Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 15, 1882, Image 6
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. TUB 01TY. New goods at Bark ley & Briscoe's. Largo stock new boohs at Fawell's. L. J. Bycr is the new chief of police. Novelties iu line stationery at Fawell's. Fashionable Millinery at S. W. liar ney's, O street. Special prices to students for furniture Hardy's, 10th street. The street-sprinklers have commenced their cooling rounds. All the students go to Fox fc Struve for their books and stationery. Bids for the construction of the water works well are advertised for. Go mid see M. II. Guslin to get good harness or buggies, on 11th street. Preserve your natural teeth by having them attended to early by Dr. Way. The chinches of the city were beauti fully decorated with flowers on Easter. For pure fresh made candy call at the Qtindy Kitchen, 12th street, Little's new block. It pays to buy all your boots, shoes and slippers of O. W. Webster, O street, Acad, emy of Music. Students will find everything they need in the way of stationery and text book? at Fox & Strme's. Why not turn the Dormitory into a boarding place exclusively for boys. Tlif" it might be profitable. The Herdic coaches have been with drawn from their routes for several days. The reason assigned is that all the horses belonging to the owners of the line are suffering trom "pinkeye." A state convention of ministers of all denominations has been called to meet in Lincoln Jlay 9th and 10th. The object is to unite the religious interosts in the cause of temper ice. The city election, held on the 4th, was the most hotly contested one Lincoln has ever known. Victory rested with the party advocating enforcement of the law A change in municipal affairs is already noticeable. At last the tempeiance people of Lin coin are at the "top of the heap." For several months they have been agitating mm rcmouBiraiwg and when the com plexion of the council was changed by the city election the saloon men were unable to secure licenses without making important concessions. The gilded pal acus now have nothing to obstruct the view of the irterior from the street and close at the reasonable hour of 10 p.m. SOPIIOMOlUGALOllATOllY-PllWE TWO CEXTS PER CWT. It seems to be n usual thing among college societies for a sort of frenzy or infatuation to unmercifully fall upon and take possession of some members in respect to oratory, debating, etc. My dear would-be orator, please come to your senses! You are not a machine. A suc cession of words sounded loudly and with arms swinging like a wind-mill, will not seriously injure anybody. Or if you put on those gestures and attitudes which you suppose an ideal orator would use, and frame your sentences after the "eloquen tial manner" and sound them forth with precise intonation, mark what I say: You appear a fool to every common sense person who hears you, and iu the most inward inwardness of your conscience you appear, a fool to yourself. You may do this "putting on business" iu a clever way; you may think to yourself, "I've done it up brown," but tton't be de ceived; the intelligent will sec through your cloak as though it were traiispaicut as glass. The rabble will applaud you they always will any piece of foolishness; they will encourage you, iu order that the monotony may be relieved at your ex pense. A college society should not be disgraced by cheap eloquence. Let the politicians have their vicious prize to themselves alone, unmolested. Did you ever see a person that "put on nirs?" They do that to appear refined. In the same way, only infinitely worse, my dear Shooter off of Eloquence, do you appear; infinitely worse, because while on the one hand there are people, even man', who in all their actions are genteel and worthy of respect, yet, on the other hand, not even the greatest orator has his oratory packed up to be shoveled out at will. Those who put on airs try to imi tate qualities which arc present all the time with gentleman or lad', while you try to imitate the qualities and put on the dress of oratory on any or every occasion. The true orator is moved only on yioat occasions to eloquar.ce; you have your dress of oratory ready for all little occa. sions. JJo you see the point? Now In what respect are you infinitely worse thai: those who put on the gentleman or lady? The Hue orator is moved only by great occasions, wheo great affairs are at stake; you put on the assumed passions (acted out with more or of blunder,) of the orator, on ordinary and trifling occasions when nothing is at stake (ex. cept the fact whether you will make a supreme fool of yourself.) The orator is aroused by impending consequences, by the importance of events or acts; ' lives, he has his very being iu them. You dis card place, occasion, interest, and every, thing of advantage, seeding to create possibilities from impossibilities, to invest importance where no importance exisis. My dear sir, consider the maxim, "Teni. perancc iu all things." Give your detp attention to it. You can benefit Immensely ft om adhering to its good sense. It means on ordinary occasions act in u way suit, able to ordinary occasions. In a debate speak to your opponent as if he wen- u person (lor I assure you he really is,) ami not as if he were a volcano, a thunder storm, n inurnicring brook, or a beautiful violet; not as if you and the audience would go to everlasting perdition if the Senate don't pass some particular law. Now, my dear friend, there arc oilier reasons besides the extreme foolishness of the thing why you should quit beinu a transparent hypocritical put-on. One is, if you really have a sincere deaire to be a veritable orator, by these means ou are defeating your aim. Instead of collect ing funny newspaper slang and fitting it into your most precious put.on speech, instead of wasting your time thinking nut words for a palhetical passage that would be appropriate to a sentimental idiot, do you rather go to work iu u more sensible way. If you will examine the prelim inary training of the celebrated oratms, you will find that they never courted the applause of moon struck lovers, noisy street urchins, or of those who are willing to clap the louder and louder in propor tion as the eloquence driver before them seems more and more to be loosing hi senses. No! They have abstained frin that I They have rather sought to increase their supply of wolds, their knowledge - things, and they might even be excus-e.i. as the greatest of them all actually did, l they strengthened their lungs by shouting and yelling against the noise of the roir ing ocean; but never could they he excused, on any occasion or for an) reason whatever, if they twisted and con torted their faces into "dispair," "feat." etc., like elocution classes geneially d Would-be orator, have some sense! H lieve me, the orator is not a fool. He understands men, words, language, thin--, acts, consequences. Above all, he i person most ready to see through hypoc racy. Change vour course, young man ! Cultivate your intellect, establish a severe and uncorruptable character, and espui ally raise the virtue in yourself to ns hi'h a standard as you possibly can. Who was the first uead-head on recoidr Lconidns, for lie held a pass. Song of the medical student: "This world is hut an M. D. void." Buy your boots and shoes at the B. B. store, Tenth street between P and Q. "All's well that ends well," as the mon key said when examining his pretty tail