THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. DAVID MAY, DENTAL. niJALKH IN CLOTHING!! AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 3Sw X& 7. J$M wfc Cim now bo found in the LARGE DOUBLE STORE ON THE CORNER OF 11 and M. This In Lincoln's Grand, Colossal And Magnificent Store. A lull line of Lndlis' Gents' and Child, rcn's Furnishing Good-;, cloaks, dolmans furs, mitts, hoods, hosiery, silks and in short come here for WJEMtl-TJMMvVG ! Lincoln hptl (aii8cruatortt, Coriiur G and 17th. Th' largcut Collection of (Jreon House plants in the Statu. Cut flowers, floral designs of all discretions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Ton and Tube roses in bloom. XO MOItE LONG SITTING! Is Making Photographs In stantaneously by the Dry Process Special Rates to STUDENTS! 4 1 3 C. It. T E F F T, DENTIST Nltroutt Oxide Gin ndmistcred Whenever defrfrcd. Office over Horpolsheimer'x, 0 Street, BtUceen Uth and 12M. fiR. II. II. WAY, Dentist. Over Phumix Clothing Hall, Lincoln. Nebraska. to. o. m a. ar j& pa "xt , KAST 8II)U SQUAltE. GREEN FRUIT, FRESH CANHY, BEST CIGARS. Um & Jfttitfot, '. 0, O Street, News, Boohs, and Toys. Currying the largest stock of period!, cals in Nebraska gives them an advantage in filling orders promptly. J. M. LUCAS. DENTIST, Cor. O and 1Mb Streets, Union Block. LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. 110WY A' FECK. Wholesale and ltotall dealers in- Sloven, Hardware, Tinwur Woodcnware, &c. &c. A specialty of Pocket Knifes. 3T First-clatt Hardware Store Kast side tho Square. Lincoln, Nob. REMEMBER MA1UHNG & WESTKKFIKRiD'S Star Shaving Parlor Is the place to get n first class Shavo for ten cents: Hair Cutting twenty live cents N. E Cor. 0 nud 12 streets. Sign of a big Star A.M. DAVIS, UViolr.alr nnd Itrlnil ilrnltr In Oll-OlotliH, MnttliiifH.HuuN, Matn, "Wall Paper, Window Shades, Laco Curtains, Damask. Ac. Nor a East 0 St. LINCOLN. NK11. M. HARRIS, DENTIST Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Celluloid. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllce over Newman's store on 0 Street (Between Tenth andElovcnth streets,) LINCOLN, NEBHASKA V. E. FARMER, (No. 24 south 11 Street.) Staple and Fancy Groceries, seeds and Feed, Vegetables, Mince Meat, Apple And quince Btatter, Saucrlcram. Make a Specialty of School Books -.f.VM ,gh(e fationqrg G. 31. HARRIS, Proprietor of tho $Bst gnrbcr ghoy, On Oth St. third south of I. FirsUclass work and satisfaction guar anteed. A liberal rec'.uction given to students. Athenian hair tonic for dand ruff. BOHAWAN BBOS, Proprietors of Livery And Exchange Stables, SIGN OF 11I.AOK IIOHSK. Corner Tenth and N Streets. One block South of Post-oflico. Four New Hacks. Order Slato at Market and Barn. Also Proprietors of CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, 0 Street, Opposite Post Office, Lincoln Nebraska, tsy- Give us a call.