Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1882, Image 1

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Voi,. X.
No. 10.
tgjfisccllmieous 2lciitiim.
The bill for a $10,000,000 school fuutl
is a move which moots ;vith the approval
of all who have an Interest in the country's
progress. The method of distribution
also seems fair. The states having the
largest percentage of illiterate citizens
receive the most benefit. Though not
strict justice to the other states, what
serves to raise the general culture confers
a good upon all. If care is exercised in
its expenditure, we may look for results
in a fairer ballot and a decrease in crime.
One of the chief causes of the weak
hold which the orthodox churches have
upon the world seems to be the conserva
tive view which they take of great moral
reforms. Many of the churches long
gave countenance to slavery in America.
Until recently the temperance question
received a severe lotting alone by ministers
of the Gospel. We were glad to know of
the recent Ministerial Conference all
creeds represented held in this city to
consider the temperance movement and
decide upon a definite line of action.
The position ol the country with res
pect to tariffs has caused much discussion
in the Political Economy class. We think
that, with some exceptions, the Protec
tionists arrayed against the Free Traders
are an array of the politicians of the
country against the intellect. It seems as
if America had reached that standard of
culture where she is ready to throw aside
the party leading strings and sectional
prejudice and follow the lead of intelli
gence The time for civilized nations to
refuse to fraternize with foreigners
through fear of compromising tholr
national independence ii past.
Investigations seem to bo the most
interesting order of business in the present
session of the Legislature. Numerous
charges of bribery are made. Lieutenant
Governor Cams is accused of offering a
$5,000 bribe; Senators Tefft and Graham
are charged with having rocoived bribes
in the late Senatorial election. Will tho
time never come when politician? in
America will be as eminent for integrity
as they now are for venality. We sincerely
hopo that the present charges are un
founded. Their prompt move for a
thorough investigation palliates suspicion.
In this day of ambiguous verdicts may
the investigations be so .systematic and
searching that the gentlemen may be
fully cleared or convicted.
education means anything, it should assist
to raise the staudard of the professions.
It takes courage to expose abuses, but
courage in the right direction is no vice.
In 1SGU Fitz.John Porter was, by the
sentence of a court-martial, deprived of
his rank in the army and denied the right
of holding a position of honor and trust
under the government of the United
States The President ha.s lately removed
the latter disability by a pardon. A bill
has also been introduced by Briggs of
Wisconsin to authorize the President to
roslcre him to the rank ot colonel, and at
his discretion to place him on the retired
list. No back pay is involved and the bill
may pass. Porter must be a prolessional
hypocrite or else he was unjustly con
demned, lie has kept the matter before
the public for j cars, and now his pros
pects arc bright for a reinstatement.
Truly perseverance is one of the chief
elements of success.
A recen number of tho Popular Science
Monthly contains an article relating to
quacks in medicine. This leads us to
think of the extensive quackery practiced
in all the professions. In medicine its
effects are more noticeable and of course
more appalling. When life is at stake a
man who will administer a medicine
whose nature he does not fully under
stand is morally guilty of crime. The
laws in relation to practice are more
strict than formerly, but they are not
closely adhered to. Pettifoggers In most
casos can not prospor because their igno
rance is soon discovered and laid bare by
tho legal fraternity. Preteudois in science
thrive in inobt localities. A few eupho
nious scientific terms will admit a man
into the most cultured circles. But min
istenal mountebanks are of all hypocrites
the most numerous and insinuating. In
many communities winning manners
will completely overshadow moral deprav
ity, and a smooth tongue is synonomous
with mental strength. Students as they
take their places in active life not only
have the power, but it is their duly to do
what tlioy can to make it warm for these
I professional shams. If a University
Gail Hamilton in her article on "The
Spent Bullet" maKcs a few scathing ob
servations on the pretensions of Science
and Religion as shown "by their claims
during the illness of Garfield. Science
which can discuss so learnedly of the
soul, resolve the nebula) into us constit
uent parts, how dismal was thy failure in
the location of the assassin's bullet! Bet
ter give time to the clearing of your own
eyes and perfecting j'our own department
than to try to snatch from Religion any
of her faitlt in her God and a future life.
Science had every means it could ask;
every convenience, as well as money, was
placed at its disposal, yet death claimed
the President and only then was it found
that the physicians knew not where tho
bullet lodged. So complete was the
failure of Science. Religion, too, tried
her power. From churches all over the
land arose the earnest prayer that the life
of the President might bo spared. And
had he lived, no doubt, the churches would
have claimed a share of the credit. As
he died, they ought to take his death as a
nonfulfillment of their prayers. Instead
of doing this they try to explain it away,
and say that their prayers were answered
in another way. Law, too, does not
escape her censure. Though she admits
that the practical best was done. Tho
only one who gained honor or glory was
the President himself. Before and after
his election ho was charged with many
crooked and dishonorable acts. Vile
slander had touched his name. But all
this was forgotten alter that sad 2nd of
July. His name will now live in the
memory of a people who will look only
on his virtues, carefully concealing his
He hnd been expelled. His parents
weie made aware of the fact by the re
ceipt of this: "Dear Father Fatted call
for one. Yours affectionately, George."
A boy having lost half his kito-string
added l'orty-fi vc feet, licked two boys,
clubbed a dog and fell on a fence. The
string was then one half its original
length. What was tho original length.