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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1882)
THE HESPERIAN S TV DENT. W. H. COLLINS, North Side O St bet. 12 and 18. Vustom Work a Specialty. HE.YH1" IMUG.Jf.l.r. DEALEK IX Stoves fc Itsvx'dwa&rc Opposite P. O. LINCOLN. - - - NEBRASKA. Can sou be louud in the LARGE DOUBLE STORE ON THE CORNER OF 11 Axn M. Thi i Lincoln's Grand, Colossal And Magnificent Store. ffncohf floral gouscrvatonj, Corner G und l?th. The largest Collection of Green Honee plant in the State. Cut flower, floral detlgnt of all dl'cription. fancy basket, etc.. constantly on hand. Tea and Tube rote in bloom. XO MOKE LO.' SITTING! DEXTAL. M. HARRIS, DBXTIST Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver mid Celluloid. AU TTrl GiMramlsoi. OiSee over Newman's store on 0 Street (Between Tenth uti Eleventh ttretM LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Is Making Photographs In stantaneously by the Dry Process Special Kates to STUDENTS! EAST SIDE MjlAKE. GREE FRUIT, FRESH CANDY, BEST CIGARS. No. 0, O Street, Netvs, Boohs, and Toys. Currying the largest stock of periodi cals in Nebraska gives them uu advantage jn filling orders promptly. 4 4 s . h- C. R. T E F F T, DENTIST XltrouH Oxide Gas admistered Whenever desired. Office our Herpolsha'mer't, 0 Stmt, Between Uth and 12A. DR. II. H. WAY, Dentist. Over Phoenix Clothing Hall, Lincoln. Nebraska. DAVID MAY, DE.iI.EK IN CLOTHING!! AND GENTS4 rUSSSISIIISG GOODS. V. E. FARMER, (No. 24 south 11 Street.) Staple and Fancy Groceries, seeds and Feed, Vegetables, Mince Meat, Apple And Quince Butter, Sauerkraut. FLAXAGEX BROS., NEW AXJCOT02 SWOiRSn Next door to Lancaster Oo Bant. Where run be found ali kind, of fur n'nnre, tinware and queenswarr High est ch price pnid for second hand rood of all description. Momv a peck. Wholesale and Ttetnil dealer In Stoves, Hardware, Tinware Woodenwarc. Arc. Arc. A specially of Pocket Knifes, gTFiTtUcUitt Hardware Strt. Uat siil- tlic Square. Lincoln, Net. REMEMBER MAKIUXG Jt WESTEKFIELlVi; Star Shaving Parlor Is the place to jje n fiisl class Shav i.w ten cents: Hair Cutting twenty five cents N. E Cor. 0 and 12 streets. Siffii of a hi? Star 8arttl6to A. M. DAVIS. U'holtntlr and Keltl Itrntrr in 6i Oll'Clolhn, Mattlnjrs.Kus, .Main, Wall Paper, Window Shade. Lace Cmrtiln?. Dsraajlctc, Nor a Eat 0 St. LINCOLN. NEB Make a Socially of ScJiool Books f.VJ gitte fationerB BOHANAN BROS, Proprietor of Iivery And Exchange Stables, SIGN OF BLACK HOUSE. Corner Tenth and N Street.' One eloflk Soath of Post office. Capitol Mack Xrixie, Four Xcw Hacks. Order Slate at Market and Barn. Also Proprietors of CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, 0 Street, Opposite Post Office, Lincoln Nebraska. t3T Give us a call.