THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. I, I She giiij. Largo stfick iK'v books til Fawell's. Have your suits made at W. II. Collins'. Novellies in fine stationery at Fawell's. It pays to buy your millinery of S. W. Harney, 0 Stieet. Special prices to students for furniture Hardy's, lOtb street. Work on the Lincoln & Fremont rail way will begin at once. Neckwear, iho handsomest overseen in Lincoln, at the Phu'nix. Buy your clothing, hats and nobby neck-wear at W. II. Collins'. All the Mudcnts go to Fox & Struvc for their books and stationery. Straw Hals! Straw Hals!! The nob biest in Lincoln at the Pliojnix. For pure Iresh made candy call at the Candy Kitchen, 12th stivi-t, Little's new block. It pays to buy all jrur boots, shoes and slippers of O. W. Webster, O street, Acad einy of .Mush:. S'udenls will find everything they need in the way of stationery and text book? at Fox & Slrme's. The disclosures in regard to the manage moot of the Government building are startling. The Hull steal is I'ullly $10,000. Students will do well to rt-meinber thnt second hand books aie sold low at Branch's fruit and confectionery stand, first door west of Howard House. The preliminary survey of the M. P. railroad has reached Lincoln. Whether the road will be built or not cannot be ascertained at the present epoch. The numbering of the streets and build ings of the city is in progress. It is made necessary by the free delivery of mail which will be established in July. Though not generally known, is is nevertheless a fact that an extensive tan nery has been in operation in Lincoln for feovoral months. Fifteen men are now employed. The quality ( the leather manufactured is said to be first-class. Decoration Day will be observed this year in a manner creditable to the capital oily. The arranironieiiis are in the hands of the ontorprising membeisofthe G. A.R Col. Smythe of Omaha has already been secured to deliver the address. The location of the State Homo for the Friendless in Lincoln is an assured thing. Two thousand dollars has been donated by the cily and five thousand by the state for a. building. There is talk of our use. less dormitory passing into tlm hands of this society. OSGAJi VISITS THE UNIVERSITY. As Mr. Wilde approached the Univer sity Monday morning a casual observer might have seen that he was not happy. Perhaps the building was not aesthetic enough. Perhaps he had stumbled over a heap of ashes on the campus. Possibly he had fallen into a reminder ol Arbor Da' (a hole.) Maybe he was speculating on the probability of being called upon to speak, and then ? Anyhow the gen tlemau from Oxford was unhappy. He entered the hall, gazed pensively, almost sweetly, on the caricatures the product of our "decorative artistic" tendencies on the walls, and Oscar was himself again. Suddenly his eye caught sight of an object at the end ot the passage; his countenance lighted up as he quickened his pace and drew up before the bulletin board of the Union society. "Beautiful," he whispered softly, "beautiful, these yellow lcttersl this U the alphabet of the soul, and this dark background ! you have here a pcrpet ual funeral announcement!" Oscar next visited Prof. Aughey's room. He had heard of our professor, Oscar had, at Oxford, and wished to know him. No one save Heaven saw that interview; we can only conjectuie. I Prof. A. a practical man, (praetiad in conirudis tinction to beautiful.) whose best years have been cheerfully spent in slavish toil for the advancement of science for the use of man, I imagine that he threw a few scientific terms at Oscar, advised him to sell his hair, and continued his work; or he might have said, and doubtless did, "the Beautiful has gone down beneath the 8velling tide of the Useful and it shall never, never, never, rise again," and bade Oscar "good morning." Wilde muttered an oath as he came out. THE HI'EECII. The orator mounted the rostrum, ad. vanced to the altar, made a pathetio appeal to heaven and said : "It is a great honor to me to address the students of any university, but had I known I was to address you, (a smile and another appeal) I would hae spent last evening in preparation of a brilliant impromptu, but what led me to think of the movement which I have instituted lately, was ." Oscar never completed the sentence, but rambled oil' on another jumble of words. There was nothing Making in his remarks, no indication of genius. The speech was a failure. Mr. W. was next shown into the library. A young lady on the opposite side of the room had a sunflower in her hair. Oscar cleared the table at a bound and sought an introduction. He remarked, "Are you a lover of art ? " "No, no, no, Mr. Wilde," she said dreamily, "not ait but poetry I love. Your Beautiful Snow is too, too" Oscar moved away. In the hall ho met another student, a heartless wretch. "Ah," observed Wilde, "you read Kuskiu and me?" "Not Huskin, Oscar, but you I read. I do think your 'Helen's Babies'" Then Oscar pulled his hajr and went out upon the campus. A bad Freshman with more of a vocabulary than morals said: "Oscar, let me show you our dormitory, an imposing pile, most utter structure, n daisy" Clem interfered and Mr. Wilde retired from this pleasant (V) occasion. Just as he was leaving the grounds he saw an old weed which had escaped the vig. llance of the gardener last year. His bosom swelled with emotion and he mur mured sadly, "Oh, too thnt yallor sunllower Apnliibt tho cainpus wall. WhoM a thought that Mich n little eecd Could crowed to he io tall." &. At Geneva College the students are re quired to attend Sabbath School. Harvard talks of changing Iter college color. We are not informed why she objects to crimson. Oscar Wilde, in the course of his lec tuie at 1 Iarvai d, promised to present a statue of a Greek athlete to the Harvard gymnasium. Prof. "What do you do when joti try to explain tho general method ol obtain ing a tangent to a conic section ?" Bright student "Flunk." There is a movement in Wisconsin to move the state capital to Milwaukee, and give the capitol building at Madison to the State University. Virgil informs us, vEneid IV, 235, that yEueas called on Dido one summer night and inquired tenderly: "Ibisue in fcstiv itatem hoc vespertino? " "Non hoc ves pertluo." "Forsitan in alio vespertino." "B'mum vespertinum." And he left. "I never saw a real prize file, but I saw a fut-ball game. First a man kik? the ball. Then the boys each each other round thenexand roll in the mud. Then one man yells helld, and they git up in a lino and the men on the end they danse. Then the boys on the fens they laf. When a man runs with the ball they each him and sit on his neck. Then he gozc home and anuther man takes his place. Then one man kiks tho ball and the uther side yells fowl. Then they sware. My brother Bill, bofore the gahn, sed he was layin' for one of those damfreshmen. When he came down to the feeld in his sute the boys on the fens they yelled, "it came up from New York on the brcze." When he came home with his leg broke I isked him if he fixed the Freshman. And my sister's young man lulled and said not this eve, and Bill he kust."- Athtnaum.