancy ourselves
his offering and if wc can't find him--a something rare in
this utilitarian Now wc look at his porlraituro in Mr
Dickon's Gradgrind.
There are lecturers and there are lecturers One man
has the power of holding the attention of a class, and of
exciting their interest, whatever ho may tali; about. Much
depends upon the subject of course. Tho most brilliant
genius could not arouse much interest in u mathematical
demonstration, unless he wero talking to class of enlhusi
asts on the subject. But the man is the main factor in the
work. It is in his power to attract or repel the students;
to encourage, or to disgust them with the whole subject.
The Occident.
There is a discreditable deposition among many of our
stduuts to regard everything connected with the UnivcrsU
ty as in some way divided on "society lines." They would
struggle for Palladian or Union supremacy in every plan
that is suggested and unniine a necessity tor Hie existence
of one or (he other in the respective class organizations, i 11
the gymnasium, the columns ol the Student, the Cadet
promotions and even in the Cadet Band. This feeling not
only mars the true pleasure to be had in those departments
of the University, but also degrades and belittles the char
acter of those who indulge in and foster it Whenever our
societies learn to substitute tho worthier spirit of emula
tion for this petty and all pervading jealousy a great step
will have been taken towards elevating their standard of
If the Congress have power to pass general laws on the
subject of commercial bankruptcies would it not be well
for it to have authority over that species of domestic bank
ruptcy calling for divorce laws? The present conflict of
state enactments on the subject results in litigation, rancor
and trouble, without end. This, however, accouling to the
view of some late Eastern writers on the topic should be
the perpetual condition of those unfortunates who seek to
free ihemselves from the miseries of wedded discord. It
is something phenomenal that tiie'same 'doxy which en
trenches its hostility to divorce in general nm fort issime
against the marriage o( divorced persons bciiind the words
of the Bible should have arrived in these latter days at the
conclusion that the injunction from speaking in church
given to women was simply St. Paul's individual opinion
for a particular ago and country and entiiely sans inspi
ration. Weak Lunos. The Echo says: "It is grevious to find
so many young people, especially at this season of the
year, suffer from chest affections. Exercising ihc lungs
and vocal organs, either in speaking or singing, is admit'
cd by the medical profession generally to boa beneficial
practice for the strengthening of the lungs nnd.thc clear
ing of tho bronchial tubes. Tho voice in singing should
so act upon the chest that itself becomes a kind of sound
ing board for the voice, the voice proceeding from the
larynx, and reverberating in the chest. Tiiis is the grand
Italian method of voice production, which so thoroughly
and completely exercises the lungs. Therefore, I thiuk
young people should know the great benefit from prac
tising tlie voice, not merely in speaking, or even in Biug
ingasong, but by practising certain vocal exercises daily.
Twenty minutes or half an hour's practice a day would
considerably strengthen the lungs, and at the same time
greatly improve the voice, both in quality of touo and
power. Speaking from experience I can assure ail those
who suffer moro or less from weak lungs that, by taking
n scale of notes and singing each note to a breath, and
sustaining it us long as tho respiratory organs will permit,
they will find in a very short period the breath prolonged,
which will bo 0110 of the first symptoms of tiio lungs be-
incr strengthened.
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