r--',)' ii.'-- TIIE HESPERIAN STUDENT. Dealer in HKD-UOOM AND IAKI.OU FURNITURE! "Mirrors, .Waitresses, .lloulth In, A7r., A7r. WEST SI 1)1-. P. O. SQUARE. s. f. westkiifiisl-u Still Hold tho Fort tit the Star Shaving Pavlov! First class shaving, tun cents. Hair uniting, twenty live cents. North-east corner O ami 12lli. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Tho University Is located nt Lincoln, the capital of the State. Open to Indies and gentlemen. In struction In nil branches of n liberal education . Tuition free. No charge for incidentals. mkmicai.. J..11HH S J 1 'SI f....V. Burr and Briggs block, earner O and 13th streets. i,. j. buitistuad, m. i.. Itomaopatlt 1st. Olllcf Twelfth Slroot, between J. and M u. j. pniiiu, ai. l. OKKICK N ST., 1HT. 11 AND 12. LINCOLN, N KB. A. K. MITCHELL, M. D. Ofllcc Little's Block. 11th St., South Commercial. Lincoln, - - - Nebraska. Established 1800. ijftttKTOtt's Jhptt M ttW SCHOMACKER: Highest awards at Con. tunnial. Electro-Gold blrings. WEBER: Recommended by Kellogg, Lucca, Pattl, Gerstcr, Niltsou,nnd others. CHASE: The Conservator Piano. Fif. teen in constant use in the Cincinnati College of Music. Mutton A: Hamlin Celebrated OriiH. A full line of the above instrtununts always in stock and only authorized agent F. W, HOIOIAXiX, O St. bet. 11th and 12th, Opposite Opera House, .Lincoln, .Neb. tl Ml. Tl Edmund It. l'airtlold. S. T. 1)., I.L. 1)., Olttiti collor, and Professor of Mental, Moral and Politi cal Philosophy. Snnmol Aughey, a. M., I'll. I)., Professor Of Natural Scloucos. 11. K. Hitchcock, a. )., Dean, Professor of Math ematics. George K. Church, a. M.. Professor of Latin Language ami Litortituro. George McMillan, a. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature. G. K. Woodbcrry. a. M.. Prolessor of lthetorlo. and English Literature. Hnrington Emerson, a. M., Professor of .Mod. orn Languages. George K. How aid. a. M., Professor of History 1. T. Webstoi, 1st Lieutenant U. S. A., Profes sor of Military Science and Tactics. Alonzo Collin, a. M., Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics. S. It. Thompson, a. M., Profes-or of Didactics and Agriculture. Harvo.v Onlbortsou, M. S., Professor of Horti culture. Charles N. Little, a. 11., Tutor in Mathematics mid Civil Engineering. Kllon Smith, a. M Instructor in Latin and Greek. Einm.i Itlchardson, Teacher of Painting ami Drawing. S. II. Hohmuiin, Director of Conservatory of Music. Adelaide Dearborn, Teacher or Elocution. l'or catalogue and other Information, address K. R. Hnlrilold, Chancellor, Lincoln, Nebraska. JOEIX KELLY, Merchant Tailor, lllli St. ! Doors North Baptist Church, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fine slock of Gootls. A. E. HARG-REAVER. l'ACKKH or CHOICE AND KANOT Wi n t e r?App les WHOLESALE DKAt.KIl IN IQimctj raccrics, i(jars, mid obncn Fresh. Oysters Dozier-Weyl Cracker CoN Celebrated Goods LINCOLN, NEK J. II. HARLEY. Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. Educational Books Speciality. LINCOLN, NEB. JANSEN BROS. COMPANY, Manufacturers Retailers and Jobbers of FURNITURE West Side of Post Ollko Square. LINCOLN, NEB. Consevvatory of Music. Ktahlished by authority and under the sanction of the Board of Herein. Instruction given in a thorough and systematic manner in all departments of Mufic. Tuition ruiiKiuK from $0.00 to $15.00 per term. tSTiie Vocal Elementary Class is fiiek to all. S. B. 1IOHMANN, Director Avihftt Brails, North Slilo rofttofllro Squurc. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA, DDALEU IN Staple aud Fancy Groceries! Bread, Pies, Cakes, Crackers &c. made daily, And delivered to any part of tho city. Special bargains given to students. Convmercial Hotel, Cor 11 uud V Sts. LINCOLN, - - - NEBltASKA J. J. flMJElOFF, Prop. Turkish, Jtussian, and Salt Water Baths in the Hotel. Cured by Turkish liaths. Geoa&jriM JBoojk 9 Fimmt Fzeoa